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New PSOne Emu for PSP Coming Soon


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PS1P WIP News Update - DCEMU Exclusive - New PSOne Emu for PSP Coming Soon


Hi all before i take my rather bruised eye to bed ( Never playfight with children on tramplolines btw, my sons knee caught my bloody eye with some major force and thus i have a black eye and a swollen face, i laugh now but boy is it sore )


Anyway my Anonymous Coder friend who is working on PS1P the PSOne emu for the PSP posted to me this update about the emulator:

As I said yesterday, I had to send you a version that was a few days old, my current one is a little better with hard-coded buttons, and I'm also looking at fullscreen and new optimizations for the GPU. Oh yeah, and at the present time the GPU is still mostly in software mode, since it's a lot easier to make it work in software first, I'm trying to convert it to 100% hardware but having a bit of a hard time. Currently only the final blits and the PS1 VRAM->VRAM copies are HW-optimized for the PSP. I'm currently trying to optimize the RAM->VRAM and VRAM->RAM using the same technique, which should help a lot in loading times (which are already very fast as you can see, although I can still get them even faster easily, while breaking compatibility with a number of games) and also maybe in gameplay with games that stream data to/from VRAM and RAM in real time during gameplay.


There should be a BIG speed boost when the GPU is fully converted to HW too.

to be honest some of that doesnt mean a deal to me but the BIG Speed boost does


More info as i get it and please to all those that say its fake, this emulator is as real as the person posting news about it, meaning very real.


Whilst i think about it remembering that the PSone has a lot of buttons, what do all you DCEmu Members think would be the best way to get all the buttons on the PSP?


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presque full speed...

faut pas abuser les mecs. ca me rapelle l'honorable feu ZX codeur de PSPVBA , qui montrait les maj avec vrally.... un bon jeu 2D :snif:.


J'attends de voir cet ému avec un bon tekken 3, si je vois que ca rame a 5FPS, dynamic recompiler ou pas, je lache l'affaire. SUrtout qu'il n'y a pas le son. (ds ce cas un Tekken Dark Resurrection est bcp + interressant! :bedo:)


Pis seul interêt dans cet ému est les (T-)RPG. si c'est sans le son, alors il me faudra du fullspeed (les musiques de FFVII sont mythiques, c'est pas les graphismes en playmobiles qui mfont bander lol, mais plutôt l'histoire, les cinematiques, les musiques.... si y'a ni musique ni cinematiques.... je prefere rester sur ma PsONe lol :hello:)


donc la j'attends mais j'espere pas gd chose. Au moins je ne pourrais qu'être agréablement surpris.;)

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tu parles de moi vicos?


aaaaah momo m'as devancé j'allais copier collé la news de dcemu par wraggster.... il a recu un mp du codeur annonyme parlant de l'emu....


je vous traduit ou pas? (suis motivé la lol)


EDIT vicos sorry, j'ai pas vu le post de momo juste au dessus du tien de suite.

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