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[Topic Unique] Super Street Fighter 4


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Ben franchement non, je veux pas passer pour qqu'un qui a la grosse tête, mais si je devais faire une proportion des combats que je perds parce qu'effectivement mon adversaire m'est égal ou supérieur, ça devrait pas aller bien plus loin qu'1/4...


Les 3/4 des combats que je perds sont dûs soit au lag, soit aux tactiques "cheap" genre "je zone comme une tafiole avec Sagat" lol


Après, chacun son échelle de jugement, une victoire reste une victoire, mais quand tu bats Honda avec Ryu/Sagat avec des vieilles techniques de planqué et plus qu'un pet de barre d'énergie à la fin... on peut pas vraiment appeler ça une victoire, même si le compteur dit le contraire...


Encore, Sagat me dérange de moins en moins, j'ai fait une montée en flèche contre lui ces derniers jours, je commence à tellement avoir l'habitude qu'à moins de ne pas être concentrer ou d'avoir du lag, ça passe, mais même comme ça, ça reste abusé, en une seconde il peut ruiner tous les efforts faits pendant le round...


Ryu reste ma bête noire, un des seuls persos contre qui je reste en dessous des 55% de taux de victoire, avec Zangief, Blanka, Seth et Honda, contre qui j'ai surtout perdu vers le début, mais c'est beaucoup plus équilibré maintenant (si on se limitait à cette dernière semaine, je pense que je dois dépasser les 60% pour chacun d'entre eux)...

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Pour ceux qui ne l'aurait pas encore:


Voici la liste des titres et icones à débloquer. Et comment les débloquer !






1 - Street Fighter IV Logo - Automatically unlocked at the start.

2 - Fledgling Fighter - Unlocked by winning 1 online matches.

3 - Bottom Feeder - Unlocked by winning 5 online matches.

4 - Chump Fighter - Unlocked by winning 10 online matches.

5 - Mercenary Fighter - Unlocked by winning 30 online matches.

6 - Decent Fighter - Unlocked by winning 50 online matches.

7 - Magician - Unlocked by winning 75 online matches.

8 - Well Known Fighter - Unlocked by winning 101 online matches.

9 - My Way - Unlocked by winning 151 online matches.

10 - Deep Fighter - Unlocked by winning 301 Online Matches.

11 - ******** Perfection - Unlocked by winning 501 Online matches.

12 - Perfectionist - Unlocked by finishing 30 rounds with Perfect.

13 - Merciless - Unlocked by finishing 30 rounds with Chip Damage.

14 - Ultra! - Unlocked by performing 30 Ultra Finishes in online matches.

15 - Super! - Unlocked by performing 30 Super Finishes in online matches.

16 - Normal Fighter - Unlocked by finishing 30 rounds with a regular move.

17 - Bitter Victor - Unlocked by winning 30 rounds via Judgement (run out of time).

18 - Technician - Unlocked by performing 30 Technical moves in online matches.

19 - Not on My Watch - Unlocked by performing 30 Reversals during online matches.

20 - Saw That Coming - Unlocked by performing 30 Counters during online matches.

21 - 1st Come 1st Served- Unlocked by performing 30 First Attacks during online matches.

22 - Dizzy chicks - Unlocked by making your opponent dizzy 1 time during online multiplayer.

23 - Chick Pea - Unlocked by making your opponent dizzy 5 times during online multiplayer.

24 - Chick'n Noggin - Unlocked by making your opponent dizzy 15 times during online multiplayer.

25 - Legendary Chick - Unlocked by making your opponent dizzy 30 times during online multiplayer.

26 - Buster Jack - Unlocked by ending an online round with 81-100% health 1 time.

27 - Buster Queen - Unlocked by ending an online round with 81-100% health 6 times.

28 - Buster King - Unlocked by ending an online round with 81-100% health 10 times.

29 - Buster Ace - Unlocked by ending an online round with 81-100% health 50 times.

30 - Smash Jack - Unlocked by ending an online round with 61-80% health 1 times.

31 - Smash Queen - Unlocked by ending an online round with 61-80% health 6 times.

32 - Smash King - Unlocked by ending an online round with 61-80% health 10 times.

33 - Smash Ace - Unlocked by ending an online round with 61-80% health 50 times.

34 - Rush Jack - Unlocked by ending an online round with 41-60% health 1 times.

35 - Rush Queen - Unlocked by ending an online round with 41-60% health 6 times.

36 - Rush King - Unlocked by ending an online round with 41-60% health 10 times.

37 - Rush Ace - Unlocked by ending an online round with 41-60% health 50 times.

38 - Brave Jack - Unlocked by ending an online round with 21-40% health 1 times.

39 - Brave Queen - Unlocked by ending an online round with 21-40% health 6 times.

40 - Brave King - Unlocked by ending an online round with 21-40% health 10 times.

41 - Brave Ace - Unlocked by ending an online round with 21-40% health 50 times.

42 - Pinch Jack - Unlocked by ending an online round with 11-20% health 1 times.

43 - Pinch Queen - Unlocked by ending an online round with 11-20% health 6 times.

44 - Pinch King - Unlocked by ending an online round with 11-20% health 10 times.

45 - Pinch Ace - Unlocked by ending an online round with 11-20% health 50 times.

46 - Crisis Jack - Unlocked by ending an online round with 01-10% health 1 times.

47 - Crisis Queen - Unlocked by ending an online round with 01-10% health 6 times.

48 - Crisis King - Unlocked by ending an online round with 01-10% health 10 times.

49 - Crisis Ace - Unlocked by ending an online round with 01-10% health 50 times.

