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Tout ce qui a été posté par nicov2

  1. bonne chance ca ca me branche ! la flemes davoir 3 voir 4 cd...
  2. nicov2

    Coldboot et 3.03oe A'

    mdrr ^^ moi je meclaté avec les gameboot sur devhook mais quand il sagit de toucher au "coeur" de ma cherie !!! ca va pas la tete !! USELESS !
  3. nicov2

    [Bug] PSX2PSP 0.7.1 ?

    lol autant le fair avec zapper just avant la compression ...
  4. nicov2

    Coldboot et 3.03oe A'

    ca fait un packé de psp briké depuis le 3.02oe putain comment ils fons !?
  5. PSP homebrew developer, flatwhatson, passed by our forums today to tell us about the release of his nifty app, popstrip v0.3. What this baby does is extract PSX ISOs from PBPs. According to the dev himself, this version supports all PBPs generated by popstation which includes compressed and uncompressed PBPs from the latest and even previous version of popstation. Bear in mind that if you don't give a specific name for the extracted ISO, this app will default to "the-name-of-the-PBP.iso". So for example, you try to extract the ISO of a PBP called popstrip.exe EBOOT.PBP, the name of your extracted ISO will be EBOOT.iso. Got it? Also, the extracted ISO should be identical to the original used, including the correct filesize. The dev provided the binaries for win32, linux, Mac OS X, and a win32 GUI. Check out the forum release thread for more info about this app, or if you simply want to talk about it. He also released the source code for those who would want to tinker with it. Download links are down there, have fun and don't hesitate to ask questions. Download: [popstrip 0.3 source] Download: [popstrip 0.3 linux] Download: [popstrip 0.3 Mac OS X] Download: [popstrip 0.3 win32] Download: [popstrip 0.3 win32 GUI] sources ! EDIT: Pack RTU
  6. pouquoi tt le monde cherche a fair tourner sa psp en 333 ? alors que tout marche bien en 222 (execpt Snes Gba Genesis(au pire jouer en hiver sans radiateurs) les iso cso et psx jamais eu aucun souci en 222... chimique tt ca !
  7. Dark_AleX has just released an update to his custom firmware 3.03 OE. Now at A'/A2, here's the list of changes: * Added cpu clock selection for umd/iso games. (not for vsh yet) * Fixed various bugs regarding the recovery menu, one of them made "rare text" appear when entering in plugins if pops plugins existed, the other one caused a crash when pressing triangle. * Fixed a small part of code in umd emulation that was not multithread safe.
  8. convertisseur de DOC et de PBP en 1 seul GUI RTU
  9. je confirme vargrant story 110 mo patched paradox tourne IMPEC
  10. nice ton pack ! continue comme ca xD
  11. nicov2

    [Bug] PSX2PSP 0.7.1 ?

    exactement il faut just que lauteur definisse le patch avant la compression et hop ^^ sur son topic il ya marqué kil va fair une grande mise a jour bientot
  12. ca veux rien dir jai acheté une ms 2go hightspeed fake 37€ elle viens de chine et lemballage est ecrit dans tte les langues euro ^^ elle viens de chine tas ms ^^
  13. lol moi 5min sur une 2Go Fake sony hight speed !
  14. plz help je les veu sur ma psp xDDD
  15. pardon celui la ! bref je croi kil me sort ca sur tte les videos PS jutilise le login de pspupdate c normal !? ps2 jai bien installé lactive X (il me demmande ou enregistrer,OK et aprés can not download)
  16. sur cette video ! celle de Z xD ile me sort can not download 0x8004a507 huhu c'est pas normal !?
  17. Diablo 650 > 440 Breath of fire 4 650 > 260 C&C Tesla 600 > 390 micromachine v3 650 > 220 Spyro 3 700 > 500 Ehrgeiz 666 > 470 Dune 2000 650 > 500
  18. jai une US pas ces soucis !!! apar le pixel dead
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