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[Tuto] Convertir un .mkv en Vob sans perte de qualité !


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La limite des 4Go ne concerne que les Divx, restriction qui a d'ailleurs été retirée sauf erreur.


Je parlais de splitter le film en fichiers de 4gb pour utiliser un hdd externe formaté en FAT32 pour copier les fichiers sur la PS3


J'ai l'impression que la confusion règne...


J'abandonne, désolé, si qqn veut prendre la relève... :hello:

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:grr:Toujours ce message moi que faire?:grr:


J'ai désinstallé tout les codec j'ai ensuite tout réinstallé rien a faire sa ne marche pas,pourtant mon PC peut TOUT lire une idée? peut on installé des codec manuellement,c'est surtout la AAC qui me pose problème.



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Perso, jamais eu de fenêtre de la sorte. Par contre, il arrive que des mkv ne soient pas converti du tout, ou 0.5 seconde, avec un fichier résultant de quelques Mo... ou sinon un film converti, mais en deux exemplaires accolés. Désolé.
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:grr:Toujours ce message moi que faire?:grr:


J'ai désinstallé tout les codec j'ai ensuite tout réinstallé rien a faire sa ne marche pas,pourtant mon PC peut TOUT lire une idée? peut on installé des codec manuellement,c'est surtout la AAC qui me pose problème.








La conversion du AAC n est pas encore prise en charge par le programme, vous n y pouvez rien :jap:

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bonjour tout le monde,


je me tient juste au courant de l'avancé de mkv2vob. Est-il enfin capable (meme s il n est pas fait pour ca j ai bien compris) de garder la même taille du fichier durant la conversion? tous mes mkv font 4,37 et sortent à plus de 4,8, donc j peux pas les graver... et je le souhaite vraiment...

lorsqu'il change de conteneur, il est obligé d'augmenter la taille du fichier ?


merci encore à vous

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Je tenais juste a faire un petit post pour lister les mises a jour qui sont sorties depuis la creation du tuto (Jan 08)



V2.2.3 1/May/2008

Fixed some ac3 streams not accepted by tsmuxer (muxing failed error).

Added check if your windows regional settings interfere with math decimal functions and show a warning to change it (can cause disk space errors or out of sync if not fixed).

Added check on the return values of some tools, to better detect crashes that still result in a "success" status even though it failed.

Updated tsmuxer to 1.8.4(b)


V2.2.2 8/Apr/2008

Fixed sometimes xvid output not playable on ps3.

Fixed low quality x264 transcoding if source bitrate > 10mbps.

Other minor fixes.

Updated tsmuxer to 1.7.3(b)


V2.2.1 4/Apr/2008

Sorry in last version it was working fine then before uploading i updated tsmuxer to latest version which caused problems.

Fixed crash on .ts files (due to tsmuxer changed the format of the "stream info" line).

Downgraded tsmuxer to 1.6.3(b) due to bugs in latest version causing it to completely not work on some files.


V2.2.0 3/Apr/2008

Added multi-core transcoding support.

Added support for .TS as input file, will automatically join split .ts files in the format abc.0001.ts etc...

Added Hebrew subtitle support.

Added AAC 2 channel (stereo) support.

Fixed bug where rar set would not be deleted if you select the delete source option.

Fixed bug where some x264 transcoded files would be small filesize and very bad quality.

Updated tsmuxer to 1.7.2(b)


V2.1.2 26/Mar/2008

Added check if write access is allowed on temp and destination folder (would cause mkv parse error in previous versions).

Fixed "File not found" error.


V2.1.1 25/Mar/2008

Added option to increase subtitle size.

Added missing vorbis.dll and ogg.dll (for avi splitting).

Removed automatic xvid 2GB splitting as no longer needed with new ps3 firmware.

Updated tsmuxer to 1.6.3(b)

Splitting now uses tsmuxer's new split function for added speed.


V2.1.0 5/Mar/2008

Added XviD and x264 transcoding options.

Fixed wrong center/right channel order in AAC conversion.

Fixed some subtitle letters in latin character set incorrectly rendered (French, Spanish, etc...).

Fixed incorrect rendering of Chinese and Arabic characters.

Fixed out of sync on files mixed with NTSC video and PAL audio (untested, someone send me a sample if it doesnt work).

Work around tsmuxer bug with comma in file or directory name (causes Muxing Failed error).

Various other small code changes I forgot.



V2.0.5 26/Feb/2008

Updated tsmuxer to 1.3.6

Fixed Overscan Compensation not working.

Fixed SRT files not in UTF-8 special characters replaced with underscore.

Fixed Greek character encoding for subtitles.


V2.0.4 25/Feb/2008

Added Always Encode Subtitles option.

Added Load Subtitles from SRT option (put srt file in same folder as mkv with same name).

Added Overscan Compensation option (if subtitles look cut off on your tv).

Added more detailed descriptions for config options.

Added various other small improvements.

Fixed "Insufficient Disk Space" error where your decimal seperator of your OS is not a dot (some foreign windows versions).

Fixed "Type mismatch" run time error for some people.



V2.0.3 final 24/Feb/2008

Fixed broken AAC to DTS conversion.

Fixed error extracting mkv if audio is ac3 and subtitles on.

Final version, tested on xp working completely.


V2.0.2 beta 24/Feb/2008

Added subtitles support.

Removed need for h264info.

Updated tsmuxer.

Remux now 300-400% faster.

Updated disk space check to ignore 0 result, and provide a more detailed error.

Tweaked loader.exe so it does not set off nod32.


V2.0.1 beta 22/Feb/2008

Added boost AAC/DTS volume option.

Fixed overflow crash.

Fixed file splitting cut off after 2gb.


V2.0.0 beta 22/Feb/2008

Im making this a beta because its untested with windows xp (i only have vista)

Completely new GUI with tons of features so I probably forgot to list them all.

Allows set temp directory.

Set preferred audio language.

File splitting (FAT32, DVD-R etc...)

Select a rar file and it automatically unrar and convert the mkv.

Queue multiple files for batch processing.

Queue entire directory for batch processing.

Support files with AAC audio (converts to AC3).

Checks if enough free disk space before each step.

Faster mpeg2 transcoding.

Automatically checks for and downloads updates each time its started.

Fixed bug with mpeg2 stuttering in the beginning and then out of sync.

Fixed bug with files encoded with latest x264.exe might be unnecessarily transcoded.

KNOWN BUG: tsmuxer crashes after muxing mpeg2 video, i have worked around this for vista by autoclose the crash window, for xp you probably have to click end task manually.

KNOWN BUG: split files might have a few seconds of video corruption in the beginning, i dont know how to find the keyframes sorry, i worked around this by duplicating the first few seconds at the end of the previous file.

POSSIBLE BUG: The filesize used for splitting is done using file sizes from specifications on wikipedia, i have not tested if it actually fits on fat32,dvd-r etc..

WARNING: Be careful with the "delete file/folder" after convert option, it might not detect all possible failures/crashes of the conversion tools.


V1.5.3 03/Feb/2008

Improved MPEG2 Transcoding, should fix freeze at the start and out of sync.

Updated tsmuxer to latest version


V1.5.2 28/Jan/2008

Fixed bug with long filenames with DTS give "Error creating AC3 from WAV!"

DTS now recompresses to higher 640bit quality instead of 384bit.



Le prog se telecharge ici


Notez que desormais MKV2VOB propose le split de fichier ce qui permet de tout faire de A a Z en utilisant uniquement ce programme.

Egalement a noter la possibilite d'incruster une piste de sous-titres en .SRT.


Bon visionnage :jap:

Modifié par Fed
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