50 - Go Easy on Me - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

51 - Lil' Ol' Me - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

52 - In Training - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

53 - Chicken - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

54 - Relentless - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

55 - Slayer - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

56 - Sheltered - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

57 - Dog Wagger - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

58 - Late Bloomer - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

59 - Average Joe - Block 1 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

60 Movin' on Up - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

61 - Elite - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

62 - Disciple - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

63 - Dirty Dawg - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

64 - Timekeeper - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

65 - Chillaxin' - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

66 - Bad Karma - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

67 - Madman - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

68 - Self-Reliant - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

69 - Assistant Manager - Block 2 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

70 - Undecided - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

71 - Super Genius - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

72 - Assistant Instructor - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

73 - Half Baked - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

74 - Provocateur - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

75 - Big Hearted - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

76 - Not the Face - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

77 - One With nature - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

78 - Wilted flower - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

79 - Middle Management - Block 3 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

80 - Don't Hold Back - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

81 - Brave Warrior - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

82 - Instructor - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

83 - Full of Beans - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

84 - Teacher - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

85 - Lovesick - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

86 - Tit For tat - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

87 - Samurai Spirit - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

88 - Reckless - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

89 - Chief - Block 4 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

90 - Feinter - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

91 - Hero - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

92 - Master - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

93 - No Crybaby - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

94 - Solid as a Rock - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

95 - Moe - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

96 - Moth to a Flame - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

97 - King of the Hill - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

98 - Out of Control - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

99 - Executive - Block 5 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

100 - Self Proclaimed Best - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

101 - Messiah - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

102 - Eternal Challenger - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

103 - No Problem! - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

104 - The Artiste - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

105 - Devilish - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

106 - Knowledge is Power - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

107 - Peacenik - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

108 - Once in a Lifetime - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

109 - managing Director - Block 6 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

110 - Victory Declaration - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

111 - Deity - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

112 - Fist Crosser - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

113 - Gotcha - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

114 - Grab King - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

115 - The Natural - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

116 - The Fool - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

117 - Sudden Anger - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

118 - Head of the Class - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

119 - President - Block 7 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

120 - Wine & Diner - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

121 - Fist King - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

122 - A Breed Apart - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

123 - Quarter Man - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

124 - Acrobat - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

125 - Maiden - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

126 - Surprise Surprise - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

127 - Demon King - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

128 -Battle Hardened - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

129 - Chairman - Block 8 of titles unlocked after playing ??? Online Matches.

130 - Aesthetitian - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

131 - Emperor - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

132 - True Warriror - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

133 - Too Cool For You - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

134 - Master of Timing - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

135 - Charmer - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

136 - Complete Package - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

137 - Living Large - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

138 - Machine Gunner - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

139 - Top Chairman - Block 9 of titles unlocked after playing 61 Online Matches.

140 - So Serious - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

141 - Cream of the Crop - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

142 - Legendary Fighter - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

143 - Legendary Loser - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

144 - Genocider - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

145 - Love Missionary - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

146 - Early Bird - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

147 - Bourgeois - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

148 - One Deadly Blow - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

149 - Retiree - Block 10 of titles unlocked after playing 81 Online Matches.

150 - I'll Do My Best - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 3.

151 - Daily Duty - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 4.

152 - One Track Mind - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 5.

153 - 15 Minutes of Fame - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 8.

154 - One Hit Wonder - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 9.

155 - Universalist - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 10.

156 - Rags to Riches - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 13.

157 - Waxing and Waning - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 14.

158 - Hard Worker - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 15.

159 - Close Call - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 18.

160 - Infalliable - Unlocked by finishing Normal Time Attack Stage 19.

161 - Mighty Warrior - Unlocked by finishing Hard Time Attack Stage 1.

162 - One Fell Swoop - Unlocked by finishing Hard Time Attack Stage 2.

163 - Sink or Swim - Unlocked by finishing Hard Time Attack Stage 3.

164 - Hair Trigger - Unlocked by finishing Hard Time Attack Stage 4.

165 - Gordian Knot - Unlocked by finishing Hard Time Attack Stage 5.

166 - Trial By Fire - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 3.

167 - Haste Makes Waste - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 4.

168 - Better Safe - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 5.

169 - The Past is Over - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 8.

170 - Calm Before Storm - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 9.

171 - Blessing in Disguise - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 10.

172 - Lady Luck Smiles - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 13.

173 - Devil May Care - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 14.

174 - Conspicious Consumer - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 15.

175 - Out of the Blue - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 18.

176 - Rob Peter for paul - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 19.

177 - Sleep on it - Unlocked by finishing Normal Survival Stage 20.

178 - Fight Fire With Fire - Unlocked by finishing Hard Survival Stage 1.

179 - Opportunity knocks - Unlocked by finishing Hard Survival Stage 2.

180 - Experience Counts - Unlocked by finishing Hard Survival Stage 3.

181 - Reuse Recycle - Unlocked by finishing Hard Survival Stage 4.

182 - Nice and Easy - Unlocked by finishing Hard Survival Stage 5.

183 - Tireless Wanderer - Unlocked by completing Ryu Normal Trial Stage 1.

184 - Sleeps Anywhere - Unlocked by completing Ryu Normal Trial Stage 2.

185 - Karateman - Unlocked by completing Ryu Normal Trial Stage 3.

186 - I Like Bean Jam - Unlocked by completing Ryu Normal Trial Stage 4.

187 - No Home No Job - Unlocked by completing Ryu Normal Trial Stage 5.

