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Tout ce qui a été posté par PlusTuta

  1. Amazing work, SiZiOUS. The translation teams from all over the world salute your efforts.
  2. Since you guys are making a little index of the ongoing translations, i'm posting here the official website of the brazilian version of Shenmue: Shenmue Brasil Soon i'll be posting more screens and videos for the people interested. I'm giving priority to the translation itself, since i want to finish the technical part as soon as possible (custom versions of Manic's source-code to better suit the brazilian translation and the KALISTO release). Shenmue II has also been started, but we want to finish Shenmue I first, of course.
  3. Shendream, i already posted my ç here: Looks pretty good in-game. If you want to see the ã and õ, let me know.
  4. PlusTuta

    Bleemcast information

    That's bad... anyway, thanks for the info guys. But, one last question: Has anyone correctly ripped the commercial versions of Bleem? Or they're still fighting against that protection?
  5. Hello people. Sorry for posting in english at your forums, but, hey... it's a globalized world! Anyway, i'm looking for any information on Bleemcast. Mainly: Has it been patched or updated by fans? What's the best version of it available? Any up-to-date compatibility list? Any per-game tweaks list available?
  6. Here's my modified ç, which looks a lot better in-game: And here's the Shenmue 2 COLD.bin: I opened the Shenmue 2 COLD.bin with the same configuration of the Shenmue 1. The font is located at the end of the file. The notebook font is also available.
  7. Hiei, remember to shift the font all the way to the left until you have only 1 tile (like in my screenshot). 1x22 tiles is the best workspace. (Hold shift and press < on the arrow keys until you have only one vertical tile) BTW: I just finished editing my font. I made a more beautiful and acceptable ç and created the characters missing for my language. Gentleman, success.
  8. Shendream, i don't know if the structure is the same. Could you check it for me? And, if you can, attach the COLD.BIN for me? I don't have the CDI of Shenmue 2 here.
  9. Good news, guys. I managed to successfully open and edit the correct fonts and display the modifications in-game. The .FON files inside the MISC folder aren't used in-game, instead, it uses the very same FON files, but packed inside a PKS file: COLD.bin. There are also other 4 COLD.bin files, one for each language the game has been prepared to be released in (english, french, german, spanish). So, you might wanna try renaming those files to COLD.bin or change what file the game calls (by editing 1ST_READ.bin and replacing COLD.bin for the one you wan) and see what happens. Being a packed, but non compressed, game file, i opened COLD.BIN in Tile Molester with 2bpp linear reverse and row interleaved. I sucessfully found not only the game subtitle but also the notebook font and others. Here's the screenie: This solved my problem and i believe solves yours too. We just need to modify the font to our likes now.
  10. Yes, i think so. The font also changes it's "mapping table" when we replace the Shenmue's 1 DC_KANA for the Shenmue's 2 DC_KANA. This is pretty frustrating and misleading.
  11. Hiei, i'm also looking for the correct in-game font. Unfortunately, as i already said earlier, i significantly modified all .FON files in the MISC folder and compiled the CDI file. The in-game font was intact.
  12. Sorry for the english language, but my french sucks pretty much. Anyway, here's the more accurate way to display the fonts on Tile Molester. That's the closest that i got from anything "solid". I'm posting this so, maybe, this can help people. I already edited some characters in ALL the fonts. However, none of my modifications showed up in-game, which leads me to think that this font's aren't really used in the game. O_O!
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