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jéjé 34

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Messages posté(e)s par jéjé 34

  1. La version de scummvm fourni dans le pack est beaucoup plus stable que celle qui trainé sur internet.

    J'ai réussi a faire marcher les sauvegardes en remplacent le dossier scummvm fourni dans l'archive par celui fourni dans la version windows.

    J'ai testé avec full throttle, monkey island 3 et les chevalier de baphomet, ils marchent tous :D.

  2. Salut, j'ai déjà eu un le même pb après avoir installer une puce, j'avais fait un cour circuit après l'avoir enlevé la console a redemaré sans pb donc vérifie les soudures mais je doute que se soit sa vu que ta wii à marché avec ta puce.
  3. Yes, that's right - an exploit for the Nintendo Wii has been discovered and it allows you to run custom code. The method is pretty simple. Copy over a save file for Zelda, load it and the code runs. Don't get too excited yet. They have only been able to run 4 lines of code, but this is in a days work.


    Segher was the one to find the exploit and Bushing has been testing it out with the aid of the USB Gecko. The process is far from simple as once you modify a save game it requires it be to signed with 3 keys. Here's some info from Bushing.


    "Once the Wii decrypts the save game, it checks its signature. Every Wii has its own private key which is used to sign save games, and when you save a game, the Wii actually saves three bits of data:


    * The encrypted save game

    * The signature for the save game (using your console's private key)

    * A copy of your console's public key, signed by Nintendo."


    Of course, the end user wouldn't have to go through this process unless they were wanting to inject their own code into the save game, but that shouldn't be necessary because when I asked Bushing what his goal was he answered:


    "Assuming we don't run into a wall, it should be able to lead to a homebrew loader. I hope. No promises. "


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