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[Topic Unique] NHL 10


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Hum OK je vais tester un peu mieux cette configuration par défaut alors :reflexiomo6: On verra ce que cela donne :jap: Ça doit être plus dur mais plus instinctif aussi.


Au pire sur NHL 10, je réduirais un peu la difficulté pour commencer et m'habituer au gameplay car dans la démo du 09 on a le choix seulement entre les deux plus dures (Pro et All-Star), et je suis pas habitué :D


Enfin bref jvais attendre un peu avant de t'affronter sur le online quoi :lol: Ou alors je prendrais ma revanche à FIFA derrière :D

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Une preview signée IGN, à propos de trois nouveaux modes de jeu :


July 30, 2009 - When David Littman, producer on the NHL series for EA Sports, first told game journalists that developers were trying to make "the Orange Box of sports games" with NHL 10 everyone in the room had the same thought. "Put down the pipe, sir." But having recently visited EA Canada in Vancouver and getting a first-hand look at some of the modes going into this year's NHL game, perhaps Mr. Littman wasn't far off the mark.


I already wrote about the new GM Mode that's sure to please all the front office managers out there, but I was also shown three other modes that hope to effectively bring different parts of the NHL season to life.


The first is called Battle for the Cup. The name sounds grandiose but the concept is very simple. Rather than forcing you to play through an entire season to reach the Stanley Cup Finals, now you'll be able to hop right in and play in a 1, 3, 5, or 7 game series for the title. There are other little tidbits being added as well. Like storytelling by the commentators and crowd that will callout things that happened in past games.


Say, for instance, you slam Sidney Crosby into the boards and break his leg. He's out for the rest of the series. Then when you play in Pittsburgh the fans will boo you when you have the puck and the commentators will talk about why Crosby isn't playing. Of course, if you're a gutsy manager, you can decide to play an injured player or sit him down for the time being and activate him later in the series.


The next two modes that were revealed during my NHL 10 demo are Season Mode and Playoff Mode. Playoff Mode is pretty much what you'd expect. You can take control of one or more of 16 teams and run through the entire Stanly Cup Playoffs. An interesting bit of info is that you can actually set standard exhibition games to have playoff atmospheres if you so desire. You'll see fans slamming on the glass – both on the side of the rink and right behind the goalie – and everyone in the crowd will be wearing jerseys and waving towels.



Season Mode is a bit more interesting. Here you and up to 29 of your closest friends can join up and play through an entire season with your assorted clubs. It's not an online season mode just yet, but if I had to guess that's where they're heading eventually. You'll have all of the same abilities as you would in a regular season mode, but now with offline multiplayer built in.


The three new modes we were shown were admittedly a bit light on content. They're nice add-ons and are good distractions from the main features of the game, but I'm not sure if fans are going to find them as substantive as EA Sports would like. We'll have more coverage on NHL 10 as its September 15 release date on PS3 and Xbox 360 draws closer.


Le premier est le mode "Battle for the Cup" (Bataillez pour la Coupe) : de ce que j'en ai compris, c'est un mode de jeu ou tu joues directement une série dans le contexte de la finale de la Coupe Stanley (la finale de la NHL). Une vidéo :


IGN Video: NHL 10 Xbox 360 Video - Battle for the Cup Mode


Le second mode est le mode Playoff, ou comme son nom l'indique on peut attaquer directement par les Playoffs de la NHL (les 8 meilleures équipes des deux conférences).


Enfin, le troisième mode de jeu est le mode Season, ou on joue la saison complete, tout simplement. La nouveauté c'est qu'on peut la jouer à 30 offline... :fou:



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Encore plus d'infos et d'images sur les nouveaux modes de jeu !


