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Tout ce qui a été posté par momo_ps2

  1. si il y'a l'émulateur PSONE je crois que je vais upgrader
  2. salut a tous voila il semblerait que le FW 3.00 sorte le 19 et se de source officiel apparement je vous laisse lire l'article de maxconsole Plus d'info
  3. c'est de la psp sa et bien il commence a l'exploiter enfin c'est jolie
  4. c'est pas la quantité qui compte mais la qualité de la news lol
  5. sa veut dire qu'en patchant tout les hombrews passe maintenant excellent sa la 1.5 sur le déclin power ta abuser les posts se matin
  6. momo_ps2

    à votre avis ???

    tape toi tales of phantasia qui est sortis je crois mais en jap
  7. il part parce que son émulateur il est pas capable de l'améliorer c'est excuse nan je plaisante je me sauve
  8. momo_ps2

    gpSP 0.8

    oui ben mauvaise nouvelle nouveaux bug apres la vallée des rois en haut de la montagne pfffffffff fais chier
  9. momo_ps2

    PSPoste beta 1

    putain sony qui se fait une fois de + coiffer au poteaux il sont trop lent
  10. momo_ps2

    gpSP 0.8

    bon ben je viens de retester zelda toujours se bug qui me pourrie la vie dégouter
  11. momo_ps2

    gpSP 0.8

    je le repete golden sun 2 passe chez moi EDIT: le bug pour zelda est il corrigé s'il vous plait
  12. c'est en tous cas la découverte d'un mec sa a l'air sérieux fais attention a se que vous mettez dans vos bécanes maintenant le post est en anglais désoler le plus important a retenir c'est que les noms des fichiers sont SDL-TEST-5 et SDL-TEST-5%. We have just been informed of a new PSP Virus on the loose. I have recieved the file and checked it for viruses, and shows as being positive. We have already heard reports of 2 bricks from this virus. Be VERY careful of this....we dont want any one to end up with bricks... ( and yes we know of the custom firmware mods, but we dont know as of yet if it will fix what this virus does. ) As of the file I receieved.... its dressed up as a usb kxploit... but it can be changed easily to somthing else. The folder names are SDL-TEST-5 and SDL-TEST-5%. ( though the folder names can be changed as well ) As for size of this file (the one I got sent), its % eboot is 65kb and the other ( non % ) eboot is 10 kb or in combined total 74 kb
  13. déja que la ps2 est impossible a émuler et que la psp sans rapproche beaucoup voila quoi
  14. momo_ps2

    gpSP 0.8

    golden sun 2 passe chez moi je suis desoler
  15. momo_ps2

    gpSP 0.8

    moi je suis dégouter j'attendais cette release pour sword of mana et il se lance pas deg
  16. momo_ps2

    gpSP 0.8

    kingdom hearts passe excellent mais toujours pas sword of mana dommage
  17. momo_ps2

    gpSP 0.8

    putain génial zelda fluide sans frameskip
  18. Sometimes news hits the scene and it amazes all, today we have had a newposting by forum member S!ms of his announcement of his PSP Emulator for windows, the emulator is being worked on as we speak, heres some screens- Nows heres what S!ms posted: Hi folks, I have been working on this for ages, and maybe you guys would like to know what's going on. I am working on a PSP Emulator for the PC (32bit currently), called VirtualPSP. It is a fully working PSP, but now on your PC. It does read the dumped flash (like devhook) and emulates it. (I'm not gonna post all the technical details here, because only 1% will understand what i mean lol). As you see it is working, but it runs very slow. Maybe it is my PC (1.3Ghz/256MB RAM), but i'll try to fix this and let some people try. Online play (infrastructure) will be available too, all connecting Peer to Peer. (My server will function as a main host). I need some time to get this fully working though. I can connect to my LAN pc's, but it freezes when the game's loading. I'll try to fix this anyway. Maybe i can add Ad-hoc function through the internet? (Like KAI) And no, i'm not gonna release this *yet*. It can take a while, but if i need some testers, i'll PM you. I would like to recieve some feedback of my work. ~S!msAll sounds very very interesting doesnt it, well as with all releases from as yet unknown coders we must take this as a rumoured news, what this means is we arent trying to disrespect the coder but try to not build up the news too much if it is a fake. But if this is real then wow its great news for the whole PSP Scene, if the coder agrees to me having a beta to verify the release then ill shout out the news from everywhere, the moment i can verify it Full info and screenshots at this thread on our DCEmu forums here -->
  19. ben je vous assure que la version que j'ai est une 2.80
  20. ah non je t'assure que c'est 2.80 je l'ai vu dans le param.sfo et je parle de taito euro pas jap ou us
  21. ok mais pourquoi les FW 2.71 lance les jeux 2.80 sans faire la maj???
  22. nan j'ai pas essayer je vais tenter se que tu a dis et te dire se qu'il en ai EDIT: il se lance desoler j'avais mal configurer devhook tout va bien les jeux 2.80 marcheront avec la 2.71 alors comment sa se fait ???
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