peut mieux faire ^^ j'comprends tjrs pas ... y'a quasiment jamais besoin de reconfigurer devhook ... une même config pour ts les jeux.
qu'est-ce que tu veux paramétrer ?
chunglam has updated to DevHook Launcher Mod v1.39 BETA For PSP which is an EBOOT-only BETA release, to use it simply overwrite your existing files. Below is the changelog:
v1.39 BETA
- Added macro system to launcher
- Edit a text file "macro.txt", put it inside "ms0:/dh" or "ms0:/psp/game/__sce_dh_mod" with all macros for launcher
- Macro syntax is very simple, below are some sample macros
[333]clock=333 fw=260
[mph]boot=3 mount=0
[runumd]boot=4 mount=0
[250]fw=250 umdver=1 mount=1
- Supported key words are "clock", "clk", "firmware", "fw", "boot", "mount", "umdver", and "pladdr"
- Edit your iso/cso file name to begin with a macro key, for the above example [333], [mph], [runumd] and [250]
- Launcher will start your iso/cso after applying settings defined by the macro
- Added more information to iso/cso file list with location(ms/usb) and file size
corrige si j'ai tjrs pas compris mais à priori ce système de macro t'irai ?
le nom de ton iso contient une config et le loader reconfig devhook en fonction de ça quand tu veux lancer l'iso. (sauf si j'ai mal compris le readme).