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Tout ce qui a été posté par ALONSO45

  1. :cry::cry::cry::cry::triste::triste::triste::triste::triste::triste::triste::triste::triste::triste: ya pas mal de serveur qui plante surtout psp gen,meta qulque fois , jamé
  2. Oui tu peut sans probleme moi j ai installé le 2.71 SE A puis je suis passer au B':love:et now au b'':love:
  3. Cool tu pourrait fair un ripkit de ace combat ?
  4. Il est ptet ripé certain rip ne passe pas
  5. Les gachettes bleus vont bien avec la psp white
  6. Tout comme jeane d arc :spookie:version demos jap
  7. Trés detaillé ... merci domage que je n utilise plus devhook
  8. ALONSO45

    PSP de luxe :)

    Jesper que c des 2.71 au maximum lol
  9. Moi je veux bien lui passer mé requettes ou infos LES SCREENCHOTS en 2.71 SE !!!lolet le mode usb dés que l on branche le cable
  10. Si un petit 2.71 SE C pouvait sortit avant la fin des vacances ce serait trop bien:drink:
  11. Aller je up ce post !car un peu die par raport aux inonbrables posts sur gta ou le 2.71 SE ... ps: natsuko moi je seré intérrésser par d autres theme psp 1.5^^
  12. Domage qu il ny est plus rien ...
  13. Oui tu va dans le mode recovry et fé skip SCE logos enable =)
  14. Moi jai luprade 2.82 au niveau 11 normal ?! lool
  15. dsl ceci est un bug merci de suprimer
  16. Voila cheat device edition VCS Fonctionne avec devhook (prx) Source: ps: desolé on parle encore de gta vcs Instalation: By "Waterbottle" from ( ) I've made a very simple cheatdevice. First and final version is here. Edison is the real cheatdevice maker, so we'll all just use his one when he release it. Big thanks to edisoncarter for his text printing code! It contains 5 cheats, Infinite Health/Armor Superman Infinite breath Teleport Bouncy! Infinite Health/Aromor - self explitationary Superman - lets you fly, kindof like construction mode in lcs. Nice way to explore places you can't access You need to hide the menu to use this. press L+left. Inifite Breath - Why rockstar implented the die on surface feature I 'll never know, but atleast this gets rid of it Teleport - /\ saves your position to a file. X teleports you to the selected location teleports gets saved in the "ms0:/teleport" folder in files named from 1-20. If you want to edit the name it show, edit the last part of the file. Bouncy! - You can bounce around.. dontgetit.gif Requires devhook and euro version of the game. Instructions, Download IT AT FINNISH OF TOPIC and put it into X:/dh/kd then open up X:/dk/271/flash0/kd and open up the file named "pspbtcnf_game.txt" try and find a line that is "ms0:/dh/kd/devhook.prx" (press Ctrl+b or F3 if you need to search). and add the line ms0:/dh/kd/VCSCHEATER.prx after it. Now just run vcs and the cheater should start. As I said, I'm not making anymore versions of this, I only made it becouse I had determined myself to make one on the date I got it for many months ago, and it would have ruined the game for me if I didn't. Enjoy.
  17. Tres jolie je prend la subaru et dejmax ^^
  18. Le rip marche et le full marche sous 2.71 SE B2
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