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Bioshock sur PS3!!!!


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Une traduction de m* en plus le début de l'article est explicite:


Also, those rumors of BioShock coming to the PlayStation 3? Scrap 'em; apparently, the incredible success of 2K Games' new IP on Xbox 360 (and PC) means Microsoft has snatched the rights to keep Rapture on their hardware. The additional content originally planned for the better-late-than-never PS3 version may show up in a Game of the Year edition or downloadable content on Xbox Live.


PS3 owners aren't completely left in the cold, though, as Sony's not finished digging through the old Singletrac classics from the PS One era. With Warhawk enjoying online success (though the jury's still out on its sales numbers), Sony's now eyeing Jet Moto for a revival. No word on whether it's a full-fledged update, a PlayStation Network diddy or something for the PSP -- but it's on Sony's plate and something that's been too long coming.


Source 1UP


Ca a même été confirmé avant:triste::

Bioshock lead designer Ken Levine has dismissed rumors of Bioshock being released on the PS3 by promising that there is no secret PS3 development going on behind the scenes and the team is in an exclusive deal with Microsoft and Xbox 360 regarding Bioshock.


Then there is the lingering question of the rumored PS3 version of BioShock found in the PC code. Levine responds quite clearly, "I promise you, there is no secret plan about the PS3 that we're keeping from people. There's no PS3 development going on that we're hiding. There's lots of stuff that gets into game code, plans change over time and we got an exclusive deal with Microsoft ... that's not a Rosetta Stone discovery."


source: maxconsole



Voici ce qu'il vous reste à faire si vous le voulez vraiment sur PS3 ;) :

In IGN´s latest Podcast Beyond, episode 11 , they bring up 2K Game's Bioshock. On minute 43:57, IGN states:


"So if you guys want that to come to PS3 , I´d recommend sending emails to 2K , you definitely should , if you wanna see it , that´s how we got the limited edition."


They are talking about when 2K Games received many letters about wanting a Limited Edition version of Bioshock and there was a petition about, and 2K Games did it. So you want it, give it a go, send them some e-mails. Even sign this petition if you want to follow the Limited Edition program.


source: maxconsole


...Ou achetez une 360!

Halo 3 alors là je pense que je serai mort avant d'avoir pu y jouer, avec ma seule ps3...

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