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GDC Keynote Details



Iwata speaks.

by IGN Staff

March 23, 2006 - Live updates from Satoru Iwata's keynote






10:30: Keynote delayed a few minutes.

10:45: The keynote begins. GDC conference director takes the stage and introduces Iwata.


10:48: Talks about Nintendo's positioning in the market. Mentions how Pepsi is #1 in soft drinks worldwide by executing a disruptive strategy. Every developer understands that the three basic foodgroups are Cheetos, Dorritos and Fritos. (laughter)


10:50: The game industry is ready for disruption. Talks about the power of the DS and how it disrupted the market.


10:55: Talks about Brain Training. Introduces the concept of the title: using software to stimulate brain activity.


10:58: Tells story about how the prototype was demoed, they were measure the impact with a brain scanning device. Nintendo has been spending a lot of time on this.


10:59: Retailers and sales people questioned the title -- "it's not even a game."


11:01: Introduces Bill Trinen (NOA).


11:02: Showing a DS playing Brain Age. Not really a game -- more an interactive training program. He shows off "Quick Play." DS is turned sideways (as IGN readers know from our coverage of the game). Bill shows off the main mode, including the different mental exercises which appear in random sequence. Exercises include counting, math, ability to read text out loud, etc. The content of the exercises is randomly generated so that users can't remember sequences and have to adjust on the fly. Shows off graphs tracking improvement. Stresses importance of the DS's unique features, such as recognition of hand writing and voice recognition.


11:06: Bill invites people up on stage: Jamil Moledina (the director of the GDC), Geoff Keighley ( host), and developer Will Wright. The three try out Brain Age and compete in an arithmetic challenge. Bill beat everyone, of course. Another competition. Will wins this time.


11:12: Iwata takes back the mic and talks about the simple but addictive appeal of Brain Age. Calls the title one of the biggest successes. The development came from the idea that people wanted something new. The only real way to demonstrate the appeal of these games is to let people try them -- found that consumers without interest in games were soon hooked. Encourages gamers to share the title with their non-gamer friends and even parents. Iwata promises each person in attendance a free copy of the game to share with their families.


11:16: Nintendo is taking a different approach to technology, but also find a way to make it attractive to everyone. Says network gaming has been around since 1998, but Nintendo Wi-Fi evolves it in a unique way that opens it up to a new audience. Elaborates on challenges and successes of the Wi-Fi project. Connection process needs to be simple. Some may find it more fun to play strangers, others like to challenge friends. One million unique players in only 18 weeks -- 29 million gaming sessions so far. It took competitors more than a year to reach that number.


11:22: We've added a new title to use the service: Metroid Prime Hunters. Invites Bill back on stage to demo the game. Another competition: Bill against the creators of the game. Introduces the different ways to battle, including the morph ball.


11:29: Iwata takes the stage. There's one more new adventure for you today: Zelda DS. Short clip plays: cel-shaded-style graphics. Top screen: mostly maps. Action is on the lower screen. Use touch screen to draw things -- transitioning the bottom screen input to the top. Launches later this year -- from Aonuma and team (makers of Wind Waker).


11:31: Iwata is asked all the time: How did you get the idea for the Revolution controller. Elaborates on how some people are afraid to touch regular game controllers. With that in mind Nintendo created lots of prototypes to arrive at the current design.


11:34: Reiterates backwards compatibility to all previous Nintendo titles and the need for the controller to function with it. Said after back and forth and taking in all the needs, they arrived (back) at the remote control concept.


11:37: Games specifically developed for the SEGA Genesis and for the TurboGrafx console will also be playable on Nintendo Revolution. Not all of them -- but the best of them will be.


11:38: Most important story is still to be told: how developers will work with the new consoles. Huge amounts of money are needed to market games, to create the elaborate graphics, etc. Elaborates on Nintendo's desire to do something different -- provide solutions for people with great ideas. Nintendo understands importance of graphics. Games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid will all look better than ever. But those will not be the only types of games. Stresses innovation. Essential to reach new audience: younger people, older people. Nintendo is commited to creating a development environment that lets developers and publishers expand and express themselves. In a few weeks, you will play and see and understand our philosophy. Videogames are meant to be one thing: fun.


11:44: Thanks everyone for inviting him.


Conference ends.







Related press release (hit the wire during the conference):




SAN JOSE, Calif., March 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Nintendo President Satoru Iwata today challenged a crowd of game developers to think differently and take a fresh approach to the creation of video games. During his keynote address at the Game Developers Conference in San Jose, Calif., Iwata said Nintendo will provide developers with the tools they need to disrupt the traditional methods of game creation, much as the company already has. (Photo: (Logo: These tools include the controller for Nintendo's next home console (code-named Revolution), which lets users control the action on their television screens through the motion of the controller itself. The controller lets game developers create new kinds of gaming experiences, ones that enhance the experience for hard-core gamers while making video games more accessible and less intimidating to novices. The new forms of innovative software that can be created by any size developer will be made available for download via Revolution's Virtual Console service. "This new approach is like stepping onto an unexplored continent for the first time, with all the potential for discovery that suggests," Iwata said. "No one else can match the environment we're creating for expanding the game experience to everyone. Our path is not linear, but dynamic." Iwata also announced partnerships with Sega and Hudson to offer downloadable access to their classic games via Revolution's Virtual Console. Revolution owners will be able to relive their past gaming glories from the Sega Genesis console by playing a "best of" selection from more than 1,000 Genesis titles, as well as games sold for the TurboGrafx console (a system jointly developed by NEC and Hudson). These games join Revolution's access to 20 years of fan-favorite Nintendo games from the NES®, Super NES® and Nintendo® 64 eras. Iwata also revealed for the first time that a new game called The Legend of Zelda®: Phantom Hourglass would be released for Nintendo DS later this year. Iwata, a game developer himself, revealed behind-the-scenes stories about the development of three key initiatives. For the industry leading Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, internal engineers and developers overcame a series of hurdles to make the system seamless and flexible enough to allow players to choose to play wirelessly either with friends or against unknown opponents. The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection reached 1 million unique users in just 18 weeks -- nearly five times the adoption rate of the leading online game console network. He described a pivotal meeting in coming to agreement on development of the incredibly popular "brain games" in Japan. A leading Japanese scientist attached a sci-fi-looking wired helmet to a Nintendo staffer and then visually demonstrated stimulation of brain activity as the staffer played prototype software. Finally, he described the hundreds of sketches, dozens of prototypes and company-wide collaboration that led to the final form of the unique Revolution controller system, which resembles a traditional TV remote control. He called the related research and manufacturing costs of the new control system, "...our method to disrupt the market...realizing a new way to connect a player to his game."




