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[Topic unique] Hardware PS3 et accessoires [Immersion, retournement de vestes & Co]

bad wolf

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de nouvelles infos concernant la PS3 version Euro :


AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The European version of PlayStation 3 will play fewer

PlayStation 2 video games when it launches on March 23 compared with models launched earlier in Japan and America, Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news) (6758.T) said on Friday.


"The backwards compatibility is not going to be as good as the U.S. and Japan models," a Sony spokesman said.


PlayStation 3 (PS3) was first launched in Japan and North America in November and the model that will be introduced in Europe will be designed differently.

Software will take over some of the functionality that was originally taken care of by dedicated chips, which means far fewer PlayStation 2 (PS2) games can be played on a European PS3 compared with the Japanese and American PS3 models which play 98 percent of old games.


"Sony is managing expectations by saying now that the new console will play fewer of the old games, and that's a good thing," said analyst Alex Kwiatowski at British market research group Vertical Market Technologies.


Over the last 18 months Sony has had a series of public relations disasters, including a recall of nearly 10 million of its computer batteries, PS3 delays and a software program on Sony Entertainment music CDs that breached computer security.


Kwiatowski said gamers with a PS2 would have to hold onto their device to play their current collection.


"I'm as disappointed as the next game player about the reduced backward compatibility, but even the most nostalgic, misty-eyed gamers will have their steely hearts impressed by the new features that PS3 games provide," Kwiatowski said.


The PS3's graphics and sound capabilities are much improved over the PS2.


"Rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3," Sony Computer Entertainment said in a statement.


About one million units will be available at the European launch next month, as many as were made available in the United States during the first six weeks after the launch last year.


Sony loses money at first on each PS3 sale due to high production costs.


But Nobuyuki Oneda, Sony's chief financial officer, said in January the company aims to bring the negative PS3 margin to break even toward the second half of the next business year, which starts in April, by component cost savings on chips driving the PS3.



En gros : plus de rétrocompatibilité PS1/PS2 hardware

c'était à prévoir, mais pas aussi rapidement


il y aura certainement moins de jeux PS1/PS2 compatibles


Par contre, vu que c'est désormais logicielle, on peut peut-être espérer un upscale des jeux en 720p/1080p (un peu comme sur x360)



le site pour vérifier les jeux compatibles :

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mouai, ca va, enfin moi je suis pas un PS2 ou PS1 gamer donc a vrai dire, je m'en fou completement mais ca peut biensur en faire chier plus d'un ... A mon avis, y'aura quand meme beaucoup de titre jouable ... Si c'est via Software, ca veux dire que les titres peuvent etre ajoutés au fur et a mesure non ? Donc imaginons que San Andreas marche pas sur la PS3 Eur. ils peuvent decider de sortir des patch pour pouvoir y jouer non ? Enfin bon, San andreas sera jouable a mon avis :bnc:
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Et comme les jeux PS2 (je pense à FF XII par exemple) sont zonés : pour le moment pas moyen de jouer avec une US ou JAP...


Kwiatowski said gamers with a PS2 would have to hold onto their device to play their current collection.


Et quand on en a pas hein ?? Coup de poignard dans l'dos moi je dis :(

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