188 - Samurai Fighter - Unlocked by completing Ryu Hard Trial Stage 1.

189 - Hungry Fighter - Unlocked by completing Ryu Hard Trial Stage 2.

190 - Heart of Battle - Unlocked by completing Ryu Hard Trial Stage 3.

191 - Satsui Ryu - Unlocked by completing Ryu Hard Trial Stage 4.

192 - Fists of Wind - Unlocked by completing Ryu Hard Trial Stage 5.

193 - Scarlet Warrior - Unlocked by completing Ken Normal Trial Stage 1.

194 - Fighting Playboy - Unlocked by completing Ken Normal Trial Stage 2.

195 - My Darling Eliza - Unlocked by completing Ken Normal Trial Stage 3.

196 - Masters Scion - Unlocked by completing Ken Normal Trial Stage 4.

197 - Shoryureppa! - Unlocked by completing Ken Normal Trial Stage 5.

198 - I'm Ready For Ya! - Unlocked by completing Ken Hard Trial Stage 1.

199 - Bring it on! - Unlocked by completing Ken Hard Trial Stage 2.

200 - Flaming Dragon - Unlocked by completing Ken Hard Trial Stage 3.

201 - Aim For the Top - Unlocked by completing Ken Hard Trial Stage 4.

202 - Fists of Fire - Unlocked by completing Ken Hard Trial Stage 5.

203 - Heavenly Kicks - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Normal Trial Stage 1.

204 - Hair Buns - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Normal Trial Stage 2.

205 - Chinese Dress - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Normal Trial Stage 3.

206 - Strongest Woman - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Normal Trial Stage 4.

207 - Regular Girl - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Normal Trial Stage 5.

208 - Hope You're Ready! - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Hard Trial Stage 1.

209 - Sorry! - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Hard Trial Stage 2.

210 - Thighs of Steel - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Hard Trial Stage 3.

211 - Beautiful Detective - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Hard Trial Stage 4.

212 - Legs of Legend - Unlocked by completing Chun Li Hard Trial Stage 5.

213 - Hot Blooded Sumo - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Normal Trial Stage 1.

214 - Heavy Hitter - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Normal Trial Stage 2.

215 - Off The Wall Sumo - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Normal Trial Stage 3.

216 - Sumo Wrestler - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Normal Trial Stage 4.

217 - Chanko Stew - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Normal Trial Stage 5.

218 - Bath Time - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 1.

219 - Ozeki - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 2.

220 - Chanko Stew #1 - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 3.

221 - Red Fundoshi - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 4.

222 - Sumo Slammer - Unlocked by completing E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 5.

223 - Jungle Warrior - Unlocked by completing Blanka Normal Trial Stage 1.

224 - Ankle Bearer - Unlocked by completing Blanka Normal Trial Stage 2.

225 - Electric Man - Unlocked by completing Blanka Normal Trial Stage 3.

226 - Feral Child - Unlocked by completing Blanka Normal Trial Stage 4.

227 - High Voltage - Unlocked by completing Blanka Normal Trial Stage 5.

228 - Jungle Boy - Unlocked by completing Blanka Hard Trial Stage 1.

229 - Like My Shorts? - Unlocked by completing Blanka Hard Trial Stage 2.

230 - I Love Pirarucu - Unlocked by completing Blanka Hard Trial Stage 3.

231 - Samantha's Boy - Unlocked by completing Blanka Hard Trial Stage 4.

232 - Jimmy - Unlocked by completing Blanka Hard Trial Stage 5.

233 - Hardbody - Unlocked by completing Zangief Normal Trial Stage 1.

234 - Cossak Dancer - Unlocked by completing Zangief Normal Trial Stage 2.

235 - Check Out My Muscles - Unlocked by completing Zangief Normal Trial Stage 3.

236 - Mohawked Wrestler - Unlocked by completing Zangief Normal Trial Stage 4.

237 - Give it a Whirl - Unlocked by completing Zangief Normal Trial Stage 5.

238 - Spin it Again - Unlocked by completing Zangief Hard Stage Trial 1.

239 - Iron Muscles - Unlocked by completing Zangief Hard Stage Trial 2.

240 - Muscles Forever - Unlocked by completing Zangief Hard Stage Trial 3.

241 - I Hate Projectiles - Unlocked by completing Zangief Hard Stage Trial 4.

242 - Red Cyclone - Unlocked by completing Zangief Hard Stage Trial 5.

243 - Air Slicer - Unlocked by completing Guile Normal Trial Stage 1.

244 - Out For Revenge - Unlocked by completing Guile Normal Trial Stage 2.

245 - Gotta Love The Hair - Unlocked by completing Guile Normal Trial Stage 3.

246 - Looking for Charlie - Unlocked by completing Guile Normal Trial Stage 4.

247 - Decisions Decisions - Unlocked by completing Guile Normal Trial Stage 5.

248 - Rightous Avenger - Unlocked by completing Guile Hard Trial Stage 1.

249 - Hard boiled - Unlocked by completing Guile Hard Trial Stage 2.

250 - Sonic Flash - Unlocked by completing Guile Hard Trial Stage 3.

251 - You Lose, You Leave - Unlocked by completing Guile Hard Trial Stage 4.

252 - Family Man - Unlocked by completing Guile Hard Trial Stage 5.

253 - Man of Meditation - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 1.

254 - Flaming Yogi - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 2.

255 - Stretch - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 3.

256 - For My Son - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 4.

257 - Man of Compassion - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 5.

258 - Ultimate Yogi - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 1.

259 - Victory is Destiny - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 2.

260 - Unlimited Reach - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 3.

