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[ TOPIC UNIQUE ] Bad Company 2 Arfff


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tu fais un copier coller de la première phrase hello blablabla, ensuite il te demande ton mail affilier à ton compte ea et puis voilà paf il te demande de vérifier et rouler jeunesse. C'est simple. Par contre vérifie que tu as bien un compte battlefield heroes par exemple. Et s'il y a un prob tu lui dit que tu viens de la part de supamich, xD
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je me souvenais pas avoir autant jouer à Battlefield. sinon tu vas là: et tu expliquesz ton problème j'ai vu ça ici: Devenir veteran la méthode 100% reussite.


ça s'est fait en 2/2


Moi je viens de le faire et c'est bon voila mon chat live, j'ai pigé la moitié mais bon je m'en fou;


Kate: Hi, my name is Kate. How may I help you?

xavier trokless: Hello I have a problem to become veteran on Batllefield Bad Company 2.

I played Battlefield Heroes, but this game is not register on my


Kate: sont worry

Kate: don't* worry I am here to help you

Kate: I will add veteran in your game

xavier trokless: yes

xavier trokless: thx for your help you want my e-mail?

Kate: no

Kate: just do one thing

Kate: as I have added veteran in your game

Kate: check VETERAN

Kate: so please check it & tell me

xavier trokless: its ok thx you i am very happy, good night

Kate: Thank you for giving me an opportunity to assist you regarding your issue. You will be receiving a Survey shortly in your email. I will appreciate if you can take out some time and mention if I was of any help to you.

Kate: I am sure you have some time for it

xavier trokless: i am french my english is verry bad sorry i don't enderstand

Kate: I would appreciate if you could fill in the survey form which you will receive in your email as soon as this chat ends.

xavier trokless: ok

Kate: Thank you for contacting to me at Electronic Arts.

Have a nice day !

Bye ! "smile"

Kate: take care & enjoy your game

xavier trokless: thx by



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