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Tout ce qui a été posté par jjyypi

  1. User Instructions Things you need • PS3 with Firmware 3.41 installed • A FAT32 formatted external USB storage with a copy of Backup Manager (manager.pkg) on it. (Copy to the root of the external USB storage • PS3Break Dongle How to use PS3Break Dongle Step 1: Remove all the USB devices from PS3, make sure BD disc drive is empty. Power off the console, and connected the PS3Break Dongle to the PS3. Switch on PS3 again. For the SLIM Model: You will also have to remove power chord before plugging in USB For the FAT model: Switching the power off shall do. Step 2:Press the ‘Power’ button on the console and then press the ‘Eject’ button. You should notice a beep sound from the console. If PS3Break Dongle working properly, within few seconds the green indication LED at PS3Break Dongle will switch on. If the LED not switch on it’s not working. Step 3: Once the PS3Break Dongle loads, connect the external USB storage (with Backup Manager) to the PS3. Step 4: Naviage to “Game Menu” and select the option “Install Package Files”. Select “manager.pkg” which will basically install Backup Manager for you. Install the “manager.pkg” Successfully install the “manager.pkg” Step 5:Back to Game Menu, select and execute Backup Manager Step 6: Select “YES” Step 7: Wait for few seconds for Backup Manager menu to appear,put in a original BD game disc which you need to backup and press “O”. You will be asked then whether to make a back up on the internal HDD or the external USB storage device. Choose yes, if want backup the BD game to external USB storage device. Choose yes, if want backup the BD game to PS3 build in internal hard drive. Step 8: Backup in progress, please wait. Step 9: After backup process back to Game Menu,and enter Backup Manager again. Step 10: To load a previously created back up, insert any original BD game disc in console then select the desired back up from the Back Up Manager and press “X” to play the selected game. Without insert any original BD game disc, message below will pop out if press “X”. Now press ”X” to play the selected backup game. You can also delete your previously created back up by pressing /\. Step 11: You will automatically be redirected to the main menu where you can see the game installed and ready to be played. Do not remove the PS3Break while you play the game. It has to be connected at all the times while you are playing a game through back up. The help video: Source:PS3,break, PS3break,PS3 dongle, Support
  2. Lorsque j'ai pris un nouveau DSI, je suis à la recherche d'une charrette, je vois beaucoup de chariot peut être utilisé, j'ai trouvé Acekard 2i et M3i Zero sont les quelqu'un suggère dstwo, mais il est trop cher, alors donnez-moi une suggestion Acekard 2i ou zéro M3i qui est le mieux? Merci d'avance.
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