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[Topic Unique] Le PlayStation Store


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Je viens de voir sur Threespeech, voila ce qui est prévu sur le Store euro aujourd'hui ;)


PS One games:

- Crash 2

- Spyro 2

- Medievil - *Wipeout 2097 (to be released end of August)

PS3 Demos:

- Heavenly Sword

PS3 Trailers:

- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction

- GT5 Prologue

(These are the new E3 trailers, which can be found online… but will be offered on the store in HD PS3 format.)


:wahou::rox: En tout cas vivement la démo :hot:

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PS One games:

- Crash 2

- Spyro 2

- Medievil - *Wipeout 2097 (to be released end of August)

PS3 Demos:

- Heavenly Sword

PS3 Trailers:

- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction

- GT5 Prologue

(These are the new E3 trailers, which can be found online… but will be offered on the store in HD PS3 format.)


Wah bcp de chose donc pour aujourdhui!

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