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Bientôt des kits de réparation pour les ROD....


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Salut à tous!!

Je viens d'aller faire un tour sur le site officiel de la Team Xecuter et l'update semble tirer vers le bas l'intérêt de ce fameux kit. Sauf erreur de traduction de ma part, on à l'impression que cela ne va pas révolutionner ce style de réparation... A vous d'en juger.


---360 ROD repair kit *update*---


Having working out the cost of this kit we can make it much cheaper.


1 Kit $9.95 each

10 Kits $8.95 each

50 Kits $6.95 each

100 Kits $5.95 each


Also some points need addressing.


1. This is not any kind of X-Clamp or washers or screws or thermal paste or anything like that. It's not rocket science and didn't take months of development - more like 10 minutes


2. This is not sold as a permanent fix. You want that then get a new Xbox. All I know is that its simple, easy to do with little fuss and works on the boxes I've tested so far. It's impossible to say how long it will last for - only people actually giving it a try will be able to answer that.


3. Yes you could probably make this kit yourself. All I have done is made the kit to an exact spec in an easy to use and cheap package.


4. Answer to a point made on xbox-scene



the thing that strikes me funny about that whole thing is, "got my FIRST ROD at Christmas" followed immediately by "it's been tested on 18 now" - that's a pretty big leap in ROD consoles available to a guy in less than 2 months

We're Xecuter bro, we're not sitting in our kitchen with a homebrew soldering iron and a ratchet set lol - as soon as I decided I wanted to test ROD machines I just put a few words out and they arrived daily. Think about it


I'll get these shipped out asap then you can try for yourselves.

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Je ne comprend vraiment pas l'arborescence des prix :pasmafaufe8:


1 Kit $9.95 each

10 Kits $8.95 each

50 Kits $6.95 each

100 Kits $5.95 each


Alors ça veut dire:


* 1 kit coûtera 9.95$.

* 10 kits achetés coûteront 89.5$, (8.95$/kit) soit 1$ de gagné/kit.

* 50 kits achetés coûteront 347.5$, (6.95$/kit) soit 3$ d'économisé/kit.

* 100 kits achetés coûteront 595$, (5.95$/kit) soit 4$ en moins/kit.

Voili voilou...


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