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[Outil PC] OPL Manager


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Fiche technique :


Nom : OPL Manager

Auteur : danielb

Dernière version : 16

Date dernière version : 31/08/2015

Catégorie : Outil PC

Description : OPL Manager est le complément PC indispensable d'OPL. Il vous facilite la vie en vous permettant : de renommer en qq clics vos isos pour être conformes aux normes d'OPL, télécharger et partager tous les fichiers ART (pochettes avant/arrière, icônes, fond d'écran, screenshots...), d'éditer les infos de vos fichiers cfg pour la page info d'OPL, d'éditer vos fichiers cht...

Téléchargement : LIEN

Source de l'info : psx-scene

Topic officiel : Ici



Screenshots :


L'utilitaire de téléchargement/partage des fichiers ART (voir annexe).


L'éditeur de fichiers cfg.


Changelog :



v.16 2015-08-31

+Added support for locally connected PS2 HDD

+Added support to export game list to CSV file.

+Added a button to get game name from DB on bad iso's tab

+Added a ART Report function

+Added DMA Mode to CFG Editor

+Added GSM settings to CFG Editor

+Added Color background behind the Disc image

+Added more game Genres to CFG Editor

+Added more V-Mode options to CFG Editor

*Fixed Batch download failing with MANY games >500

*Fixed Batch download always downloading the backgrounds

*Fixed Batch download not remembering settings.

*Fixed Batch share start button not enabling.

*Fixed titles with >32 characters not getting detected as bad

*Fixed crash if the ISO file was invalid/corrupt

*Changed CFG Editor Region to V-Mode

*Joined USB and Normal mode

*Fixed ELPSA rating

*Fixed infinite loop if wrong OPL folder selected



v.15 2015-06-05

*Fixed sorting reseting when closing any of the sub window

*Fixed re-focus game list after closing a sub window

*Changed from 7Zip to .NET DiscUtils to get gameID from the ISO

*Fixed wrong title for "Share ART" screen

*Changed Batch Art Download to download all type of ART

*Fixed again, getting the games with HDL Dump

*New server communication protocol

+New FTP file sync to PS2

+Tool to create ISOs from CD/DVD and other image files

+New Game ART Manager! Old one kept just in case.

+Support for USB Extreme/Advance (ul.cfg) games!


v.14 2014-12-13

*Fixed crash when renaming a game in bad iso tab...

*Fixed network mode not deleting games

*Fixed game listing performance with many games

*Added Italian and Russian translations


v.13 2014-10-26

*Fixed crash when using some functions without any games

*Fixed some confusion with some ratings systems

*Cleaned a lot of unused code

*Fixed a lot of bad programming

*Fixed checking invalid ART size before upload

+Added ELSPA rating

+Added support to manage games with hdl server and ftp (WIP)

+Added Chinese and French translations


v.12 2014-07-15

+Now multilanguage

+New Language: Portuguese (pt)

+New Language: Spanish (es)

+Cheat Editor

*Added new genres to CFG Editor

*Fix error when game title had invalid characters

*Rearranged CFG Editor GUI


v.11 2014-05-16

+Anonymous app usage data. (can opt-out)

+ART and SCR count on status bar.

*Option to disable auto update check on startup

*Fixed CFG Editor players text size

*Fixed file-browser default file name


v.10.1 2014-05-13

*Quick fix for v10 not saving the folder.


v.10 2014-05-09

*Fixed Screenshot browser crash


v.9 2014-05-02

+Game Hasher MD5

*Fixed VMC wrong filename (.bin.bin)


v.8 2014-04-29

+Auto update checker

+Game List Order

*Batch screenshot recode for better efficiency

*Fixed crashes ps2linux is offline

*Removed lost button in cfg upgrade window


v.7 2014-04-22

*Fixed asking to create vmc when it already exists

*Fixed having to wait a moment between screenshot upload, otherwise a error would show up

+Added batch screenshot sharing!


v.6 2014-04-22

+CFG Editor!!

+VMC creator (inside cfg editor)

+Support for screenshots!

+Filter game list

+Ability to double click a game and launch some app

+Added a handy button to open the OPL folder in windows explorer!

+Added support for my own art database (@


v.5 2014-03-06

+Batch Cover and Disc downloading!

+Cleaner for ART folder!

+Now checks if theres ART CD DVD folders on startup!


v.4 2014-03-04

+Cover and disk icon downloading!

+Now checks if ALL iso's file extension is .iso lowercase


v.3 2014-03-03

+ISO renaming!

+Now detects bad named iso's on startup!


v.2 2014-03-01

*Fixed crash selecting OPL folder in XP

*Fixed File=>Exit button not working

*Fixed Settings=>Set OPL folder not working

+Added global stats

+Added "Type" column to game list


v.1 2014-03-01

*First release



Annexe (concernant les fichiers ART, type, format, syntaxe pour les noms, etc...) :









Format recommandé


Taille recommandée








Pochette avant|









Page ppale



Icône disque|









Page ppale



*cherche un nom*|







SXXX_123.45_SCR.jpg SXXX_123.45_SCR2.jpg


Page info



Fond d'écran|









Page ppale



Pochette arrière|









Page info





Modifié par ShaoliAss
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