perfectmaster Posté(e) le 2 avril 2008 Partager Posté(e) le 2 avril 2008 Salut tlm, voilà je cherche un tuto complet si possible en français. Mais un bien fait avec des screens etc.:pasmafaufe8: Juste histoire de pouvoir ripper correctement un dvd avec le xvid. merci a+ Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
kira Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 Partager Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 Si je me souviens bien, ce soft a pour principal avantage de t'éviter le Rip du DVD... En All-In-One préfère RI4M. T'auras de meilleurs résulats. ->Ri4m v5.0 :: Logiciel gratuit - Convertir un DVD en DivX - Ré-encoder les vidéos en MKV, AVI, DivX 6, divx 5, RV10, RV9, XviD, MPEG 1, MPEG 2, h264, Rip, Encoder - Ripp-It Si tu veux un tuto pour ton soft, direction le site de l'éditeur: ->labDV - Bienvenue! Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
perfectmaster Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 le truc c'est que j'ai déjà test ce programme mais je déteste l'interface. Sinon j'ai fait quelques tests avec Handbrake (je trouve que ce log a la meilleure interface(le plus clair)) et ça marche plutôt bien. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
kira Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 Partager Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 Dans les "friendly" interface, t'as aussi AutoGK, SUPER, etc... M'enfin, je reste avec mon bon vieux VD. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
perfectmaster Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 il est pas un peu périmé AutoGK ? parce que la dernière update date de 2005... Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
kira Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 Partager Posté(e) le 3 avril 2008 AutoGK continue d'être développé. La dernière version date de Novembre 2007. AutoGK Homepage - THE tool for XviD / DivX conversion Concernant son grand frère GK(et qui n'a rien à voir avec AutoGK concernant la méthode de Rip ici manuelle), il ne l'est plus officiellement depuis 2005. Cependant, on trouve des versions moddés(avec support des derniers codecs audios et vidéos) développées par quelques particuliers et datant de fin 07, début 08. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
perfectmaster Posté(e) le 5 avril 2008 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 5 avril 2008 yep, j'ai fait quelques tests, j'avais du temps à tuer... Donc voici mes conclusions. J'ai rippé le films Opération Espadon 3 fois. les 3 fois à peu près sur 900mo. Le film dure 1h35. N°1) Handbrake: H264, .mkv,(Film preset) la meilleures qualité, relativement rapide 1h et demi. N°2) Handbrake: Xvid, .avi,(Film preset) c'est affreusement long...2h et demi. N°3) AutoGk: En Xvid, le rip est rapide, 1h et des poussières sur mon pc. C'est con j'ai pas pu tester dvdx:snif: Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
kira Posté(e) le 5 avril 2008 Partager Posté(e) le 5 avril 2008 La première image. C'est bien de faire des tests sauf qu'il faut avoir des données comparables. En gros : ->Film de même poids->OK ->Les images que tu compares doivent être les mêmes, sinon aucun intérêt. ->La résolution de tes 3 Rips doit être la même. Seul le codec doit différer. Après oui, le h264 offre le meilleur rapport qualité/compression. Mais question compatibilité platine... Après pour le XviD, mieux vaut accompagner la double passe de quelques filtres pour obtenir un meilleur résultat. D'ailleurs tes Rips, simple passe, double passe, npasse ? Encore un facteur à préciser. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
