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PS3 TEST ( 1.90 Dedug )


Paramètres / Dedug Settings :


Button Behavior ( inverser le bouton X O )

NP Environment

Region Settings


Fake (Free Space : 0 KB)

Format System Cache

SELF Check Mode

Exception Handler

NP Debug

Service ID

MsgDialodUtil Display Errorcode

Core Dump



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Je ne saurai t'aider par contre la version 2.0 du firmware Debug est plus qu'interessante :


- From the 2.00 update data(system software) onwards, system software

downgrading has been supported.

Note that when downgrading to 1.xx using the 2.00 system software,

update data that supports downgrading is required (such update data is

to be released separately).

Also, there are restrictions on the versions that can be downgraded to.

Please refer to "5 Updating Flash Memory" section of the "Reference Tool

Software Setup Guide" document for more details.


- The following menu has been added to the termination confirmation dialog

that is displayed when a DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller and the PS button

is pressed.

Controller Settings -> Vibration Function (On/Off)


You can switch the vibration feature On/Off from this menu. Note that when

a SIXAXIS wireless controller is connected, this menu is not displayed.


"Game" Column

- A content information check feature has been added to the Game column.

This feature checks content information files to see if their format is


Currently it supports only the following content. Support for other content

is expected to follow.

* Save data (only save data saved to the internal hard disk drive)

* HDD boot game

* Game data


Please refer to the document "System Software Overview" for more details.


"Settings" Column

- A custom theme feature of PLAYSTATION®3 has been added to

the "Settings -> Theme Settings" menu.

Please refer to the custom theme tool package (

that is provided separately for more details.


- The debugger can be connected to the Debugging Station using the dtnetm

command. Due to this change, the following menus have been added to

the system software of the Debugging Station:

Settings -> Debug Settings -> Boot Mode

Settings -> Debug Settings -> Game Output Resolution


- The following menus have been added.

Settings -> Debug Settings -> Blu-ray Disc access

Settings -> Debug Settings -> Transfer rate pacing for BD emulator


These menus can be set on the "Boot parameters" page of the Administration

tool (Blu-ray Disc access, Transfer rate pacing for BD emulator settings).


Also the USB mass storage can be now used as the HDD for the BD emulator

on the Debugging Station. Please refer to the "Reference System Supplement"

for more details.


- The following menu has been added.

Settings -> Remote Play Settings -> Remote Start


Whether to switch the power of PLAYSTATION®3 on when connecting in

a remote play mode from PSP can be set using this menu.


- The "SELF Check Mode" menu that can be found from the "Debug Settings" menu

has been renamed as "Release Check Mode" menu.


- The following menu has been added.

Settings -> Debug Settings -> Update Server URL


The system can be updated via the HTTP server. Please refer to "5 Updating

Flash Memory" section of the "Reference Tool Software Setup Guide" document

for more details.

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Bah une debug, qui se retrouve comme çà dans les mains d'un gars qui apparemment ne s'y connait pas plus que nous...

C'est louche.



On dirait presqu'un gars payé par Sony, pour essayer de retrouver des Debug "perdues".



Mais je ne te juge pas Ilah.

Où l'as tu eue ?

Comment sais-tu que c'est une Debug ?

A quoi ressemble-t'elle ?

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