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Tout ce qui a été posté par benja32

  1. tu peux voir les map et les telecharger mes tu peux mas faire psp=gps lool
  2. Voila la map de paris
  3. tu va sur puis tu choisis ton lieu puis tu fait a droite obtenir url et tu a ca par exemple,2.343349&spn=0.053197,0.161018&om=1 et de la tu reprend les deuex coordonné que tu a besoin dans le lien la lattitude: 48.855793 la longitude: 2.343349 et sa telechargera automatiquement mais faut le wifi
  4. j'ai telecharger la map de ma province 5460 image^^ ces vraiment exellent
  5. enregistre toit dcemu ces le meilleur de l'emu psp, momo et l'emulation une grande histoire d'amour
  6. merci je test desuite edit: mario ne depasse pas les 11 fps alors que l'autre ce raprochais des 16.....
  7. j'espere que sa marchera pour toi
  8. elle inclu le firmware 2.0 aussi pour assortir
  9. ces quand meme harleyg qui a ramenner cette info
  10. merci de ta traduc
  11. personne ne s'enflamme pour l'instant
  12. ont la echapper belle
  13. Regarder ce que j'ai trouver sur le forum, il ont reussis a créer une image tiff ( rien d' exraordinnaire pour le moment) et reussis a faire planter les psp 2.7 2.71 et 2.80 avec voici le post original I´ve just been asked to post this from NOPx86: Quote: Hey guys, iv been messing around with libtiff for a couple of weeks now and I found something interesting, Im still doing debugging on it and whatnot, but it crash´s the psp and most image viewers, it may be the begging of homebrew on 2.71 and 2.80 it may not, im not going to release the source for it just yet, probably in a couple of days once i do proper debugging to release a full disclosure. i will however post a link to the image, iv made a small tiff reader program that does the most ****tiest error checking you have ever seen but i will print a quick backtrace Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0xb7eae46b in TIFFFindFieldInfo () from /usr/lib/ (gdb) bt #0 0xb7eae46b in TIFFFindFieldInfo () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xb7eace97 in _TIFFsetDoubleArray () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xb7eacf3e in TIFFVSetField () from /usr/lib/ #3 0xb7eacf27 in TIFFSetField () from /usr/lib/ #4 0xb7eafd80 in TIFFReadDirectory () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x04004000 in ?? () #6 0x04004000 in ?? () the 0x4004000 was put in by me, iv noticed it hasnt actually overwritten the instruction pointer and crashed at that address per say, but im sure i could maybe get something working, if not I then with help this may become something. Im asking for volunteers, I would prefer someone from the hitmen or ps2dev crew or SonyXTeam to help, I have recently been banned from Toc2rta for not releasing any information and whatnot, I would however like to come back if at all possible and there are no hard feelings whatsoever. If anyone would like to help or is even the slight bit interested then get up with me on yahoo my instant messenger name is hymn_of_a_needle_freak. I am going to jump ahead of myself at the moment and go ahead and take some inspiration for the old 2.0 exploit and do my own variation of the framebuffer png(credit goes to skylark on the idea and niacin for dumping the data on the original version). Im going to go ahead and work on setting the rest of it up before i concentrate on more work with the main part of this. Get up with me if your interested. greetings to the whole psp homebrew team, mainly ps2dev and sonyXteam(coldbird and the rest of the gang on their irc server) for taking the time to listen, also groepaz and skylark for putting up with my hours of retardedness and questions, harleyg and wakawooki for 2.80 testing(your right, the modchip is the **** ) . I would also like to thank LC for donating me a psp. I dont know to much about the psp at the moment as i only have 2.71 so if anyone has pointers then please feel free to share. thank you L'image:
  14. j'avais jamais toucher a cette option je test tout de suite edit: 19fps mais la route a un enorme bug derriere le kart xD
  15. oué jai remarquer sa gache tout :s j'ai reussis a lancer la pré r8 vitesse moyenne avec mario kart de 15 fps
  16. mais tu a fait comment ? j'ai ecran noir sur les deux version
  17. tu a reussis a lancer la pré release alors F ?
  18. j'ai tester cela ne fonctionne meme pas
  19. lol merci mais n'hésite pas a aller sur le forum si ta des problem
  20. voila il sont tous en telechargement de 1 a 9
  21. on va corriger ça, le tuto n'est pas réellement fini, il l'a déjà mit en ligne mais il aura surement quelques modifications, certaines phrases ne me plaisent pas edit: voila ces corriger merci
  22. benja32

    Lumines powaaa!!!

    ont a dit lumine pas leemings^^
  23. bonne nouvelle! il devrait faire des trouvaille comme sa plus souvent
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