261 - Above it All - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 4.

262 - Hot Stuff - Unlocked by completing Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 5.

263 - Arms of Steel - Unlocked by completing Balrog Normal Trial Stage 1.

264 - Punch Drunk - Unlocked by completing Balrog Normal Trial Stage 2.

265 - Can't Kick - Unlocked by completing Balrog Normal Trial Stage 3.

266 - Rabid Dog - Unlocked by completing Balrog Normal Trial Stage 4.

267 - Once a Champ - Unlocked by completing Balrog Normal Trial Stage 5.

268 - Victory by Fist - Unlocked by completing Balrog Hard Trial Stage 1.

269 - Get Rich Quick - Unlocked by completing Balrog Hard Trial Stage 2.

270 - One Arm Behind Back - Unlocked by completing Balrog Hard Trial Stage 3.

271 - Raging Buffalo - Unlocked by completing Balrog Hard Trial Stage 4.

272 - I'm the Champ! - Unlocked by completing Balrog Hard Trial Stage 5.

273 - Bloody Claw - Unlocked by completing Vega Normal Trial Stage 1.

274 - Beauty is Everything - Unlocked by completing Vega Normal Trial Stage 2.

275 - Narcissist - Unlocked by completing Vega Normal Trial Stage 3.

276 - Self Lover - Unlocked by completing Vega Normal Trial Stage 4.

277 - Spanish Ninja - Unlocked by completing Vega Normal Trial Stage 5.

278 - Masked Nobleman - Unlocked by completing Vega Hard Trial Stage 1.

279 - Spanish Snake - Unlocked by completing Vega Hard Trial Stage 2.

280 - Acrobatic Dancer - Unlocked by completing Vega Hard Trial Stage 3.

281 - Snake Tattoo - Unlocked by completing Vega Hard Trial Stage 4.

282 - Mask and Claw - Unlocked by completing Vega Hard Trial Stage 5.

283 - Tenacious King - Unlocked by completing Sagat Normal Trial Stage 1.

284 - Password is 'Tiger' - Unlocked by completing Sagat Normal Trial Stage 2.

285 - Eyepatch - Unlocked by completing Sagat Normal Trial Stage 3.

286 - King of Muay Thai - Unlocked by completing Sagat Normal Trial Stage 4.

287 - Comeback King - Unlocked by completing Sagat Normal Trial Stage 5.

288 - Anti-Shoryuken - Unlocked by completing Sagat Hard Trial Stage 1.

289 - Tiger - Unlocked by completing Sagat Hard Trial Stage 2.

290 - One Eyed Warrior - Unlocked by completing Sagat Hard Trial Stage 3.

291 - Scarred Chest - Unlocked by completing Sagat Hard Trial Stage 4.

292 - Invincible Tiger - Unlocked by completing Sagat Hard Trial Stage 5.

293 - Demon From Hell - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 1.

294 - Psycho Power - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 2.

295 - Seeking New Body - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 3.

296 - Slicked Back Hair - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 4.

297 - Super Psycho - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 5.

298 - You Are Beneath Me - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 1.

299 - Ruler of Shadaloo - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 2.

300 - King of Darkness - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 3.

301 - Now Hiring Henchmen - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 4.

302 - Ruler of Darkness - Unlocked by completing M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 5.

303 - Miss Perfect - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 1.

304 - No More Games - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 2.

305 - Stylish - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 3.

306 - Gadget User - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 4.

307 - Business Woman - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 5.

308 - Gotta Quit Smoking - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 1.

309 - Lightning and Fire - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 2.

310 - I Love Lauren - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 3.

311 - Nice Shades - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 4.

312 - Deadly Beauty - Unlocked by completing Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 5.

313 - Giant Glam - Unlocked by completing Rufus Normal Trial Stage 1.

314 - Dig My Hairstyle - Unlocked by completing Rufus Normal Trial Stage 2.

315 - Roly-poly - Unlocked by completing Rufus Normal Trial Stage 3.

316 - Mad Biker - Unlocked by completing Rufus Normal Trial Stage 4.

317 - Skintight Suit - Unlocked by completing Rufus Normal Trial Stage 5.

318 - Working Up a Sweat - Unlocked by completing Rufus Hard Trial Stage 1.

319 - I Love Candy - Unlocked by completing Rufus Hard Trial Stage 2.

320 - Doofus - Unlocked by completing Rufus Hard Trial Stage 3.

321 - Kung Food - Unlocked by completing Rufus Hard Trial Stage 4.

322 - I'm Number One - Unlocked by completing Rufus Hard Trial Stage 5.

323 - Hurricane - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 1.

324 - Flavor is Power - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 2.

325 - Masked Man - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 3.

326 - Spicy Fighter - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 4.

327 - Lucha! - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 5.

328 - Amigo - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 1.

329 - Tastes Great! - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 2.

330 - Double Life - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 3.

331 - Run! Run! Run! - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 4.

332 - Viva Mexico! - Unlocked by completing El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 5.

333 - Man With No Past - Unlocked by completing Abel Normal Trial Stage 1.

334 - Mix Up Master - Unlocked by completing Abel Normal Trial Stage 2.

335 - Changing Eye Colour - Unlocked by completing Abel Normal Trial Stage 3.

336 - Sewing Hobbiest - Unlocked by completing Abel Normal Trial Stage 4.

337 - Stranger - Unlocked by completing Abel Normal Trial Stage 5.

338 - Seriously Emo - Unlocked by completing Abel Hard Trial Stage 1.

339 - Gi and Shorts - Unlocked by completing Abel Hard Trial Stage 2.

