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[Homebrew] Jeux Sega Abandonware ???
thairacer a répondu à un(e) sujet de MickeyBlue dans Playstation Portable
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/fuck.gif si vous aimez pas les jeux saturn, c que vous êtes pas des vrais passionnées, c eux qui ont inventé le gameplay à l'extrême !!!!!! et daytona, panzer dragon, resident evil, virtua cop, radian silvergun ou encore virtua on . ok, elle avait du mal a être programmée en 3d, mais rien à dire niveau plaisir de jeu !! non non ! je m'enerve pas !lol ! c plus un problème de programmation, elle est très difficile à émuler, c tout. ------->> destroy : "RELOAD RELOAD !!!!" yep ! avec les potes, des parties de plaisir pur !!!!!!! http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6462/snap000fp5.png au joy bien sur ! et ça, t'y joue avec les pieds ! c le même système -
mais avec irshell ? tu peu pas ? dsl, je connais pas trop, comme j'ai jamais jouer en usb ! je vais essayé, si ont peu jouer en wifi !! ça serait excellent, mais j'ai peur du débit
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/content.gif salut destroy ! alors, wesh trankill bien le jeu ! lol j'ai "nethostfs.prx ", si ça peu aider http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/sourire.gif http://rapidshare.de/files/32721090/nethostfs.prx.html
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/content.gif oui effectivement, sur ma précédente capture, je l'ai faite après le ripkit, ça efface le répertoire "dummy" ! tu fais comme çi dessous : http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/2241/dyb0.jpg là où tu décompresse ton iso, tu auras un répertoire "no label", dedans tu auras le repertoire "psp_game" et le fichier "umd_data" et bien tu y met tout les fichiers du ripkit içi (vérifie que y'a bien "deltree"http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/clin.gif et voilà ! bon, j'ai du taf, je pourrai plus te répondre ! bon courage. EDIT: ALORS ???????? T'AS SUCCESSFULLY REUSSI ? REPETE ? J'AI TOTAL FORGET http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/lol.gif
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/pff.gif franchement, je vois pas ou est le problème ?? j'ai expliqué en page précédente ! faites un minimum d'effort ! mettez des lunettes !! http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/rox.gif (prendre le deuxième lien). pfffffff TOLERANCE !!
PETIT TUTO "PILOT ni Narou" Flying all star
thairacer a répondu à un(e) sujet de thairacer dans Playstation Portable
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/clin.gif le cherchez pas en magasin, c sorti le 7 au japon, mon pote en revient juste ! merçi pour les remarques http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/jap.gif -
En attendant la "BOMBE" ace combat de namco, voiçi un petit jeu bien sympas pour s'entrainer ! (sortie le 7 /09/2006 au japon) site: http://mmvin532.rsjp.net/game/psp/pilotstars/mission.html#1 Flying all stars PSP vous laissera accomplir vos rêves d'être un pilote. Tandis qu'il fournira un niveaux élevés de réalisme et du sentiment authentique du vol du jeu "pilot académiy 2 (PS2)" dont il a été basé autour, il se concentrera beaucoup plus fortement sur l' accomplissement et la récompense immédiate. Les niveaux du jeu te permettront d'explorer chaque aspect d'être un pilote, de lutter le baron rouge dans un biplan de WWI que atterir avec un 747 dans une tempête de neige, un récolte-saupoudrage et même une lutte contre l'incendie. Alors que les avion inclus sont réel et les missions qui vous sont données sont réalistes, ce n'est pas une simulation. C'est un jeu dans lequel vous prendrez plaisir à voler avec tous avions les plusvariés . Avion fortement détaillé et différent (civil et militaires) Combat aérien de la WWI à nos jour , comprenant des biplans, des spitfires, des MIG et le F16 Grands environnements comprenant les îles Pacifiques, les villes, les réservations africaines de faune et les forêts alpestres récolte-pulvériser, figures acrobatiques aériennes et dogfighting Modes multijoueurs dans des batailles aériennes en coopération contre l' ordinateur. http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/6702/snap011cx0.png http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/1402/flippersw9.jpg http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/9351/snap023ky8.png http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/1976/snap011mw5.png http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/5460/snap020so5.png http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/2180/snap021ly3.png ET MON PETIT TUTO POUR BIEN COMMENCER !! http://dl-3.free.fr/52616e646f6d4956e59c1d6a2fe2c1377d22fb361f4e27f216c7fa609d2dac31/PILOTNINAROU.pdf ADDENDUM : rentrer les trains d'atterrissage ou les sortir : maintenir longtemps la touche "select" appuyée.