source : ign. com

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Ouep en claire rien sur la revo, pas encor de nouveau nom ex...


oici les premières informations issues de la conférence Nintendo :


- La Megadrive sera jouable via la console virtuelle de la Revolution. Sega Europe et Sega America vient de faire cette annonce que personne n'attendait et qui réjouira tout les gamers ayant fait leurs armes durant la période des 16 bits. Tous le catalogue de la Megadrive ne sera pas disponible mais on retrouvera à coup sur les plus grands succès de cette console.


- Les titres d'Hudson parus sur la Turbographx seront également disponibles sur la console virtuelle. Nostalgie quand tu nous tiens !


Source :

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En gros, on en sait pas beaucoup plus sur les secrets!!! Faudra bien attendre jusqu'à l'E3. Mais on a quand même de bonnes nouvelles !!! La confirmation de la présence des jeux SEGE de la GENESIS et de la Turbografx et des jeux Hudson !!!


Revolution owners will be able to relive their past gaming glories from the Sega Genesis console by playing a "best of" selection from more than 1,000 Genesis titles, as well as games sold for the TurboGrafx console (a system jointly developed by NEC and Hudson). These games join Revolution's access to 20 years of fan-favorite Nintendo games from the NES®, Super NES® and Nintendo® 64 eras.


L'arrivée de jeux video intelligents voilà peut-être ce qui manquait !! La consolle virtuelle permettra de réaliser soit même ses jeux et de les mettre à disposition


The new forms of innovative software that can be created by any size developer will be made available for download via Revolution's Virtual Console service. "This new approach is like stepping onto an unexplored continent for the first time, with all the potential for discovery that suggests," Iwata said. "No one else can match the environment we're creating for expanding the game experience to everyone. Our path is not linear, but dynamic."


L'arrivée d'un Zelda sur DS fait plaisir !!!

The Legend of Zelda®: Phantom Hourglass



Le système Wi-fi sera facile et flexible pour permettre de jouer contre des amis ou contre des inconnus.


For the industry leading Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, internal engineers and developers overcame a series of hurdles to make the system seamless and flexible enough to allow players to choose to play wirelessly either with friends or against unknown opponents.


La phrase finale que je préfére ::: "...our method to disrupt the market...realizing a new way to connect a player to his game."


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Oué encore une fois que du vent, rien du tout a cette conférence hormis de l'auto satisfaction "oué notre DS se vend trop bien, nos jeux sont trop bien"


Oh et la mega surprise !!!! zelda sur DS j'avoue que c'est vraiment énorme comme new personne ne s'y attendez à un opus de la série zelda sur DS


Bref attendons l'E3 et à l'E3 on dira attendons le TGS

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tu vas pas nous dire que t'attender la surprise?

Et puis bon, elle t'interess vraiment cette console? je ne croie pas donc à quoi sa te ser de poster des commentaires comme ça..., j'ais l'impression qu'a chaque fois que tu post dans le topic revo, de vouloire crée une tite guéguére..., un new zelda serte on si attender, mais la on est dans le topic revo hein , puis on l'a dit, c'etai pas sur qu'il en dise gros sur la revo..., bref nous rest que l'e3...

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Topic révo concernant le GDC ? bah y'a rien eu c'est bien ça le problème.

Les jeux megadrive c'est un bonus et non un argument même la PSP peut les faire tourner officieusement.


Sony se sont remués pour mettre fin aux rumeurs concernant la PS3, nintendo rien ils s'en foutent.


Et zelda DS ca pressé pas alors que zelda TP ca fait combien d'année que les joueurs GC l'attendent ? ils en ont même pas parlé.



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et encore un bureaucrate à la Square qui trouvé que le temps de développement d'un jeu doit ce dérouler en 1 ou 2 ans maximum


les meilleurs jeux sont ceux qui prennent les plus longtemps à être développé ( The Elder Scroll et Nomad Soul en sont la preuve )

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Oui itachigo c'est kler qu'on est deçu, enfin moi jy croyer en une possbile date, ou pirx de la console , et tien je pensser même voire les premier images de jeux revo (si si ) mais c'est kler qu'ils en fon un peut trop la nintendo , je c'est pas moi j'ais l'impression qu'il le fon expres des fois de ne pas démentir qu'el que rumeurs... histoire quon parle un peut plus de la revo..., sa commence a devenire lassan a force , mais la si a l'e3 pas d'images de jeux..., je crie au scandale
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