340 - Lonely - Unlocked by completing Abel Hard Trial Stage 3.

341 - I Like Dogs - Unlocked by completing Abel Hard Trial Stage 4.

342 - Wish I Had a Family - Unlocked by completing Abel Hard Trial Stage 5.

343 - Ultimate Demon - Unlocked by completing Akuma Normal Trial Stage 1.

344 - Ready For Pain? - Unlocked by completing Akuma Normal Trial Stage 2.

345 - Instant Death - Unlocked by completing Akuma Normal Trial Stage 3.

346 - Fool - Unlocked by completing Akuma Normal Trial Stage 4.

347 - Satsui No Hado - Unlocked by completing Akuma Normal Trial Stage 5.

348 - Messatsu! - Unlocked by completing Akuma Hard Trial Stage 1.

349 - Evil Eye - Unlocked by completing Akuma Hard Trial Stage 2.

350 - I am Supreme - Unlocked by completing Akuma Hard Trial Stage 3.

351 - Shin Akuma - Unlocked by completing Akuma Hard Trial Stage 4.

352 - Heavenly Sky - Unlocked by completing Akuma Hard Trial Stage 5.

353 - Wise Teacher - Unlocked by completing Gouken Normal Trial Stage 1.

354 - AKA Shen Long - Unlocked by completing Gouken Normal Trial Stage 2.

355 - Give it Your All - Unlocked by completing Gouken Normal Trial Stage 3.

356 - Pointless! - Unlocked by completing Gouken Normal Trial Stage 4.

357 - Back in the Fray - Unlocked by completing Gouken Normal Trial Stage 5.

358 - Not Really Dead - Unlocked by completing Gouken Hard Trial Stage 1.

359 - Eyebrow Man - Unlocked by completing Gouken Hard Trial Stage 2.

360 - Furious Death - Unlocked by completing Gouken Hard Trial Stage 3.

361 - Long Time No See - Unlocked by completing Gouken Hard Trial Stage 4.

362 - Above All Others - Unlocked by completing Gouken Hard Trial Stage 5.

363 - Puppet Master - Unlocked by completing Seth Normal Trial Stage 1.

364 - Master of All Moves - Unlocked by completing Seth Normal Trial Stage 2.

365 - Tanden Engine Rules - Unlocked by completing Seth Normal Trial Stage 3.

366 - No Stomach For Me - Unlocked by completing Seth Normal Trial Stage 4.

367 - Self Improver - Unlocked by completing Seth Normal Trial Stage 5.

368 - CEO - Unlocked by completing Seth Hard Trial Stage 1.

369 - Nude and Rude - Unlocked by completing Seth Hard Trial Stage 2.

370 - Prepare For Doom! - Unlocked by completing Seth Hard Trial Stage 3.

371 - Ultimate Bio Weapon - Unlocked by completing Seth Hard Trial Stage 4.

372 - Ruler of Death - Unlocked by completing Seth Hard Trial Stage 5.

373 - Killer Bee - Unlocked by completing Cammy Normal Trial Stage 1.

374 - Buns Out - Unlocked by completing Cammy Normal Trial Stage 2.

375 - Pigtailed - Unlocked by completing Cammy Normal Trial Stage 3.

376 - I Like Cats - Unlocked by completing Cammy Normal Trial Stage 4.

377 - Espionage Agent - Unlocked by completing Cammy Normal Trial Stage 5.

378 - Delta Red - Unlocked by completing Cammy Hard Trial Stage 1.

379 - Target Aquired - Unlocked by completing Cammy Hard Trial Stage 2.

380 - Mission Start - Unlocked by completing Cammy Hard Trial Stage 3.

381 - Not Alone - Unlocked by completing Cammy Hard Trial Stage 4.

382 - Blonde Arrow - Unlocked by completing Cammy Hard Trial Stage 5.

383 - Achachachacha! - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 1.

384 - Rising Star - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 2.

385 - Daredevil - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 3.

386 - Fighting Spirit - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 4.

387 - Action Star - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 5.

388 - Hitenryu Kung Fu - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 1.

389 - Disciplined - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 2.

390 - Feel, Don't Think - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 3.

391 - Be Yourself - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 4.

392 - Flashy Fighter - Unlocked by completing Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 5.

393 - Cherry Blossom - Unlocked by completing Sakura Normal Trial Stage 1.

394 - Heart Professor - Unlocked by completing Sakura Normal Trial Stage 2.

395 - Tokyo Native - Unlocked by completing Sakura Normal Trial Stage 3.

396 - In a Class by Myself - Unlocked by completing Sakura Normal Trial Stage 4.

397 - Imitator - Unlocked by completing Sakura Normal Trial Stage 5.

398 - Rice For The Win - Unlocked by completing Sakura Hard Trial Stage 1.

399 - No Good at Games - Unlocked by completing Sakura Hard Trial Stage 2.

400 - Late Again - Unlocked by completing Sakura Hard Trial Stage 3.

401 - Not Much of a Cook - Unlocked by completing Sakura Hard Trial Stage 4.

402 - High School Girl - Unlocked by completing Sakura Hard Trial Stage 5.

403 - Card of Destiny - Unlocked by completing Rose Normal Trial Stage 1.

404 - Soul Power - Unlocked by completing Rose Normal Trial Stage 2.

405 - Low Blood Pressure - Unlocked by completing Rose Normal Trial Stage 3.

406 - Elaborate Hairdo - Unlocked by completing Rose Normal Trial Stage 4.

407 - Long Scarl - Unlocked by completing Rose Normal Trial Stage 5.