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/jap.gif ----> pour toi omcyril ! 1/ Def Jam Fight For NY 394mb Eur ripkit le ripkit "normal" enlève : update-pad files et quelques musiques : 01_MakeItHurt.ast 03_MamaSaidKnockYouOut.ast 06_WeGotHitEm.ast 07_MotherMother.ast 08_GetIntoIt.ast 09_AreWeCuttin.ast 11_PopOff.ast 13_LetsGo.ast 14_LetsGetDirty.ast 15_Flipside.ast 17_Afterhours.ast 18_AnythingGoes.ast 19_Bust.ast 20_Blindside.ast 21_GetItNow.ast 22_koto.ast 23_LilBro.ast 24_ManUp.ast 25_OGOriginalGangster.ast 26_PoppaLarge.ast 27_SeizeTheDay.ast 28_TakeALookAtMyLife.ast 29_TheDragonHouse.ast 30_WalkWithMe.ast 31_Move.ast 32_Comp.ast Il restera 6 musiques ! 2/ Def Jam Fight For NY Eur custom ripkit http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8251/capture1cf5.jpg http://dl-3.free.fr/52616e646f6d4956266b5296443380239fbf8253744318f094b64caffe5c7007/DefJamFightForNYEurcustomripkit.zip celui-là, tu pourra choisir les ziks /update / videos du tutorial que tu veut garder ou virer ! bye.
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/hello.gif salut crochot ! moi j'ai eu un pb de répertoire corrompu, j'ai appliqué le fix, mais j'ai kan même perdu toutes mes roms neogeo !!!!!!! lol !
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/jap.gif http://dl-1.free.fr/52616e646f6d49560d1536ef255b9cdc51841f50519cf6ee46a9432c7aa34e91/NASCAR2007_-_317MbRipkit_-_byHjacked.rar enlève commentaires et vidéos 317 mo **** RECTIFICATION DU RIPKIT APRES GALERE DE TEST !!!!!! **** en effet, j'ai suer pour faire marcher ce ripkit ! , il manquait le fichier "deltree.exe" un truc des années dos et 98 ! , je l'ai rajouté au ripkit et ça marche enfin ! voilà une capture pour savoir ou mettre tout ça, car c pas trop clair ! http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/5066/nascartutoxn6.jpg le bon ripkit ki marche : (décompressez votre jeux dans un répertoire quelconque, et refaites l'iso avec umdgen . http://dl-1.free.fr/52616e646f6d4956dbc93dddf60cb802c3def93e46c6f4467dbeebcf9165718d/NASCAR2007_-_317MbRipkit_-_byHjacked.rar PS : pas sorti en france, mon frère me l'a ramener des us ! et répond à tes mp kan ont t'écris, merçi.
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/snif.gif et celui là, ça ressemble pas ? KYLE PETTY'S NO FEAR RACING sur snes !!!! ils ont du s'en inspirer ! http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/7410/avomir454rr4.gif http://img458.imageshack.us/img458/2/671085pc4.jpg http://img458.imageshack.us/img458/7603/671086lj7.jpg c bien beau les trailers ! mais faut bien lire entre les lignes !! ps : C PAS EA GAMES KI DISAIENT QUE LES JEUX PSP NE SE VENDAIENT PAS BIEN ET QU'ILS ALLAIENT PLUS DEVELOPPER DESSUS ??? MDR ! AVEC NASCAR, C SUR QUE CA VA RELANCER LES VENTES.
