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Metal Gear Solid : Portable Ops / +


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Voici quelques astuce pour les anglophobe bien que elles ne soient pas dur à comprendre!!! à l'heure où je post ces astuce j'ai tjrs pas reussi a avoir les plus facile... paramedic et sigint donc si vous y arrivez détaillé pas à pas ce que vous avez fait! merci d'avance.



*Python: by Tranq-gun him. When you play him you can use his freeze bombs.


*Paramedic: Return to the com tower stage and contact her again. She will say she'll meet with you when the danger is over. Send spy to the Hospital and wait. They will send a report where she's located after a while.


*Sigint: The same way/place as Paramedic.. different time. (Credit to Stone500 and Quarters). Send the spy to Town stage and he'll report on Sigint's location after a while.


*Raikov: Send spies to the Western Wilderness area and wait for their report on "Handsome Soviet Major"


*Null: You simply get him by starting a new game using your complete first game save file.


*Teliko (MGAC!D Babe): Complete the MPO once, save and start a new game. You must have the Metal Gear AC!D 1 and 2 (not sure which. probably #1, save game on your memory stick.


*Venus (MGAC!D2 Babe): Complete the MPO once, save and start a new game. You must have the Metal Gear AC!D 2 save game on your memory stick.


*Major Zero: Complete the game once and start a new one. If you have a Digital Graphic Novel save file on your memory stick Major will be in your squad. (Credit to Greyjoy)


NOTE for Zero, Teliko and Venus: If you don't have save games for AC!D 1 & 2 and Graphic Novel you can easily download some from Just don't forget to download the US versions. Put them on your memory stick and load the second playthrough at any time. You'll get them. Just delete the saves after.


*Elisa: Complete the game with Medic level 80. She'll be in your squad during the next playthrough.


*Cunningham: Beat the game before January 1st (ingame time) to get him. Ask Sigint if you don't believe me;)


*EVA: Find her frequency in a locker room and call her. Then meet her after a week in the airport and she's all yours to handle

Codec frequency: 142.52


*Sokolov: Call him with any character besides Snake. Get the blueprints he want at Harbor and call him again.


*Gene: Have the total ammount of gathered soldiers of 200. Not at the same time cause the max ammount is 99 with Snake. Collect 100, fire 99, then do so again until you have gathered 200.


*Ocelot: You have to find his Codec frquency and call him. No info on frequency location tho... stay tuned.

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P.S : Quand vous dites prendre un medic, etc, vous l'endormez puis hop dans le camion ? Mais ensuite il sert a quoi ?


Ouais dans le camion comme tu dis.


Il sert à:

. soit si il a des capacités spéciales à faire celles-ci (par exemple régenerer plus vite la Stamina ou les HP).

. soit avec sa capacité Medic à augmenter ton niveau maximum en médecine (ce qui produira de meilleurs objets avec le temps).


Me parle pas de recruter des médecins, je fais que ça et toujours aucun S..... :cry:


C'est presque pareil pour les techniciens.


Dire que l'ennemi te croit allié, quand tu prend un soldat :)


En fait, tu auras un "Caméléon" si ton soldat a le même uniforme que la plupart des soldats de la carte, sache que ça ne te mets pas à l'abri de tout; si tu te comportes bizarrement (sauter partout par exemple, viser les gens qui passent etc...) ou si tu te pointes devant un soldat plus haut gradé, il dévoilera ton camouflage en alertant les autres.

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