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TOPIC regrouppant les sortie de ESR


Toute les versions de ESR et FMCB


SORTIE de ESR public beta, revision 8a+

* corrected a typo in "mcard" version that prevented loading anything else than "mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF"



SORTIE de ESR public beta, revision 8a

* changes in IOP reset procedure - should help with some games

* fixed IOP side initialization for dvdv - should help with some games (SSX:OT should work again)

* fixed LoadExecPS2 - more games should work fine (mostly capcom's "anthologies" and "collections")

* fixed some timing issues for streaming reads



ESR - public beta - PSX/PS2/PS3 Scene Newz


ESR public beta, revision 8

* changed LoadExecPS2 implementation. It should be now much more compatible (games that were hanging at red screen or after red screen should work fine now)

* restructurized code placement for better (I hope) compatibility

* fixed some bugs on EE side, that caused some games to not load at all (black screen)

* changed IOP code to wait untill all init/patching is done (no more white screens at beginning I hope)

* added additional file "dvd direct off" - it has similar feature that hdloader "mode 3", will disable ESR after first IOP reset (might be necessary for some games)

* changed SYSTEM.CNF parser once again

* updated imagedrv module with corrected version

* lots of other minor fixes, mainly on EE side


ESR - public beta - PSX/PS2/PS3 Scene Newz

Modifié par psychomantis
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* added additional file "dvd direct off" - it has similar feature that hdloader "mode 3", will disable ESR after first IOP reset (might be necessary for some games)



C'est quoi exactement cette fonction ? Quelqu'un pourrai expliquer ?


Ca efface le loader (ESR) de la mémoire après avoir lancé le jeu pour eviter les conflits avec certains jeux qui plantent si ESR est encore chargé en mémoire.


C'est + compatible avec certains jeux précis et moins compatible en général.

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