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/content.gif faudrais juste présiser que la vidéo de nascar, c une vidéo multi, c pas indiqué que c la version psp !! surement la version ps2, comparer ces deux screen et constater que faut pas s'emballer trop vite, le nombre de polygones et l'aliasing sur la première image, c bien la version psp !!, moi aussi je m'était emballé trop vite. http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/8506/nascarpspfc2.jpg VERSION PSP http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/snif.gif (ça arrive pas à la cheville de toca racing) http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/3181/vlcsnap167474jl5.jpg VERSION PS2 (capture de la video)
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/hello.gif ouaip ! ordiman, normal que ça mister freeze, faut configurer devhook !! avec le fichier "system" dans psp/system pour lancer "AIOMod.prx" entre autre.. ça m'a fait pareil au début
Cherche new programme pour cacher/renommer
thairacer a répondu à un(e) sujet de childhood dans Playstation Portable
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/bnc.gif mais j'ai remarqué que pspman plante quand mon pote a trop d"homebrews sur sa mstick !! (4 go) , moi j'ai une 2 go et pspman marche bien ! surement le problème de formatage, fat16/fat32 http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/snif.gif -
Cherche new programme pour cacher/renommer
thairacer a répondu à un(e) sujet de childhood dans Playstation Portable
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/bedo.gif salut ! sinon, t'as le dernier pspmanager qui utilise plus ce http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/grr.gif de framework ki plante quand il veut ! http://dl-1.free.fr/52616e646f6d4956d7a78a2f5f8d39c0a565b06067be8fbf602ec22458e607bf/PSPContentManagerv1.1.zip pour ma part, picksoportable , je m'en sert tjr ! et tout marche avec ! (avec custom firmware) -
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/love.gif ok les gars, peace on earth ! krisnah ! zen ! vu le nombre de fois que je fait des tuto et que je vous aide, c pas un p'tit smiley qui va semer la discorde ! , Goni, bravo ! ta liste et la mienne sont disont, "complémentaire" http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/clin.gif , ok, j'aurai pu mettre juste un link, mais je me suis laché !! le ban !! la ban ! http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/lol.gif et si t'étais plus vieux sur méta, tu verai que c une pratique amicale ! salut les d'jeunzs ! "Moi tous les matins je casse le vent, ça me purifie, ça me fait du bien."
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/fuck.gif une petite liste http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/snif.gif Originally Posted by SeikenZ from PSPUpdates Forums Exophase has released a new version of his GBA emulator gpSP. It is now at version 0.6, which means new bugfixes, features and a whole lot of more fun! As of now, each tester should use this version to test games and report any errors and/or glitches that have been found. Also added some rules which regard posting test results, in order to make the compatibility list as accurate as possible. Read the rules down here before you post any results. Thanks IMPORTANT NOTES: * In this release only games up to 16mb run, so it's pointless to try out any larger roms. * Put the ''game_config.txt'' in the folder where you put your roms! * Put the ''gba_bios.bin'' in the same folder as your EBOOT.PBP (without %). * Put the ''gpsp.cfg'' in the same folder as your EBOOT.PBP (Without %) * This emulator supports zipped roms in version 0.6! (Some roms still don't run when zipped) This compatibility list is a Work In Progress. I'll be trying to update the list every day, you guys have already done a great job testing so many games. I've been busy updating almost constantly! Thanks to Exophase for bringing this excellent GBA emulator to our community and thanks to all people who contributed to the compatibility list! Looking for a game? Use Ctrl+F to look for a specific game in the list. Not there? Make a request in my thread and I'll bet someone will test it for you. - Updated: 28/08/2006 - The list is undergoing some changes due to the release of gpSP version 0.6. You can see if a game is tested with gpSP 0.6 in the test results. Tested games in alphabetical order: Ace Combat Advance Frameskip set to 0. Minor sound problems. Advance Guardian Heroes (U) Frameskip set to 2 gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Advance Wars (U) Frameskip set to 0. Some sound problems. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Advance Wars 2 (U) Frameskip set to 0. Some sound problems. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Alien Hominid Frameskip set to 1. Great speed and sound. No reported errors. Astro Boy: Omega Factor Frameskip set at 0. No reported errors. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever 2 Frameskip set to 1 No reported errors. Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge (U) Loads, but crashes after a few seconds in the game. gpSP 0.6 tested. Beyblade G-Revolution (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Breath of Fire Mixed results with different roms. Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. Could crash when entering a battle. Breath of Fire II Loads but freezes resulting in a white screen when starting a new game. Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Bomberman Tournament Frameskip set to 2. No reported errors. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Frameskip set to 3. Severe sound problems. Bubble Bobble: Old and New Frameskip set to 1. No reported errors. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. No reported errors. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon Mixed results using different roms, Some run fast, some a bit slower. Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. No reported errors. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Mixed results using different roms. Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. Minor graphical glitches. Chessmaster Loads but crashes soon after. Chocoboland (J) Goes to a white screen when selecting rom in rombrowser menu. Chu Chu Rocket Frameskip set to 0. Minor sound problems. No reported errors. Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced (U) Frameskip set to 2. Some sound problems. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. No reported errors. CT Special Forces 2: Back in the Trenches Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve performance. No reported errors. CT Special Forces 3: Navy Ops Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. No reported errors. Densetsu no Stafi (J) Doesn't load, results in crash. Digimon Battle Spirit Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. No reported errors. Digimon Battle Spirit 2 Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. No reported errors. Donkey Kong: King of Swing Crashes after Nintendo logo. Double Dragon Advance (J) Frameskip set to 0 gpSP 0.6 tested. (U) Version doesn't work. Dragonball: Advanced Adventure Frameskip set to 1. Minor graphical glitches now and then. Some rock-crushing game didn't work. Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku 2 Crashes at Main Menu. Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku 3 Crashes at Main Menu. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors Frameskip set to 0. Great sound. No reported errors. Drill Dozer (U) Frameskip set to 2. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. DRIV3R Frameskip set to 2. Some sound problems. No reported errors. Driver 2 Advance Runs real slow. Severe sound problems. Dr Mario and Puzzle League Frameskip set to 1 No reported errors. Dr. Sudoku (U) Frameskip set to 0 gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Duke Nukem Advance (E) Frameskip set to ? Severe graphic glitches. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Earthworm Jim Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Final Fantasy I and II Dawn of Souls (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve performance. Some sound problems. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Final Fantasy IV (U) Frameskip set to 0. Some sound problems when flying on 3D worldmap. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (U) (E) Frameskip set to 2. White screen at Main Menu gpSP 0.6 tested. Fire Emblem VI: The Sword of Seals (J) Frameskip set to 0. Minor graphical glitches. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Fire Emblem VII: The Blazing Sword (U) Frameskip set to 1. Minor graphical glitches. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Fire Emblem VIII: The Sacred Stones (U) Frameskip set to 0. Minor graphical glitches. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Flame of Recca (J) Frameskip set to 1. Minor sound problems. No reported errors. F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Gekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge Frameskip set to 0 1 known graphical glitch, not posing a real problem. Golden Sun (U) Frameskip set to 0. Crashes when entering battles. gpSP 0.6 tested. Golden Sun: The Lost Age Goes into blue crash screen at intro. Gradius Generation (J) Frameskip set to 2. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Grand Theft Auto Advance (U) Freezes when beginning to play. gpSP 0.6 tested. Gt Advance Championship Racing (U) Frameskip set to 1. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. GT Advance 2: Rally Racing (U) Frameskip set to 1. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. GT Advance 3: Pro Concept Racing (U) Frameskip set to 1. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Guilty Gear X Frameskip 0 or 1 for improved sound. No reported errors. Gundam Seed: Battle Assault (U) Frameskip set to 1 Crashes when selecting a Mobile Suit. Gundam Seed Destiny: Battle Tactics Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. Sometimes crashes randomly in battles. gpSP 0.6 tested. Gunstar Super Heroes (U) Frameskip set to 2. gpSP 0.6 tested. Crashes when fighting a big warship. Gyakuten Saiban 3 (J) Frameskip set to 2 No reported errors. Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting (J) Frameskip set to 0 Some sound problems Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (U) (E) Frameskip set to 0 gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup Loads but crashes when choosing training method. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Initial D: Side Story (J) Frameskip set to 2. Some sound problems. No reported errors. Iridion 3D Frameskip set to 5. No reported errors. Iridion II Frameskip set to 6. No reported errors. Jackie Chan Adventures Crashes on start-up. James Bond 007: Nightfire Loads but crashes after a few seconds during first level. Killer 3D Pool Frameskip set tot 3. Some sound problems. No reported errors. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Crashes on start-up. King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood Frameskip set to 0. Some graphical glitches. No reported errors. Kirby & the Amazing Mirror (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (U) (E) Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Klonoa Heroes : Densetsu no Star Medal (J) Frameskip set to 3. No reported errors. Konami Krazy Racers Frameskip set to 2 or 3 to improve performance. Severe sound problems. No reported errors. Kuru Kuru Kururin Mixed results with different roms. Some load, some don't. Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. Lady Sia Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. No reported errors. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords (E) Crashes on start-up. gpSP 0.6 tested. Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. gpSP 0.6 tested. Can't use cut attack to cut through bushes, which now still prevents any progress in the game. Lego Star Wars Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. No reported errors. Lego Island II: Brickster's Revenge Blue crash screen on start-up. Love Hina Advance (J) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (U) (E) Frameskip set to 2. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Lufia: The Ruins of Lore Black screen after selecting new game, you can hear sound and music but you cant see anything. Near perfect sound in-game with frameskip set to 0. Lunar Legend (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Mario & Luigi: Superstar saga (U) (E) Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. Crashes in Bowser battle. Use this patch to bypass problem: http://coldbird.lan.st/gpspfix/MLSSSFIX.rar Instructions are inside. After patching, always use FS=0 in battles, could crash if FS=1+. (Thanks to Fou-Ryu) Mario Golf: Advance Tour Failes to load, resulting in blue screen crash. Mario Kart Super Circuit (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Mario Party Advance (U) Loads but crashes soon after. gpSP 0.6 tested. Mario Pinball Land (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Mario Tennis Advance Power Tour Crashes on start-up. Mario Vs Donkey kong Runs slow. Severe sound problems. Might crash on start-up. Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Frameskip set to 1. No reported errors. Max Payne Advance Frameskip set to 1. Minor sound problems. No reported errors. Mech Platoon Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Medabots AX: Rokusho Version (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Medabots: Metabee Version Mixed results using different roms. Some run, some don't. Frameskip set to 2. Medabots: Rokusho version (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve sound. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Medal of Honor Infiltrator (U) Loads but crashes when beginning a mission. gpSP 0.6 tested. Medal of Honor Underground Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve performance. Some sound problems. No reported errors. Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Mega Man Battle Network Loads, but crashes at the main menu. Mega Man Battle Network 2 (U) Loads but sprites are not visible. gpSP 0.6 tested. Mega Man Battle Network 4 [blue Edition] Loads but crashes after pressing Start button. Mega Man Battle Network 6 Loads but black screen in Main Menu Mega Man Zero (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 3 to improve performance. No reported errors. gpSP 0.6 tested. Mega Man Zero 2 (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 3 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Mega Man Zero 3 (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 3 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Mega Man Zero 4 (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 3 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Metal Slug Advance (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Metroid Zero Mission (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Metroid Fusion (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Naruto: Ninja Council Frameskip set to 0. Perfect sound. No reported errors. Monopoly Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve sound No reported errors. Monster Jam Maximum Destruction White screen on start-up. Monster Rancher Advance Frameskip set to 0 No reported errors. Monster Rancher Advance 2 Frameskip set to 0 No reported errors. Mother 1+2 (EarthBound and EarthBound Zero) (J) Frameskip set to 0 No reported errors. Namco Museum (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Naruto: Ninja Council (U) Frameskip set to 0 gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed Frameskip set to 2 or 3 to improve performance. Severe sound problems. No reported errors. Onimusha Tactics Frameskip set to 0 or 1 No reported errors. Pinobee: Wings of Adventure Frameskip set to 2 Minor sound problems. No reported errors. Pokémon Emerald (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Pokémon FireRed (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Pokémon LeafGreen (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Fails to load, resulting in crash. Pokémon Ruby (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Pokémon Sapphire (U) Loads but results in white screen. gpSP 0.6 tested. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Prince of Tennis: Cool Blue (J) Frameskip set to 0 Severe sound problems Rave Master: Special Attack Force (U) Frameskip set to 0 gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Rayman Advance Doesn't load, get's a blue screen crash. Rayman: Hoodlum's Revenge Set frameskip to 2 or 3 to improve performance. Severe sound problems. Some graphical glitches. Risk / Battleship / Clue Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve sound. No reported errors. River City Ransom EX (U) Frameskip set to 0 Must use unzipped rom to run. gpSP 0.6 tested. R-Type III: The Third Lightning (U) Frameskip set to 0 gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors Shaman King: Master of Spirits 2 (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark dragon (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Shining Soul (U) Crashes at start-up gpSP 0.6 tested. Shining Soul 2 Loads but crashes after Start Menu. Simpsons: Road Rage (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Sonic Advance (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Sonic Advance 2 (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Sonic Advance 3 (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Sonic Battle Frameskip set to 1. No reported errors. Spiderman 2 Frameskip set to 0 No reported errors. Spyro: Season of Ice Frameskip set to 1 No reported errors. Spyro 2: Season of Flame (U) Frameskip set to 1. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (U) Frameskip set to 2. No reported errors. Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (E) Blue crash screen on start-up. gpSP 0.6 tested. Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force (U) Frameskip set to 2. No reported errors. Street fighter Alpaha 3 (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve sound. No reported errors. Summon Night: Swordcraft Story (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. Crashes when trying to break first boss' weapon with a drill. No reported errors. Super Bust-A-Move Crashes on Language Select screen. Super Dodgeball Advance Frameskip set to 1 No reported errors. Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts Frameskip set to 1. No reported errors. Super Mario Advance (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World (U) Crashes on the menu when you select a save slot. gpSP 0.6 tested. Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island (U) Loads, but freezes. gpSP 0.6 tested. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) Use this save-fix to get past the corrupted save data errors: http://forums.qj.net/attachment.php?attachment id=5188&d=1156209689 Use an IPS Patcher like IPSWin to apply the IPS file to the rom. (Thanks to Spirit Hawk Leon) Some sound problems. Some speed problems, but playable. gpSP 0.6 tested. Super Monkey Ball Jr. Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (U) Often slowdowns in speed. Severe sound problems. No reported errors. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival Frameskip set to 0 or 1 to improve performance. No reported errors. Sword of Mana Crashes at character select screen when trying to name your character. Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis Frameskip set to 2. Could crash in battles. Tales of Phantasia (U) gpSP 0.6 tested. Loads but crashes upon selecting New Game. Tales of the World: Nakiri Dungeon 2 (J) Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Tales of the World: Nakiri Dungeon 3 (J) Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Tekken Advance Frameskip set to 0 or 3 to improve performance. Minor sound problems. No reported errors. Testris Worlds (U) Freezes after pressing start. gpSP 0.6 tested. The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris (U) Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. The Sims Bustin' Out (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. Some graphical glitches when entering or exiting locations. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. The Tower SP (U) Frameskip set to 1 gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Stackers Frameskip set to 2. Minor sound problems. No reported errors. Tony Hawk's American Sk8land Loads but crashes after selecting Male or Female character. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (U) (E) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (U) (E) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Doesn't load, resulting in crash. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Frameskip set to 1. No reported errors. Total Soccer Manager Frameskip set to 0. No reported errors. Urbz: Sims in the City Failes to load, exits to psp's XMB. Virtua Tennis Frameskip set to 1 No reported errors. V-Rally 3 Crashes on start-up. Wario Land 4 Frameskip set to 0 or 1 in certain areas. Slows down in certain high graphical effect areas. Might crash at first Boss fight Wario Ware Inc (U) Frameskip set to 1. Works with gpSP version 0.6 No reported errors. WarioWare:Twisted Frameskip ? No reported errors. Who Wants To Be a Millionair? Loads but crashes soon after. Wolfenstein 3D Crashes when trying to acces in-game Menu. Worms World Party Loads but crashes soon after. World Poker Tour Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve perfomance. No reported errors. WWE Road to WrestleMania X8 Loads, but crashes when you try to start a match. WWE Survivor Series Mixed results with different roms. Skipping the game intro by pressing start could make it work. X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse Blue crash screen on start-up Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 (U) Frameskip set to 2 or 3 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters (U) Frameskip set to 2. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards (U) Frameskip set to 2 or 3 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Zoids: Legacy (U) Frameskip set to 0 or 2 to improve sound. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Zone of the Enders (U) Frameskip set to 1 or 2 to improve performance. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. Zooo (U) Frameskip set to 0. gpSP 0.6 tested. No reported errors. + bonus track, mon topic : http://www.projectpsp.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9231
PSPfree Player: les chaines TV de la freebox sur la psp !
thairacer a répondu à un(e) sujet de micmac33 dans Playstation Portable
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/bnc.gif merçi !!!!!!!!! tinkiète biquette, t'assure chaussure ! -
[resolu] besoin de conseil pour l
thairacer a répondu à un(e) sujet de dorthian dans Playstation Portable
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/clin.gif salut ! un pote à moi a cheté deux psp 1.52 dans les magasins cora (je crois que c celui de Ctre Cial du Val d'Yerres (91)) http://www.bestofmicro.com/a/os/2702958/magasin-cora.jsp il m'a dis que y'avais plein de 1.52 cachées derrières les nouvelles, mais bon, c'était début juillet http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/heu.gif bienvenue au club ! http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/content.gif ps : y'a que des vieux ki vont chez cora ! lol ! y ont pas encore de psp. http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/cry.gif ooops ! dsl avait pas vu que t'étais de l'herault !! -
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/bnc.gif TOP GUN !!!!!!!!!!! lol ! http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/8696/topgunzu1.jpg
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/bedo.gif c vrai que l'image une fait trop vrai ! lol ! ça doit être l'intro en image de synthèse. il sort le entre le 8 octobre (namco) et le 17 (gamespot)! j'imagine même pas les parties en co-op !!