408 - Scent of Poison - Unlocked by completing Rose Hard Trial Stage 1.

409 - Tease - Unlocked by completing Rose Hard Trial Stage 2.

410 - Sexy - Unlocked by completing Rose Hard Trial Stage 3.

411 - Psychic Goddess - Unlocked by completing Rose Hard Trial Stage 4.

412 - Arcane Fox - Unlocked by completing Rose Hard Trial Stage 5.

413 - Silent Assassin - Unlocked by completing Gen Normal Trial Stage 1.

414 - Fight to the Death - Unlocked by completing Gen Normal Trial Stage 2.

415 - Tricky - Unlocked by completing Gen Normal Trial Stage 3.

416 - I like Meat Buns - Unlocked by completing Gen Normal Trial Stage 4.

417 - Two Styles - Unlocked by completing Gen Normal Trial Stage 5.

418 - Death's Fangs - Unlocked by completing Gen Hard Trial Stage 1.

419 - Cannot Fight Death - Unlocked by completing Gen Hard Trial Stage 2.

420 - Deadly Kicks - Unlocked by completing Gen Hard Trial Stage 3.

421 - Strike From Darkness - Unlocked by completing Gen Hard Trial Stage 4.

422 - Blood Feud - Unlocked by completing Gen Hard Trial Stage 5.

423 - The Road to Saikyo - Unlocked by completing Dan Normal Trial Stage 1.

424 - Baseless Pride - Unlocked by completing Dan Normal Trial Stage 2.

425 - Sakura's Teacher - Unlocked by completing Dan Normal Trial Stage 3.

426 - Saikyo! - Unlocked by completing Dan Normal Trial Stage 4.

427 - Jimmy's Pal - Unlocked by completing Dan Normal Trial Stage 5.

428 - Taunt Master - Unlocked by completing Dan Hard Trial Stage 1.

429 - Lame Duck - Unlocked by completing Dan Hard Trial Stage 1.

430 - In The Pink! - Unlocked by completing Dan Hard Trial Stage 1.

431 - Half Baked - Unlocked by completing Dan Hard Trial Stage 1.

432 - Third Rate Fighter - Unlocked by completing Dan Hard Trial Stage 1.







1 - Street Fighter IV Logo - Automatically unlocked at the beginning.

2 - Green Shoot - Unlocks after 1 Online wins.

3 - Green Stem - Unlocks after 5 Online wins.

4 - Green Flower - Unlocks after 10 Online wins.

5 - Peach Flower - Unlocks after 30 Online wins.

6 - 3 Peach Flowers - Unlocks after 50 Online wins.

7 - Bunch of Orange Flowers - Unlocks after 75 Online wins.

8 - Bunch of Multi coloured Flowers - Unlocks after 101 Online wins.

9 - Floral Wreath - Unlocks after 151 Online wins.

10 - Star in Wreath - Unlocks after 301 Online Wins.

11 - Crown - Unlocks after 506 Online Wins.

12 - Trophy - Unlocks with 30 'Perfect' Rounds.

13 - Red Silouhette - Unlocks with 30 'Chip Damage' Rounds.

14 - Gold SFIV Record - Unlocked with 'Ultra!' Title.

15 - Silver SFIV Record - Unlocked with 'Super!' Title.

16 - Bronze SFIV Record - Unlocked with 'Normal Fighter' Title.

17 - Blue SFIV Record - Unlocked with 'Bitter Victor' Title.

18 - Pink Balled Joystick - Unlocked with 'Technician' Title.

19 - Japanese Scroll - Unlocked with the 'Not On My Watch' Title.

20 - Angry Eye - Unlocks with title 'Saw That Coming'.

21 - Sakura Blue Background - Unlocked with the '1st Come 1st Served' Title.

22 - Chick With Bandana - Unlocks with Title Dizzy Chicks.

23 - Chick With Sunglasses - Unlocks with Title Chick Pea.

24 - Chick With Cowboy Hat -Unlocks with Title Chick'n Noggin.

25 - Chick with Crown - Unlocks with Title Legendary Chick.

26 - SF4 Cube Ryu - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

27 - Monochrome Ryu - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

28 - Cartoony Head Ryu - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

29 - Character Flag Ryu - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

30 - SF4 Cube Ken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

31 - Monochrome Ken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

32 - Cartoony Head Ken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

33 - Character Flag Ken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

34 - SF4 Cube Chun Li - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

35 - Monochrome Chun Li - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

36 - Cartoony Chun Li - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

37 - Character Flag Chun Li - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

38 - SF4 Cube E.Honda - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

39 - Monochrome E.Honda - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

40 - Cartoony Head E.Honda - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

41 - Character Flag E.Honda - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

42 - SF4 Cube Blanka - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

43 - Monochrome Blanka - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

44 - Cartoony Head Blanka - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

45 - Character Flag Blanka - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

46 - SF4 Cube Zangief - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

47 - Monochrome Zangief - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

48 - Cartoony Head Zangief - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

49 - Character Flag Zangief - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

50 - SF4 Cube Guile - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

51 - Monochrome Guile - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

52 - Cartoony Head Guile - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

53 - Character Flag Guile - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

54 - SF4 Cube Dhalsim - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

55 - Monochrome Dhalsim - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

56 - Cartoony Head Dhalsim - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

57 - Character Flag Dhalsim - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

58 - SF4 Cube Balrog - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

59 - Monochrome Balrog - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

60 - Cartoony Head Balrog - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

61 - Character Flag Balrog - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

