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[Projet] Traduction des sous-titres de Shenmue 1 et 2


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Quelle jeux et quelle GD-R ?


Et bien Shenmue2 CD1 ...


Pour ceux qui ont peur de l'overburning: 20sec c'est pas beaucoup (environ 3MB). J'ai testé personnellement avec les cd les plus cheap que j'ai pu trouvé, et 20sec semble tout a fait correcte. De toute façon les fichiers traduit n'auront pas exactement la même taille que les originaux et je compenserai une fois que je les aurai, pour l'instant 80min20sec semble très bien compte tenu qu'il n'y a aucun audio de supprimé. C'est une première en fait.



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Vraiment super ce site, je connaissait déjà, mais j'avais perdu l'adresse.

Incroyable ce qu'il arrive à faire, mais les schémas sont super simple !! Je me demande pourquoi personne ne l'a jamais fait avant ?

Si vraiment il y a un elf-launcher qui sort, je démonte mon vieux linker DS et je me fais un linker dreamcast :D

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Hi again friends,


I'm wondering if can be possible make a own release of Shenmue PAL disc 1 whith the two audio tracks for my upcoming translation.


If is necessary I can rip any multilenguaje files and fit the entire game without downsampling and the 2 audio tracks (am2 logo & yu suzuki logo) in a regular 80 minutes CDROM.


I'm tryng make it, but only I get that 1 audio track -the first one- work....:heu:


I make this process:


-Have a dump of my original GDROM


-Hack 1st_read.bin with hack3.exe 0


-BINHACK with custom IP.BIN in 0 position


-cdda.exe in 1st_read.bin (I suposse to make the LBA of the audio tracks match with CDROM instead GDRom)


-make an iso with mkisofs


-Convert the iso to bin with WinIso


-make a custom .cue with the two audio tracks


-and finally, I make a autoboot CDI with bin2boot util


The release works, but only the first audio tracks is fine, the second when the game try to play it, simply a weird sound is play instead the audio track (I think a error of LBA when searching)




I like try with the Sizious util, mds4dc, but I don't know how I have to type the command:


mds4dc -c? data.iso test.mds and... ¿how can I type well the audio tracks? I try but I don't get the right formula that make the program works...


Can yoy gime an example that can I use it?



Or to advise me how can I make work well with the 2 audio tracks ;)


Please help me :hello:

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Well, don't really remember how to do cdda games, but as far as I know you got to burn your 2 cdda tracks first, get the msinfo number, hack your ip.bin (custom for shenmue1) and 1st-read.bin according to this number. Run cdda.exe on the 1st-read.bin, make an iso out of the data (with the mkisoft numer as the starting LBA). Then burn this data session on the cd in xa1 mode.


I remeber doing that for Toy Commander.


BTW, that's the "old school" way ...




It should looks like something like this, replace XXX with the address of your drive:


cdrecord -dev=X,X,X -dao -multi -audio track01.wav track01.wav
cdrecord -dev=X,X,X -msinfo  -> Remember the number it output!
[binhack your 1st_rea.bin and ip.bin to the msinfo number, then run cdda.exe on 1st-read.bin]
mkisofs -C 0,<msinfo number> -V <CD_NAME>  -l -o data.iso <name_of _folder_containing_files>
cdrecord -dev=0,0,0 -xa1 data.iso


Put the resulting CD into a dreamcast and test it out!


I hope it help!



Modifié par -=FamilyGuy=-
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Thanks for the help friend :)


But i can't get success whith this. cdrecord is not compatible with my recorder and I try other methods with your advise.


I try a lot of things, but is impossible. I have finally a CDROM with the 2 tracks and autoboot working, but the audio tracks don't play in real dreamcast. Is like if the laser is searching for the audio tracks, and can't read it and then continue reading the game :triste:


I get the MSinfo number is 12845. Hack my ip.bin and my 1s_read.bin with this, the cdda.exe and make the iso. Insert the IP.BIN via Ipins and can make the autoboot Alcohol MDS with the 2 tracks and -c option (calculated MSinfo)


The game works but don't play fine the audio tracks. In NullDC 1.0.3 a weird sound when the audio track is playing and then play it. Both of the tracks, but when I record to a CDROM and test in real hardware the dreamcat can't find the audio tracks (the laser hurts to find it :zzz:)


I try other options, like dahack, or make a non boot bin+cue and the make it autoboot, and don't works :reflexiomo6:


The situation is very ironic because my CD is 700mb with the 2 audio tracks, is just like I want, spanish and none of the files of my lenguaje remove or downsampled and the 2 originals CDDA tracks in :jap:


But the audio tracks can't play. I suppose is the lba fix of the 1st_read.bin don't works with cdda, dahack and I try too with a Yursof's util GDFixer 1.0 withour success....:heu:


I'm wondering what can be the mistake that I made and if is possible that this game need 3 dummy audio tracks to work perfect with CDDA...


Please help me, I know I'm closing to get it :bedo:


And of course, THANKS

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Hi, You can use Darkfalz's
for that job, this tool fix the LBA and enable CDDA audio.


The better way to make a working image is to use Sizious's tools (lbacalc and mds4dc)


lbacalc will calculate the exact MSINFO to put in CDDA.exe

mds4dc will make the image with audio included (read the help)

Modifié par MagicSeb
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Thanks MagicSeb for this utils!! I don't have this :)


I try now with CDDAPatcher.exe and the LBA fix in 12845 position. The game works fine in emulator and the audio tracks playing almost fine, the first one have a weird sound when the track is played... :snif:


But in real hardware don't works. The same thing, the game boots, but when it go to the audio tracks, the laser is searching for it and don't play it. When the laser try to read several times without success then the game continues, but without audio tracks :reflexiomo6:


¿Anybody make an iso autoboot of Shenmue 1 CD1 with CDDA tracks? I think that any PAL release -or NTSC too- have audio tracks, all remove it.


I don't know if maybe the lba of this tracks is in another file and don't in 1st_read.bin.. if this is possible :triste:


I suppose that this problem is interesting for your release if you want make a backup autoboot in french with audio tracks for your translation...


I spend many hours, and I don't know what can I do now :heu:


Many thanks!!


P.D: And sorry for my bad english (my french is worst :lol:)

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Thanks MagicSeb for this utils!! I don't have this :)


I try now with CDDAPatcher.exe and the LBA fix in 12845 position. The game works fine in emulator and the audio tracks playing almost fine, the first one have a weird sound when the track is played... :snif:


But in real hardware don't works. The same thing, the game boots, but when it go to the audio tracks, the laser is searching for it and don't play it. When the laser try to read several times without success then the game continues, but without audio tracks :reflexiomo6:


¿Anybody make an iso autoboot of Shenmue 1 CD1 with CDDA tracks? I think that any PAL release -or NTSC too- have audio tracks, all remove it.


I don't know if maybe the lba of this tracks is in another file and don't in 1st_read.bin.. if this is possible :triste:


I suppose that this problem is interesting for your release if you want make a backup autoboot in french with audio tracks for your translation...


I spend many hours, and I don't know what can I do now :heu:


Many thanks!!


P.D: And sorry for my bad english (my french is worst :lol:)


Place your two audio RAW in a special folder, calcul the value in dos with Lbacalc and after put the two tracks in the same folder of the game ( File DATA ).

Normally the good value is 12608 and you must patch the 1ST_READ.BIN before the binhack on LBA 11702.

Modifié par Shendream
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