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J'ai mon G6 LITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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c est ce que j'ai fait !

le g6 lite est fourni avec le 4.0 qui est multi langue

or dès que tu mets a jour avec la version 4.0a dispo sur le site de g6, tu dois choisir entre la langue chinois ou l anglais, le loader du site ne contient qu une seule langue, c est assez bete car celui du cd en contient 2 mais bon...

et donc si je mets le chinois, ca marche, si je mets l anglais il est refusé !


sinon sur la boite du g6 lite (qui semble etre uen boite de g6 tout court) il est fait mention de 1G, 2G et 4G donc pas de 8G (~1Go)

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Il y a un test ultra complet ici:


et le mec ne fait aucune mention d'un problème ac la maj


"After my quick initial run, I went over to the website and downloaded the full installation package, which is a 42MB file compressed with RAR. Apparently the size of the download is so large because it includes thousands of screen shots. Upon extracting the file I found this was true - the file G6_GRAPH.BIN is 49.4MB. Without it, the full install of the G6 software is only an extra 16.8MB.After I extracted the software, I was presented with three folders:




\PC software


Along with English & Chinese versions of 'G6 installation guide.txt'. The file was actually easy to understand, especially taking into account the levels of broken English typically found with these products. The \PC software folder contained a single setup file executable, while the \loader folder had Chinese & English versions of the loader - 'g6loader.sys' & 'g6verify.sys' coupled with 'G6 Loader (date).txt' which explains how to update the loader. The \Extension folder contained \BACKING, \EMU & \PDA - and they were the same versions as the ones already contained on the G6/L by default, so I left them alone. I installed the PC software with a few clicks, and followed the included instructions for updating my loader to the latest version. Both operations took a few seconds, and worked exactly as described.


With the software installed and the loader up-to-date, I felt much better about the lack of documentation/software in the box. I personally like to download the drivers/software from the internet, since it ensures that I will be getting the most up to date version, but instructions on the use of the products various features still would have been a small blessing."


enfin pas grave de toutes façons, même si le pbme existe, il devrait être réglé


en tout cas, je comptais attendre pr le commander ou voir la coque de couleur black mais là depuis ce matin je me débats avec mon passcard3 et un linker de fortune (neoflash 512MB), et c'est pas possible de voir à quel point c'est de la ù!^^%!!

bon je me le commande direct

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ben si le gars a recu un modele anglais ou si le gars est resté avec la version fournie par defaut alors il n a pas eu de soucis.

ce soucis intervient avec ceux qui ont acheté un g6 lite et qui viennent de les recevoir, ces premiers modeles etant chinois mais cela n'etait pas indiqué a ce moment !

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