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nan mais là tu confond c'est sûr ...


Autant pour moi, j'ai visiblement confondu avec le GTHD. Mais faut reconnaitre que ce dernier est vraiment pas terrible. Alors j'attends de nouveau GT5.


Par contre autre chose, concernant MGS4 et GTA4 qui pourrait être moins bien que prevu (selon gamekult)... Enfin a voir quand ils sortirons ces jeux la.

Vidéo de l'émission du 31/07/2007

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Autant pour moi, j'ai visiblement confondu avec le GTHD. Mais faut reconnaitre que ce dernier est vraiment pas terrible. Alors j'attends de nouveau GT5.


Par contre autre chose, concernant MGS4 et GTA4 qui pourrait être moins bien que prevu (selon gamekult)... Enfin a voir quand ils sortirons ces jeux la.

Vidéo de l'émission du 31/07/2007


Bah GTHD comme son nom l'indique c'est le moteur du 4 en HD, je le trouve déja pas mal

y a beaucoup d'aliasing et le public est moche et statique


avec GT5 ça sera autre chose ;)



Pour GK, mouai ... j'ai vu la même chose qu'eux, et moi j'ai bien apprécié (pour MGS4, j'aime pas les GTA)

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gamekult ont meme pas essayé et ils se permettent de parler...


Ouais je vien de mater la video :drink: Ils disent des choses bien et defois des trucs moin bien comme MGS 4 Ils commencent a pleurer quand ils ont meme pas vue le jeux final mais javoux que les gardes sont trop stupides :triste: Comme la dit Bad10 moi aussi j'attend pas trop se GTA je trouve qu'on lui donne trop d'importance mais j'étais un fan de la serie mais la cellui la il m'attire pas du tout :snif:

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Les serveurs pour Warhawk :hein: :



As I mentioned in my last post, I wanted to give you guys a bit of a “peek-behind-the-curtain,” to show you our sweet Warhawk server setup.


Those of you familiar with Warhawk already know that the game features a very unique server method that we call “Integrated Game Server” or IGS for short — the industry needs more acronyms don’t you think :-)


The Warhawk IGS method means that instead of us forcing players to be connected to the SONY “mothership” for any and all games, we instead let players host their own servers on their own PS3s. This is fairly unique and it enables a couple of really nice benefits.


First, since Warhawk is a global online game, our IGS method scatters game servers quite literally into player’s homes all over the planet — the US, China, Europe, Australia, and Japan! No matter where you live, what time you want to play, or what language you speak, you’ll always be able to get your game on.


Secondly, this helps with latency. If you haven’t heard, Warhawk is a fast game, a very fast game, so we wanted to ensure you had the best chance of finding servers with good ping times. We also wanted to make sure people could host *and* play on their own servers. After all, why should you have to connect to a server a gazillion hops away when you know that there are Warhawk servers running in your state or city? Possibly on your same ISP? Maybe even friends in your neighborhood or buddies in your dorm?


Hence our desire to develop an IGS system for Warhawk.


All that said, we still want to make sure that there are always an abundance of wicked-fast Ranked Dedicated servers available for players. The images that accompany this post were taken by our very talented IT team here at SCEA. And yes, what you’re looking at is an enormous server cluster for Warhawk…of rack-mounted PS3s!


During the public beta, many of you wanted *way more* Ranked-Dedicated servers to play on so you could level-up and earn awards, rank upgrades, etc….


Well…ask and ye shall receive!


In addition to players being able to host their own servers, 32-player “dedicated” servers for your clan practices or 24-player “player” servers, SONY has made a great commitment to all of our Warhawk players by staging Warhawk Server clusters similar to this one all over the world.


The system that our IT team engineered for Warhawk is truly killer and we couldn’t be happier with the setup — and hopefully players will be stoked too once the game launches. Just for the record…I am fairly confident that our IT team is not comprised of Autobots.


For those of you who participated in the beta, you may remember toward the end that some players started to “spoof” the official SONY server names — shame on you. I will find you all online and shank you repeatedly or snipe you in the crotch!


So…in the beta forums you all asked for a way to identify official SONY servers from player servers…Again, your wish is granted.


When Warhawk launches, all official servers are displayed with an eye-pleasing blue color in the server list. This gives players a really quick way of picking which server they want to connect to.


Alright, this post is getting pretty damn long so I gotta wrap it up.


The last thing I want to mention, and those of you who participated in the beta already know this, is that we don’t force game match-making on to our players with Warhawk. When you log-in to Warhawk, you get a server list…a *global* server list (with customizable filters of course), just like many of us have come to love from years of PC gaming. *You*, the player, get to choose the server you want to play on. If you don’t see a server out there that has exactly what you want…then launch your own.


And yes, you can play on your own server too…even in 4-way split screen.


Well…hope this gives you a bit more info on Warhawk’s server system and setup. If you have any questions please post them in the comments and I’ll try to answer as many as I can.


Rock on!






je veux bien récuppérer tout ce qui ne leur est pas utile :D (lecteur BR, WiFi, RSX, etc ....)

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lol piweep, je crois avoir compris l'interview et justement ils te disent que les joueurs pourront creer leur serveur (comme counter strike) je me trompe?


PS: The Warhawk IGS method means that instead of us forcing players to be connected to the SONY “mothership” for any and all games, we instead let players host their own servers on their own PS3s. This is fairly unique and it enables a couple of really nice benefits.

:D la phrase clée :P

TRAD: le systeme IGS de warhawk fera en sorte qu'au lieu de forcer les joueurs à être connectés au serveur central de Sony, nous laisserons au contraire la possibilité aux joueurs d'heberger leur propre serveur, sur leur propre ps3. C'est quasiment unique en son genre et cela permettra quelques avantages sympas.


EN PLUS vers le milieu ils te disent que c'est plus fluide que la partie soit hebergée par un joueur plutot que par un serveur Sony, dans certains cas/pays/regions t'as bien lu t'es sûr ?

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ouais tu pourras créer ton propre serveur et même l'heberger :

"In addition to players being able to host their own servers"

Par contre, est ce cela utilisera qd mm des serveurs de chez eux, je vois pas trop la PS3 heberger une partie avec 32 joueurs afin que ce soit plus fluide mais bon, à moins d'avoir mal compris ou alors ils ont leur systéme qui chappote tout derriére et c'est facilité par l'hebergement des parties extérieures

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