62 - SF4 Cube Vega - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

63 - Monochrome Vega - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

64 - Cartoony Head Vega - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

65 - Character Flag Vega - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

66 - SF4 Cube Sagat - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

67 - Monochrome Sagat - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

68 - Cartoony Head Sagat - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

69 - Character Flag Sagat - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

70 - SF4 Cube M. Bison - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

71 - Monochrome M. Bison - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

72 - Cartoony Head M. Bison - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

73 - Character Flag M. Bison - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

74 - SF4 Cube Ken - Crimson Viper all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

75 - Monochrome Crimson Viper - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

76 - Cartoony Head Crimson Viper - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

77 - Character Flag Crimson Viper - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

78 - SF4 Cube Rufus - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

79 - Monochrome Rufus - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

80 - Cartoony Head Rufus - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

81 - Character Flag Rufus - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

82 - SF4 Cube El Feurte - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

83 - Monochrome El Feurte - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

84 - Cartoony Head El Feurte - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

85 - Character Flag El Feurte - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

86 - SF4 Cube Abel - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

87 - Monochrome Abel - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

88 - Cartoony Head Abel - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

89 - Character Flag Abel - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

90 - SF4 Cube Akuma - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

91 - Monochrome Akuma - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

92 - Cartoony Head Akuma - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

93 - Character Flag Akuma - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

94 - SF4 Cube Gouken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

95 - Monochrome Gouken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

96 - Cartoony Head Gouken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

97 - Character Flag Gouken - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

98 - SF4 Cube Seth - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

99 - Monochrome Seth - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

100 - Cartoony Head Seth - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

101 - Character Flag Seth - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

102 - SF4 Cube Cammy - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

103 - Monochrome Cammy - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

104 - Cartoony Head Cammy - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

105 - Character Flag Cammy - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

106 - SF4 Cube Fei Long - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

107 - Monochrome Fei Long - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

108 - Cartoony Head Fei Long - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

109 - Character Flag Fei Long - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

110 - SF4 Cube Sakura - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

111 - Monochrome Sakura - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

112 - Cartoony Head Sakura - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

113 - Character Flag Sakura - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

114 - SF4 Cube Rose - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

115 - Monochrome Rose - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

116 - Cartoony Head Rose - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

117 - Character Flag Rose - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

118 - SF4 Cube Gen - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

119 - Monochrome Gen - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

120 - Cartoony Head Gen - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

121 - Character Flag Gen - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

122 - SF4 Cube Dan - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

123 - Monochrome Dan - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

124 - Cartoony Head Dan - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

125 - Character Flag Dan - Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard.

126-175 - Japanese Symbols - Unlocks by finishing both normal and Hard Time Attack Modes.

176-239 - Animal Silhouettes - Unlocked when both Normal and Hard Survival modes are completed.

240 - - Unlocked by completing all Normal Trials with All Characters.





Bon courage les mecs !!!

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Les 3/4 des combats que je perds sont dûs soit au lag, soit aux tactiques "cheap" genre "je zone comme une tafiole avec Sagat" lol


Après, chacun son échelle de jugement, une victoire reste une victoire, mais quand tu bats Honda avec Ryu/Sagat avec des vieilles techniques de planqué et plus qu'un pet de barre d'énergie à la fin... on peut pas vraiment appeler ça une victoire, même si le compteur dit le contraire...


C'est triste c'est injuste mais c'est à toi de savoir gérer ça... je dis pas que c'est un super style de jeux mais quand tu regardes les jap que tout le monde suce à outrance, les mecs savent jouer pute et peuvent passer un match à se regarder dans les yeux.

Et le pire c'est que c'est le jeux en lui même qui encourage ça de par le déséquilibre entre facilité de reversal et difficulté des link.

L'avantage à la défense est trop proéminent donc t'es obligé de tenter tes options les plus safes à base de LPX3 > Shoryu LP si tu veux pas que le mec mouline un dragon punch ou un 360 completement au pif qui passera dans un trou de pressing et boostera son ego alors qu'il est juste nul dégueulasse et qu'il tiendrait pas 20 secondes face à toi dans SSF2THDR (c'est du vécu).

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C'est triste c'est injuste mais c'est à toi de savoir gérer ça... je dis pas que c'est un super style de jeux mais quand tu regardes les jap que tout le monde suce à outrance, les mecs savent jouer pute et peuvent passer un match à se regarder dans les yeux.


A ceci près que la différence avec les jap', en tt cas les gros joueurs dont les vidéos nous parviennent, c'est qu'ils peuvent jouer la pute, seulement, quand t'arrives à aller sur eux, ben t'es toujours pas sorti de l'auberge, ils ont du skill de malade, ils savent quoi faire... alors que les gars que tu croises sur le net, ils ont la technique de pute, mais rien derrière, c'est d'ailleurs heureusement pour ça que je perds quasiment plus contre Sagat, alors que selon ma vision des choses, face à un bon, je devrais avoir à peu près aucune chance lol


Maintenant c'est surtout Ryu qui tape sur les nerfs :grr:


Le vrai problème de SFIV, je crois qu'il tient aussi du fait qu'il soit en 3D, donc toujours recalculé en permanence, et donc, les même causes n'ont pas toujours les mêmes effets, ça aussi ça tue (alors que dans un jeu de combat 2D, y a pas à tortiller, la même situation arrive 200 fois, ben elle sera toujours pareille)... y a qu'à voir les challenges, tu fais 25 fois le trucs exactement de la même façon, dans les mêmes conditions, la plupart du temps ça passe pas, et quand ça passe, tu te demandes pourquoi lol


En combat c'est pareil, tantôt un de tes coups est prioritaire, tantôt, dans exactement la même situation, même timing, ça passe pas, sans trop que tu saches pourquoi, tu te retrouves dans des situations ubuesque à perdre un round, puis à faire un quasi-perfect en moins de 20 secondes le round d'après pour finalement perdre le combat en faisant exactement la même chose, et sans que ton adversaire ait vraiment compris ton jeu alors que toi tu connais le sien par coeur :pasmafaufe8:


Un autre truc, hier j'ai battu une Sakura, mais 3 fois j'ai cherché à lui placer mon ultra quand elle retombait d'un saut, mais encore très haute (genre la hauteur d'un perso et demi), et les 3 fois, j'ai percuté sa garde !!!


