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[Projet] Traduction des sous-titres de Shenmue 1 et 2


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Hi again, friends.


I'm happy because the release of new version of your tools, thanks :wahou:


But I have a doubt, as you know I'm actually translating disc 1 of Shenmue to the spanish and until now I don't have any problem.


I mean, I have all the cinematic scenes of the first disc already translated this is all the AFS in \SCENE\01\STREAM except HUMANS.AFS and FREE01.AFS.


Then I can see you in the freequest subtitles editor make the advise that the files translated with the old shen_aio_subseditor are bad hacked and can work randomly in the real console...


what this mean? I don't understand. I have translated several NPC in Freequest mode of the file FREE01.AFS and work well in the console. What kind of problem can be make?


I test it with differents characters and seems work 100%. What should I do to continue? Finish the FREE01.AFS with the Shen_aio_subseditor and then starting open HUMAN.AFS and translating the files with the new freequest subtitles editor?


I am confused, don't understand well. Cinematics Subtitles Editor is for all the AFS except FREE01.AFS & HUMANS.AFS? Or FREE01.AFS can be translated with Shenmue AiO subtitles Editor.


Thanks for your help!!!!

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Ok, thanks.


But in Free Quest Subtitles Editor 2.0 seems make reference to HUMANS.AFS:


"4. You should have now a lot of ".xml" files in the "BAD_PKS" folder that

contain subtitles extracted from *BAD HACKED* files. These ".xml" files must

be imported into *CLEAN* NPC files. To get *CLEAN* NPC files, simply get

them from a clean HUMANS.AFS extraction. Extract these new files in a

directory of your choice (I call it "CLEAN_PKS")."


Is AIO Freequest Editor should be used only with Free01.afs and HUMANS.AFS?

Cinematics Editor should be used only with all others afs?


Sorry for my ignorance :triste:


And by the way I post here some screenshots of my spanish translation:





















Best regards!

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Is AIO Freequest Editor should be used only with Free01.afs and HUMANS.AFS?

Cinematics Editor should be used only with all others afs?


This post was written to clarify some things.


There are in this project 2 differents editors:


  • Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor (formely knows as Shenmue AiO Subtitles Editor): This editor was made to translate every SRF files found in AFS files. This's including each AFS in "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM". Each Shenmue is concerned about this file structure.
  • Shenmue AiO Free Quest Subtitles Editor: This editor is ONLY for PKS files in the HUMANS.AFS. NPC (Non-playing characters) in Shenmue II must be modified with this editor. For this game (only this game then??), subtitles in FREExx.AFS do NOT have ANY effect in the game.

So to resume how to translate the Shenmue series ?


  • What's Shenmue (DC) :
    • Translating cinematics: ?
    • Translating Free Quest: ?


    [*]Shenmue I (DC) :

    • Translating cinematics: Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor, modifying SRF files located in each AFS of the "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM" directory.
    • Translating Free Quest: Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor, modifying SRF files inside FREExx.AFS located in the "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM\" directory (based on the Ryo Suzuki post, because modifying PKS in the HUMANS.AFS in this game don't have any effect in-game?)


    [*]Shenmue II (DC & XBOX) :

    • Translating cinematics: Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor, modifying SRF files located in each AFS of the "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM" directory.
    • Translating Free Quest: Shenmue Free Quest Subtitles Editor, modifying each PKS files inside HUMANS.AFS located in the "\SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\NPC" directory.


If this resume is correct i'll include it in next releases.


I don't know why but each game have a HUMANS.AFS with practically the same structure, but it seems that subtitles table inside each PKS files (in the HUMANS.AFS) are ONLY used in Shenmue II. But the strange thing is that in Shenmue II, there is a FREExx.AFS with SRF inside too!!! And these SRF files doesn't seems to have any effect in game, in the others games, it's the contrary...


For Shenmue II, try to contact Shendream he's translating Shenmue II in french so he knows everything about this game.


For Shenmue I, i don't know very much about it. I know there is a HUMANS.AFS with PKS inside in this game too, and I have modified my Free Quest editor a little bit to allow the read of theses files (because Free Quest editor was made for Shenmue II in the beginning, because we knows that's the HUMANS.AFS in Shenmue II must be translated, NOT the FREExx.AFS!). But i don't know if I need to modify theses files in Shenmue I / What's Shenmue to translates subtitles.


It's complicated as you see and my english is poor, so don't hesitate to write here if you don't understand things.



Modifié par SiZiOUS
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For Shenmue I, i don't know very much about it. I know there is a HUMANS.AFS with PKS inside in this game too, and I have modified my Free Quest editor a little bit to allow the read of theses files (because Free Quest editor was made for Shenmue II in the beginning, because we knows that's the HUMANS.AFS in Shenmue II must be translated, NOT the FREExx.AFS!). But i don't know if I need to modify theses files in Shenmue I / What's Shenmue to translates subtitles.


If in Shenmue I, the HUMANS.AFS doesn't have any effect in-game, and if we are sure that SRF files inside the FREExx.AFS contains Free Quest subtitles, I can create a "HUMANS.AFS" shrinker to truncate the useless data inside the HUMANS.AFS.


For Shenmue II, I can do a FREExx.AFS "SRF" shrinker too.


Translating in french :


Je remets en français le truc parce que je suis pas sûr de me faire comprendre. C'est assez compliqué en fait.