perfectmaster Posté(e) le 6 avril 2008 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 6 avril 2008 bas c'est trop tard j'ai déjà tout delete^^ donc c'est tout en 2 passes, sans filtres normalement(je crois), après j'ai mis tout en mode auto, pour une taille de 900 mo. Le Autogk, m'a automatiquement fait une petite résolution(je sais pas pourquoi d'ailleurs) Sinon, je veux bien recommencer, mais comment on fait pour ripper que un chapitre du film? Avec cloneDVD ou DVDShrink ? Réponse: avec clone dvd j'ai pas réeussi, avec dvdshrink oui^^ Faut que je refasse avec AutoGK, la résolution n'étant pas bonne Bon je laisse tomber AutoGK(avec le codec Xvid), avec une résolution de 1024(width), la vidéo fait 121100ko, l'encodage dure 2min56sec. Configuration: Screenshot: Qualité original tirée du dvd: Taille du fichier ISO fait avec DVDShrink: 116730ko Durée: 2min18sec AutoGK 2.45: La configuration utilisée: Le Log: Révéler le contenu masqué [06.04.2008 13:35:23] AutoGK 2.45 [06.04.2008 13:35:23] OS: WinXP (5.1.2600).2 [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Job started. [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Input file: E:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Output file: C:\Traitement DVD\Autogk.avi [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Output codec: XviD [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Audio 1: English AC3 6ch [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Subtitles: none [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Format: AVI [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Target size: 896Mb [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Audio 1 settings: Auto [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Started encoding. [06.04.2008 13:35:23] Demuxing and indexing. [06.04.2008 13:35:26] Processing file: E:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB [06.04.2008 13:35:26] Source resolution: 720x576 [06.04.2008 13:35:26] Found PAL source. [06.04.2008 13:35:26] Source aspect ratio: 16:9 [06.04.2008 13:35:26] Color correction enabled. [06.04.2008 13:35:26] Analyzing source. [06.04.2008 13:35:46] Source is considered to be interlaced. [06.04.2008 13:35:46] Output will contain 3471 frames [06.04.2008 13:35:46] Audio1 size: 6,662,684 bytes (6.35 Mb) [06.04.2008 13:35:46] Overhead: 23,168 bytes (0.02 Mb) [06.04.2008 13:35:46] Video size: 932,838,244 bytes (889.62 Mb) [06.04.2008 13:35:46] Running compressibility test. [06.04.2008 13:36:21] Duration was: 34 seconds [06.04.2008 13:36:21] Speed was: 58.54 fps. [06.04.2008 13:36:21] Compressibility percentage is: 2059.30 [06.04.2008 13:36:21] Switching b-frames off [06.04.2008 13:36:21] Chosen resolution is: 720x320 ( AR: 2.25 ) [06.04.2008 13:36:21] Predicted comptest value is: 1430.82% [06.04.2008 13:36:21] Running first pass. [06.04.2008 13:36:54] Duration was: 33 seconds [06.04.2008 13:36:54] Speed was: 102.84 fps. [06.04.2008 13:36:54] Expected quality of first pass size: 1400.64% [06.04.2008 13:36:54] Trying to adjust settings. [06.04.2008 13:36:54] No adjustment is possible [06.04.2008 13:36:54] Warning: final AVI will likely be undersized. [06.04.2008 13:36:54] Running second pass. [06.04.2008 13:37:29] Duration was: 34 seconds [06.04.2008 13:37:29] Speed was: 99.53 fps. [06.04.2008 13:37:29] Job finished. Total time: 2 minutes 5 seconds ==================================================== Screenshot: Handbrake 0.92: Preset: Film La configuration: Le log: Révéler le contenu masqué [13:47:53] hb_init: checking cpu count [13:47:53] hb_init: starting libhb thread [13:47:53] thread ed2210 started ("libhb") HandBrake 0.9.2 (2008022300) - HandBrake 4 CPUs detected Opening E:\VIDEO_TS... [13:47:53] hb_scan: path=E:\VIDEO_TS, title_index=1 [13:47:53] thread ed2368 started ("scan") [13:47:53] scan: trying to open with libdvdread [13:47:53] scan: DVD has 1 title(s) [13:47:53] scan: scanning title 1 [13:47:53] scan: opening IFO for VTS 1 [13:47:53] pgc_id: 1, pgn: 1: pgc: 0xed3a38 [13:47:53] scan: vts=1, ttn=1, cells=0->1, blocks=0->58070, 58071 blocks [13:47:53] scan: duration is 00:02:18 (138060 ms) [13:47:53] scan: checking audio 1 [13:47:53] scan: id=80bd, lang=English (AC3), 3cc=eng [13:47:53] scan: checking audio 2 [13:47:53] scan: id=81bd, lang=Francais (AC3), 3cc=fra [13:47:53] scan: checking audio 3 [13:47:53] scan: id=82bd, lang=English (AC3), 3cc=eng [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 1 [13:47:53] scan: id=20bd, lang=English, 3cc=eng [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 2 [13:47:53] scan: id=21bd, lang=Francais, 3cc=fra [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 3 [13:47:53] scan: id=22bd, lang=Italiano, 3cc=ita [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 4 [13:47:53] scan: id=23bd, lang=Nederlands, 3cc=nld [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 5 [13:47:53] scan: id=24bd, lang=Arabic, 3cc=ara [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 6 [13:47:53] scan: id=25bd, lang=Espanol, 3cc=spa [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 7 [13:47:53] scan: id=26bd, lang=Deutsch, 3cc=deu [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 8 [13:47:53] scan: id=27bd, lang=Romanian, 3cc=ron [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 9 [13:47:53] scan: id=28bd, lang=Bulgarian, 3cc=bul [13:47:53] scan: checking subtitle 10 [13:47:53] scan: id=29bd, lang=English, 3cc=eng [13:47:53] scan: title 1 has 2 chapters [13:47:53] scan: chap 1 c=0->0, b=0->19832 (19833), 52970 ms [13:47:53] scan: chap 2 c=1->1, b=19833->58070 (38238), 85089 ms [13:47:53] scan: aspect = 16 [13:47:53] scan: decoding previews for title 1 [13:47:53] scan: preview 1 [13:47:53] scan: AC3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=384000 [13:47:53] scan: AC3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=384000 [13:47:53] scan: AC3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 [13:47:53] scan: preview 2 [13:47:53] scan: preview 3 [13:47:53] scan: preview 4 [13:47:53] scan: preview 5 [13:47:53] scan: preview 6 [13:47:53] scan: preview 7 [13:47:53] scan: preview 8 [13:47:53] scan: preview 9 [13:47:53] scan: preview 10 [13:47:53] scan: 720x576, 25.000 fps, autocrop = 70/70/0/0 [13:47:53] scan: title (0) job->width:720, job->height:304 [13:47:53] thread ed2368 exited ("scan") [13:47:54] thread ed2368 joined ("scan") [13:47:54] libhb: scan thread found 1 valid title(s) + title 1: + vts 1, ttn 1, cells 0->1 (58071 blocks) + duration: 00:02:18 + size: 720x576, aspect: 1.78, 25.000 fps + autocrop: 70/70/0/0 + chapters: + 1: cells 0->0, 19833 blocks, duration 00:00:53 + 2: cells 1->1, 38238 blocks, duration 00:01:25 + audio tracks: + 1, English (AC3) (5.1 ch), 48000Hz, 384000bps + 2, Francais (AC3) (5.1 ch), 48000Hz, 384000bps + 3, English (AC3) (Dolby Surround), 48000Hz, 192000bps + subtitle tracks: + 1, English (iso639-2: eng) + 2, Francais (iso639-2: fra) + 3, Italiano (iso639-2: ita) + 4, Nederlands (iso639-2: nld) + 5, Arabic (iso639-2: ara) + 6, Espanol (iso639-2: spa) + 7, Deutsch (iso639-2: deu) + 8, Romanian (iso639-2: ron) + 9, Bulgarian (iso639-2: bul) + 10, English (iso639-2: eng) Reading chapter markers from file C:\Documents and Settings\Tomas\Local Settings\Temp\chapters.csv Modified x264 options for pass 1 to append turbo options: ref=3:mixed-refs:bframes=6:bime:weightb:b-rdo:direct=auto:b-pyramid:me=umh:subme=7:analyse=all:8x8dct:trellis=1:no-fast-pskip:ref=1:subme=1:me=dia:analyse=none:trellis=0:no-fast-pskip=0:8x8dct=0:weightb=0 [13:47:54] thread ed0fc8 