MAJ LE TEST DE ACE COMBAT SUR GAMESPOT !! 8.2/10 !! http://www.gamespot.com/psp/sim/acecombatxskiesofdeception/index.html *************************************************************************************************** MAJ DU TOPIC j'ai recueilli quelques nouvelles infos via le site http://psp.playfrance.com (copier /coller) voilà ! http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/2613/slidezs8.gif GIF 256 COULEURS- NE VOUS FIEZ PAS A LA KLTEE !! ******************************************************************************************************* (news VIA http://pspupdates.qj.net / VIA IGN) une nouvelle video içi : http://media.psp.ign.com/media/822/822479/vids_1.html SYSTEME DES MEDAILLES : le même système introduit dans ace combat 2 et transposé à ace combat 5/0. à chaque fois qu'un pilot aura accomplit complètement toutes les conditons et objectifs d'une mission, il recevra une médaille pour son mérite.ces conditions sous entendent de supasser le quota de pertes énemies et des dommages infligés à cellui-çi. il y aura 36 types de médailles en tout et ce sera valable aussi en multijoueur. vol libre: vous permet de refaire à volonté vos missions, pour toujours faire mieux ! ou finir la mission dans un temps record.les points gagnés dans les missions libre sont utilisables en mode campagne, cela rend plus facile ainsi pour acheter de nouveaux avions. les détails de la mission et ses conditions sont modulables.vous pouvez grossir votre effectif d'armes avec les armes adverses, ou ses reserves militaires ! variation des couleur: ace combat-x ne serai pas ace, si il n'avait pas l'option de modifier les couleurs. 4 types de couleurs pour chaque appareil (camouflage ou flashie !) mini jeux : - entrainement décollage, attérissage. - entrainement au ravitaillement en fuel en vol ! - décollage et attérissage d'un porte avion. http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/6586/acx5tn2.jpghttp://img74.imageshack.us/img74/1062/acx1xj9.jpg http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/3746/acex0929062wmvlowwidewmv2ku3.gif PS: comme ça sortira en jap, si j'ai le courage, je vous ferai un tuto comme j'avais fait pour "pilot ni narou". ******************************************************************************************************* MAJ : SALUT LES AMINCHES ! DEUX NOUVELLES VIDEO AVANT LE GRAND LOOOOOOOPING !!!!!!! CA VA DONNER CE JEU !!!!! regarder la texture de la mer ! moi je matte toujour ça dans une simu pour voir le progrès des graphismes !! lol ! source : jeuxvideo.fr ! (et dsl, mais c des vdo sans le son ! mais régaler vous les pupilles) http://www.jeuxvideo.tv/video-exclusive-1-assaut-sur-la-ville-video-25766.html http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/3681/ace2gc6.gifhttp://img139.imageshack.us/img139/5580/ace4er7.gifhttp://img144.imageshack.us/img144/8366/vueexternelj0.gifhttp://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1339/acejl7.jpg ps : au passage ! oblivion est confirmé sur PSP et PS3 !!! excellent !!!!!! ******************************************************************************************************** voiçi une nouvelle vidéo de ace combat skie of deception qui va dépoter !! SORTIE le 8 OCTOBRE 2006.(site namco) SORTIE le 17 OCTOBRE 2006 (gamespot !) http://www.famitsu.com/fwtv/?558856 quelques nouveaux screens : http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/1543/h10458856400rafalem01er6.jpg http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/1208/h10458856400gripenc01hu1.jpg http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/9186/h10458856400rafalem03gm7.jpg ps : si vous patientez un peu, après cette vidéo, y'a celle de 'Metal gear online' !! terrible aussi.
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/bnc.gif yo ! bmx ! ça me rappelle mon vélo cross !! regarde ce tuto video made by myself http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/content.gif : http://dl-1.free.fr/52616e646f6d49567eb20ff77988f9febe2f7080b27ac1405770d1cf14b0d424/TUTORIPDEFJAM.avi bye ps : la taille du cso est à titre indicatif (875 mo normalement), mais sur ce pc, ça plante ! pb mémoire, mais j'ai tester sur un autre, c nickel. et le temps est plus long car j'ai fait raccourçi la vdo ! 2/4 mn pour le rip. "C’est marrant comme ta tête va pas du tout avec ton corps" signé Brice
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/hein.gif arno et cie ! + mister lefoufurieux http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/drink.gif http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/pff.gif vous êtes aveugles ou koi ! depuis ce matin j'ai posté avec ripkit def jam + 50 cent ! lisez un peu ! (page précédente !) ah les d'jeun's http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/fuck.gif et ça poste, et ça poste, et ça casse, et ça casse, mon post c comme le H de hawaï ! ça sert à koi !
Devhook 0.44, les roms rament ?
thairacer a répondu à un(e) sujet de illanz dans Playstation Portable
http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/content.gif le seul problème de lag que j'ai eu , c sur GTA en iso sous devhook 0.41, depuis le version 0.44 ou 0.45/0.46, aucun problème ! arrêtez de psychoter avec votre psp ! http://www.metagames-eu.com/forums/images/smilies/lol.gif j'ai vu des "ONT DIT" disant que le formatage "fat 32" ralentissait globalement les jeux, mais dans les faits ça s'est jamais révélé vrai. faites un defrag !! et que ça soit sandisk ou sony magicgate.