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[JEUX] SoulCalibur 4


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Dark Vador (peut être bien disponible aussi sur XBOX 360) et inversement, Yoda sur PS3


Since there's no official confirmation on this bit of info we've picked up, call this a rumor for now. The rumor for today states that Yoda and Vader might become pieces of downloadable content for the respective Soul Calibur 4 (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) version they aren't in.


Tuesday saw some pictures floating around the internet where Yoda looked to be fighting Vader. This, under the current circumstances, is impossible, seeing as they've been placed on opposing consoles, so Namco Bandai must have their own way of placing the both characters in the game. Writes GamePro:


The evidence was witnessed at a Soul Calibur IV launch party by GamePro's own Sid Shuman, as well as by gaming site Gamer Reports, which posted character select screen images of Darth Vader on the Xbox 360. Namco Bandai, publisher of the Soul Calibur series, had the images removed, telling the site the content was "unauthorized in-development material taken from the game."


The line "unauthorized in-development material taken from the game" kinda says something important, doesn't it? In any event, we'll let you know if Namco Bandai really is planning on filling up the 360 and PS3 rosters with the missing characters. Let's just hope that, should this be the case, the DLC that'll come for these Force-enabled characters will be free.


Vous remarquerez que sur cet vidéo de Soul Calibure 4 sur Xbox 360 il y a encore un emplacement,a coté de Yoda ont peut alors peut etre conclure que cet rumeur s'avère vrai, mais ne nous emballons pas trop vite et attendont encore plus de precision.

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