Pour tous les Shenmue, il faut dissocier la traduction des cinématiques et des textes en Free Quest (quête libre). Du moins je le croyais...


Quand j'ai commencé le projet mon premier job était uniquement de développer un éditeur pour traduire les personnages Free Quest de Shenmue II. Car pour Shenmue II c'est bien deux choses différentes: Les cinématiques se traduisent avec les SRF des fichiers AFS, alors que les Free Quest se traduisent avec les PKS du fichier HUMANS.AFS. Les formats sont très différents, d'où 2 éditeurs différents.


C'est alors que pendant le développement de la v2.0 de l'éditeur Free Quest j'ai eu l'idée de regarder pour Shemue I et What's Shenmue ce qu'il en est. C'est alors que j'ai vu qu'il y'avait également un HUMANS.AFS pour chacun de ces deux jeux, HUMANS.AFS qui contenait en plus des PKS selon le même format que Shenmue II (ou presque) ! J'ai donc adapté mon code pour lire les PKS de Shenmue I / What's Shenmue.


Seulement je m'aperçois avec le post de Ryo Suzuki qu'avec Shenmue I, il a traduit les NPC de la même façon que les cinématiques: avec les SRF situés dans le FREExx.AFS. Et pourtant, il y'a bien un HUMANS.AFS dans ce jeu !


Ce qui présume donc que les textes contenus dans l'HUMANS.AFS de Shenmue I ne servent à RIEN dans le jeu! Et pourtant, dans Shenmue II, c'est le contraire: c'est les sous titres contenus dans l'HUMANS.AFS qui sont utilisés dans le jeu, et pourtants tous les jeux ont chacun un FREExx.AFS avec des SRF dedant mais également un HUMANS.AFS...


Un VRAI casse-tête! Déjà pourquoi deux fois la mêmes infos dans deux endroits différents (dans l'HUMANS.AFS & les FREExx.AFS sous forme de SRF) ???


Donc dans le cas où on sait précisement ou modifier pour chacun des jeux je peux faire un outil qui supprimerais les infos redondantes (de façon propre évidemment) pour économiser de la place. Car comme vous avez vu, le fichier HUMANS.AFS fait pas mal de MB (100MB...) donc si la moitié des infos qu'il contient ne sert à rien, autant virer tout ça !

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Oui dans Shenmue 1 il y'a FREE0x.AFS et HUMAIN.AFS, si on modifis un NPC depuis HUMAIN.AFS, in-game il ne se passera rien du tout, parcontre si on modifis dans FREE0x.AFS la parcontre on aura les modifications.


D'ailleur si on suprime dans FREE0x.AFS tout les .SRF, les sous titres seront encore visible.


En gros FREE0x.AFS et lue en 1er puis s'il ne trouve pas les infos rebascule sur HUMAIN.AFS


L'idée de Shendream été de suprimer tout les .SRF de FREE0x.AFS et de modifier uniquement HUMAIN.AFS comme il le fait sur Shenmue II.

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Thanks for the explanation my friend.


I don't have really sure what is inside HUMANS.AFS :drink:


I been working in all the AFS except the 2 monsters HUMANS.AFS & FREE01.AFS. When I finish it I started with FREE01.AFS, and I test with several characters in order to check if are working and show the translated subtitles in the game.


I finish translated several files inside FREE01.AFS, like F1004.SRF for all the Fuku-san speech in FREE Quest in all the first disc, F1005.SRF in this case all of the dialogues with Ine-san, etc.


I look a HUMANS.AFS and I see the same dialogues for characters that I already translated usind de SRF inside FREE01.AFS. Then I conclude that this files is repeat in this 2 archives, but I'm sure wich is using in the game: FREE01.AFS.


Anyway, I'm wondering, I suspect that I will have work around HUMANS.AFS. Thinking in the fact of possible characters in the game of minior importance (like the gilrs saying: I don't talk with strangers :DD ) are in this file... but I don't really sure.


Why? Because I don't finish yet FREE01.AFS, is a lot or work, and I have been thinking when i finish this file I have much hard work with HUMANS.AFS :fou: , but if you say the truth, then when I finish FREE01.AFS... I finish all the FREE QUEST ;)


I am a little confuse, maybe the two files are in some way linking information:heu:


And other thing I don't understand is... why you say that the files on FREE01.AFS translated whit the old AIO Editor is bad hacked and can don't work well in real Dreamcast? I have all working 100%, I think all the Shenmue 1 can be translated with Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor and the files working without problem. Is that true?

Modifié par Ryo Suzuki
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And other thing I don't understand is... why you say that the files on FREE01.AFS translated whit the old AIO Editor is bad hacked and can don't work well in real Dreamcast? I have all working 100%, I think all the Shenmue 1 can be translated with Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor and the files working without problem. Is that true?

It's the old FREE QUEST editor (before v2.0) that's corrupting PKS files inside the humans.AFS, not the AIO Editor.


I think all the Shenmue 1 can be translated with Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor and the files working without problem. Is that true?
Check my prev post, i just wondering if it's true or not :)
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ptite question

pour shenmue 1 le projet avance ou pas ? ca me démange les doigts tres fortement depuis peu , mon projet ps3 n'avance pas pour differente raisons et vu que je dois attendre la fin du mopis , j'ai envie de bidouiller un peu

si bous avez un peu de taff a me refiler je suis chaud

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