Lately you have been reading about some of our new game modes…ok, not all of them are new. Some of them we used to have last generation like Fantasy Draft and Season/Play-off mode. I have been asked many times, “Why isn’t everything in the game already?”. Well, the answer is that when we started on this generation of platforms we built almost everything from scratch. It has taken us a few years to get everything back into the game with the quality that you expect. We could have just ported everything to the 360/PS3 from XBOX/PS2, but you would have NHL 06 with pretty graphics if we did that. We have worked extremely hard over the past 4 years to get the NHL series to the point where we are winning multiple awards each year. That doesn’t mean we are slowing down. In fact it inspires us to keep this Dynasty going.


I am going to talk about some of the modes, but I am saving more of the Be a GM stuff for Andy and Brian who is the Be a GM lead engineer. EASHL and Be a Pro info will also be coming within the next few weeks.











You have heard a lot about Battle for the Cup (click images above to expand). The reason we did it was so you can play a friend on the same TV and instead of just playing a game for bragging rights…why not play for the Stanley Cup? The fact that you can set up a series is also cool, as there are storylines that are tracked throughout the series. The games seem more intense when you can make your buddy sit through the new and improved Stanley Cup sequence after you beat him four straight.





Multi-player Season Mode is one of the most asked for features from our hardcore fans. It lets you either play with friends or control every team in the League so you can mimic real life. Yes, storylines, injuries, etc. carry over during play-off series just like in Battle for the Cup (and Be a GM and Play-off Mode). You can Fantasy Draft at the beginning or not. I have a season going here with a few guys and it is super fun making deals and trades with them. We have the new schedule with the Olympic break (and no, I am sorry you can’t play at the Olympics).





Another part of Season Mode (and Play-off mode) is that you can play a season with the AHL or our European Leagues. When playing as these Leagues you get the actual play-off set up and rules for each League.






Created teams can also be used in Season mode, as well as Be a GM, Battle for the Cup, and Play-off modes.



There are lots of new user and cpu sliders this year, all of which you can set up at the beginning of each of these modes. These modes are all off-line modes.





Play-off mode is also multi-user, so you can have up to 16 users playing together. If you choose to play Euro League play-offs you get their play-off trees, some of which are very different than the NHL.





If you are a person who likes to sim games, I am happy to say that our sim engine has been rewritten and you will see much more realistic stats and way more randomness.


I was simming through a Penguins season the other day and I won a game 9-2. I also lost a game 7-1. These were few and far between, but these scores were not possible in NHL 09. The CPU GMs also have new logic, so trading is tougher in any mode where you can trade.


I know you really want more info on EASHL, the Pro Shop, and Be a Pro, but those will be coming…have patience. We also think our demo is cool, so we will be making a video about that too in the next few weeks.




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Comme prévu la démo sera disponible ce jeudi 27 aout sur le PSN.


Si vous avez l'intention de vous procurer NHL 10 le mois prochain sur Xbox 360 ou PlayStation 3, ou encore si vous vous hésitez entre ce jeu et NHL 2K10, EA Sports vous propose de vous faire votre propre idée à partir d'une démo élaborée, mettant en vedette les combats à la première personne et la finale de la coupe Stanley.


Dans cette démo, vous pourrez faire l'essai du mode Battle for the Cup, opposant les Penguins aux Red Wings lors de leur 7e affrontement épique la saison dernière. Vous pourrez aussi faire l'essai du mode Be A Tough Guy et jouer le rôle de l'intimidateur, afin de protéger les vedettes de votre équipe ou encore donner une raclée à un dur à cuire adverse. Voici d'ailleurs une nouvelle vidéo du jeu. La démo est présentement exclusive aux abonnés du service Xbox Live Gold. Ceux qui utilisent le service Xbox Live Silver ou le PlayStation Network pourront télécharger la démo uniquement le 27 août.


Source :



Apparemment les premières impressions qui ressortent c'est très peu d'améliorations par rapport à l'opus NHL 09 : quelques animations en +, le jeu contre les rebords, les bastons à la première personne et l'IA un peu meilleure.

Mais bon comme j'ai pas le 09 perso je m'en fout :DD


Vivement jeudi pour tester ça.

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