Super pour un jeu qui n'est pas sensé avoir de garde en l'air, et c'est quasi-systématique contre des Ryu qui sont collés à moi pied en avant à 2 mètres du sol quand je sors l'ultra, mais qui bizarrement sont en garde basse au moment de l'impact... genre y a que 2 étapes d'animation, en l'air pied en avant, on passe directement de garde basse...


Et je veux pas jouer le parano, mais ça n'arrive que contre des shotos cette histoire de garde basse au sol alors que le mec est en l'air en train de frapper quand je fais mon coup :pff:

Modifié par Devilman
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Jme suis aussi pris la tête sur la manière dons certains gagnaient leur combat mais jme suis fais une raison, je serais pas champion du monde et c'est pas grave...

Qu'importe que certains jouent commes des baltringues et recherchent la victoire à n'importe quel prix, moi lorsque je sors d'un combat je sors la tête haute car j'ai essayé de faire un beau combat (quitte à perdre car je tenais absolument à placer un enchainement ;) ) Dis toi que quoique tu fasses ca sera toujours comme çà, ya les vrais hommes qui ont du style et ya les autres...


Pour l'histoire des bugs, etc... Oui il y en a mais entre toi et moi, ca fait pas plaisir de temps en temps quand c'est en ta faveur? et jte rassure ya pas que les shoto qui en profitent.

Modifié par Kyrax
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Moi aussi j'me suis fait une raison, de toute façon, c'est types-là, il te font chier en premier ou deuxième combat, mais c'est rarement eux que tu croises en finale lol


Comme je disais plus haut, ces joueurs là ne doivent pas passer face à des persos équilibrés genre un shoto... battre Honda quand t'as Ryu, c'est pas bien compliqué, mais ils font comment quand ils tombent sur un autre Ryu ?

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Perso je dois etre un peu special car je joue en priorité les shoto et franchement Honda je le kiffe pas alors que les autres shoto comme je connais leur coup je sais à quoi m'attendre. Tu sais j'applique cette technique depuis que je suis môme et pour le moment ca marche pas mal: "si tu veux battre un perso apprend déja à le jouer"
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Ben j'ai un peu 20 ans de SF derrière moi (si on compte le premier lol), y a que SFIII que j'ai peu pratiqué, donc les shotos, je connais un peu ;)


Il y a très peu de persos dont je ne connaisse pas les tactiques, je dirais les 4 nouveaux en gros (à par Abel qui est assez répandu), qui sont à peu près les seuls dont je ne sais pas vraiment comment le combat va se dérouler par avance, surtout qu'avec eux, c'est tout ou rien, soit tu tombes sur un débutant, soit tu tombe sur un joueur du mal (surtout les Rufus) lol


J'veux dire, y a un MONDE de différence entre les SF 2D et SFIV en termes de précision (je parle de la précision globale du jeu), et cette différence va nettement en faveur des persos les mieux pourvus par la nature (par définition, les shotos et Sagat, qui ont la panoplie de coups la plus équilibrée, qui peuvent facilement alterner l'agression, la tortue, le zonage etc)... et surtout y a une grosse différence, c'est qu'à 2 sur une même machine, t'es pas désavantagé en plus par le lag (et pour faire mon parano de base, je dirais que la plupart du temps quand ça lag, c'est contre un shoto, étrange non ? Ca n'arrive quasiment pas quand je joue contre un perso à base de charge)...

Modifié par Devilman
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Le vrai problème de SFIV, je crois qu'il tient aussi du fait qu'il soit en 3D, donc toujours recalculé en permanence, et donc, les même causes n'ont pas toujours les mêmes effets, ça aussi ça tue (alors que dans un jeu de combat 2D, y a pas à tortiller, la même situation arrive 200 fois, ben elle sera toujours pareille)... y a qu'à voir les challenges, tu fais 25 fois le trucs exactement de la même façon, dans les mêmes conditions, la plupart du temps ça passe pas, et quand ça passe, tu te demandes pourquoi lol


Non là tu psychotes lol le jeux est toujours géré à la frame, ya probablement des micro lag online qui font que, mais sinon les timing sont bel et bien figé.


Un autre truc, hier j'ai battu une Sakura, mais 3 fois j'ai cherché à lui placer mon ultra quand elle retombait d'un saut, mais encore très haute (genre la hauteur d'un perso et demi), et les 3 fois, j'ai percuté sa garde !!!


Même chose, potentiellement micro lag et aussi l'animation de l'ultra qui fait que des millions de fois on croit que ca passe mais qu'en fin de compte c'est mal timé. De toutes facon en lancant ton ultra faut toujours compter sur un petit delay déja offline alors online c'est encore plus hypothequé, si on ajoute à ça quelques perso qui ont des attaques sautés à tres tres faible recovery genre les saut HK de ken qui donne droit à un ultra... :pasmafaufe8:

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