started ("work") [13:47:54] 2 job(s) to process [13:47:54] starting job [13:47:54] + device E:\VIDEO_TS [13:47:54] + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 2 [13:47:54] + 720x576 -> 720x436, crop 70/70/0/0 [13:47:54] + video frame rate: 25.000 fps [13:47:54] + video bitrate 1800 kbps, pass 1 [13:47:54] + PixelRatio: 1, width:720, height: 436 [13:47:54] + encoder x264 [13:47:54] + x264 options: ref=3:mixed-refs:bframes=6:bime:weightb:b-rdo:direct=auto:b-pyramid:me=umh:subme=7:analyse=all:8x8dct:trellis=1:no-fast-pskip:ref=1:subme=1:me=dia:analyse=none:trellis=0:no-fast-pskip=0:8x8dct=0:weightb=0 [13:47:54] + audio AC3 passthrough [13:47:54] thread eed658 started ("reader") [13:47:54] + output: C:\Traitement DVD\VIDEO_TS_T1_C1-2.mkv [13:47:54] thread eed7c8 started ("muxer") [13:47:54] thread eed978 started ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [13:47:54] dvd: Beginning of Cell (0) at block 0 [13:47:54] thread 1185428 started ("Renderer") [13:47:54] encx264: encoding with stored aspect 64/45 [13:47:54] encx264: opening libx264 (pass 1) x264 [warning]: width or height not divisible by 16 (720x436), compression will suffer. x264 [info]: using SAR=64/45 x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 Cache64 [13:47:54] thread 1ab3300 started ("H.264/AVC encoder (libx264)") [13:47:54] sync: expecting 3476 video frames [13:47:54] sync: first pts is 190730250 [13:48:02] dvd: End of Cell (0) at block 19491 [13:48:02] dvd: Beginning of Cell (1) at block 19833 [13:48:02] dvd: Chapter Break Cell Found [13:48:03] MPEG2: Chapter Break Cell Found, searching for GOP [13:48:03] MPEG2: Group of pictures found, searching for I-Frame [13:48:03] MPEG2: I-Frame Found [13:48:03] MPEG2: Chapter Break Inserted [13:48:03] work Renderer: Copying Chapter Break @ 4773600 [13:48:18] dvd: End of Cell (1) at block 57725 [13:48:18] dvd: Skipping multi-angle cells 2-19 [13:48:18] reader: done [13:48:18] thread eed658 exited ("reader") [13:48:19] sync: got 3466 frames, 3476 expected [13:48:20] thread 1185428 exited ("Renderer") [13:48:20] thread 1ab3300 exited ("H.264/AVC encoder (libx264)") [13:48:20] thread eed7c8 exited ("muxer") [13:48:20] thread eed978 exited ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [13:48:20] thread eed978 joined ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [13:48:20] thread 1185428 joined ("Renderer") [13:48:20] render: lost time: 0 (0 frames) [13:48:20] render: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for) [13:48:20] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:48:20] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:48:20] thread 1ab3300 joined ("H.264/AVC encoder (libx264)") x264 [info]: slice I:33 Avg QP:17.94 size: 49797 PSNR Mean Y:46.12 U:48.34 V:48.57 Avg:46.75 Global:44.89 x264 [info]: slice P:1011 Avg QP:21.79 size: 17590 PSNR Mean Y:41.74 U:43.53 V:44.25 Avg:42.32 Global:39.72 x264 [info]: slice B:2422 Avg QP:21.49 size: 6366 PSNR Mean Y:43.13 U:45.32 V:45.83 Avg:43.77 Global:41.33 x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 19.8% 0.0% 80.2% x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 13.4% 0.0% 0.0% P16..4: 73.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% skip:13.6% x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% B16..8: 30.0% 0.0% 0.0% direct:29.1% skip:39.5% x264 [info]: final ratefactor: 21.89 x264 [info]: direct mvs spatial:96.6% temporal:3.4% x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0.9781652 x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:42.757 U:44.831 V:45.397 Avg:43.376 Global:40.816 kb/s:2010.68 [13:48:20] thread eed658 joined ("reader") [13:48:20] thread eed7c8 joined ("muxer") [13:48:20] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:48:20] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:48:20] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:48:20] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:48:20] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:48:20] Freed 2 buffers of size 512 [13:48:20] Freed 5 buffers of size 1024 [13:48:20] Freed 2048 buffers of size 2048 [13:48:20] Freed 0 buffers of size 4096 [13:48:20] Freed 0 buffers of size 8192 [13:48:20] Freed 0 buffers of size 16384 [13:48:20] Freed 0 buffers of size 32768 [13:48:20] Freed 105 buffers of size 622080 [13:48:20] Allocated 69518848 bytes of buffers on this pass and Freed 69518848 bytes, 0 bytes leaked [13:48:20] starting job [13:48:20] + device E:\VIDEO_TS [13:48:20] + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 2 [13:48:20] + 720x576 -> 720x436, crop 70/70/0/0 [13:48:20] + video frame rate: 25.000 fps [13:48:20] + video bitrate 1800 kbps, pass 2 [13:48:20] + PixelRatio: 1, width:720, height: 436 [13:48:20] + encoder x264 [13:48:20] + x264 options: ref=3:mixed-refs:bframes=6:bime:weightb:b-rdo:direct=auto:b-pyramid:me=umh:subme=7:analyse=all:8x8dct:trellis=1:no-fast-pskip [13:48:20] + audio AC3 passthrough [13:48:20] + 80bd, English (AC3) (5.1 ch) [13:48:20] + Requested mixdown: Dolby Pro Logic II (HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBYPLII) [13:48:20] + Actual mixdown: Dolby Pro Logic II (HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBYPLII) [13:48:20] thread 2872aa8 started ("reader") [13:48:20] + output: C:\Traitement DVD\VIDEO_TS_T1_C1-2.mkv [13:48:20] thread 2872bb8 started ("muxer") [13:48:20] thread 2872d28 started ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [13:48:20] thread 2872ee0 started ("Renderer") [13:48:20] encx264: encoding with stored aspect 64/45 [13:48:20] encx264: opening libx264 (pass 2) x264 [warning]: width or height not divisible by 16 (720x436), compression will suffer. x264 [info]: using SAR=64/45 x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 Cache64 [13:48:20] dvd: Beginning of Cell (0) at block 0 [13:48:20] thread 2e56c30 started ("H.264/AVC encoder (libx264)") No accelerated IMDCT transform found [13:48:20] thread 2e5bd70 started ("AC3 decoder") [13:48:20] a52_syncinfo failed [13:48:20] sync: expecting 3476 video frames [13:48:20] a52_syncinfo ok [13:48:20] sync: first pts is 190730250 [13:48:20] Sync: Audio PTS (190719456) < Video PTS (190730250) by greater than 100ms, trashing audio to reconverge [13:48:20] Sync: Audio back in Sync at PTS 190722336 [13:48:54] dvd: End of Cell (0) at block 19491 [13:48:55] dvd: Beginning of Cell (1) at block 19833 [13:48:55] dvd: Chapter Break Cell Found [13:49:00] MPEG2: Chapter Break Cell Found, searching for GOP [13:49:00] MPEG2: Group of pictures found, searching for I-Frame [13:49:00] MPEG2: I-Frame Found [13:49:00] MPEG2: Chapter Break Inserted [13:49:02] work Renderer: Copying Chapter Break @ 4773600 [13:50:11] dvd: End of Cell (1) at block 57725 [13:50:11] reader: done [13:50:11] thread 2872aa8 exited ("reader") [13:50:18] sync: got 3466 frames, 3476 expected [13:50:21] thread 2e5bd70 exited ("AC3 decoder") [13:50:21] thread 2872ee0 exited ("Renderer") [13:50:21] thread 2872d28 exited ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [13:50:21] thread 2872d28 joined ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [13:50:21] thread 2872ee0 joined ("Renderer") [13:50:21] render: lost time: 0 (0 frames) [13:50:21] render: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] mux: file size, 37909774 bytes [13:50:21] mux: track 0, 31175225 bytes, 1802.56 kbps [13:50:21] mux: video bitrate error, +44225 bytes [13:50:21] mux: track 1, 6640128 bytes, 383.93 kbps [13:50:21] mux: overhead, 12.13 bytes per frame [13:50:21] thread 2872bb8 exited ("muxer") [13:50:21] thread 2e56c30 exited ("H.264/AVC encoder (libx264)") [13:50:21] thread 2e56c30 joined ("H.264/AVC encoder (libx264)") x264 [info]: slice I:32 Avg QP:17.44 size: 46095 PSNR Mean Y:47.04 U:48.76 V:48.98 Avg:47.55 Global:46.73 x264 [info]: slice P:1008 Avg QP:20.93 size: 17600 PSNR Mean Y:43.38 U:44.45 V:45.09 Avg:43.77 Global:42.14 x264 [info]: slice B:2420 Avg QP:21.34 size: 4953 PSNR Mean Y:43.92 U:45.70 V:46.19 Avg:44.47 Global:42.96 x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 22.1% 55.4% 22.4% x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 3.9% 6.8% 2.9% P16..4: 43.5% 19.2% 11.3% 1.5% 1.0% skip: 9.8% x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 0.3% 0.5% 0.3% B16..8: 32.8% 2.9% 5.3% direct: 3.4% skip:54.5% x264 [info]: 8x8 transform intra:50.0% inter:64.1% x264 [info]: direct mvs spatial:90.5% temporal:9.5% x264 [info]: ref P 70.9% 18.2% 10.9% x264 [info]: ref B 89.4% 10.6% x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0.9838371 x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:43.792 U:45.364 V:45.895 Avg:44.297 Global:42.725 kb/s:1803.56 [13:50:21] thread 2e5bd70 joined ("AC3 decoder") [13:50:21] thread 2872aa8 joined ("reader") [13:50:21] thread 2872bb8 joined ("muxer") [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 1 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 1 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [13:50:21] fifo_close: trashing 13 buffer(s) [13:50:21] Freed 4 buffers of size 512 [13:50:21] Freed 4 buffers of size 1024 [13:50:21] Freed 2048 buffers of size 2048 [13:50:21] Freed 0 buffers of size 4096 [13:50:21] Freed 0 buffers of size 8192 [13:50:21] Freed 0 buffers of size 16384 [13:50:21] Freed 0 buffers of size 32768 [13:50:21] Freed 103 buffers of size 622080 [13:50:21] Allocated 68274688 bytes of buffers on this pass and Freed 68274688 bytes, 0 bytes leaked [13:50:21] thread ed0fc8 exited ("work") [13:50:21] thread ed0fc8 joined ("work") [13:50:21] libhb: work result = 0 Rip done! [13:50:21] thread ed2210 exited ("libhb") [13:50:21] thread ed2210 joined ("libhb") HandBrake has exited. Screenshot: Temps écoulé: 2min28sec Taille du film: 37022ko Handbrake 0.92 Avec le codec Xvid. Preset: Film La configuration: Le Log: Révéler le contenu masqué [14:01:07] hb_init: checking cpu count [14:01:07] hb_init: starting libhb thread [14:01:07] thread ed2198 started ("libhb") HandBrake 0.9.2 (2008022300) - HandBrake 4 CPUs detected Opening E:\VIDEO_TS... [14:01:07] hb_scan: path=E:\VIDEO_TS, title_index=1 [14:01:07] thread ed23e0 started ("scan") [14:01:07] scan: trying to open with libdvdread [14:01:07] scan: DVD has 1 title(s) [14:01:07] scan: scanning title 1 [14:01:07] scan: opening IFO for VTS 1 [14:01:07] pgc_id: 1, pgn: 1: pgc: 0xed39c0 [14:01:07] scan: vts=1, ttn=1, cells=0->1, blocks=0->58070, 58071 blocks [14:01:07] scan: duration is 00:02:18 (138060 ms) [14:01:07] scan: checking audio 1 [14:01:07] scan: id=80bd, lang=English (AC3), 3cc=eng [14:01:07] scan: checking audio 2 [14:01:07] scan: id=81bd, lang=Francais (AC3), 3cc=fra [14:01:07] scan: checking audio 3 [14:01:07] scan: id=82bd, lang=English (AC3), 3cc=eng [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 1 [14:01:07] scan: id=20bd, lang=English, 3cc=eng [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 2 [14:01:07] scan: id=21bd, lang=Francais, 3cc=fra [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 3 [14:01:07] scan: id=22bd, lang=Italiano, 3cc=ita [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 4 [14:01:07] scan: id=23bd, lang=Nederlands, 3cc=nld [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 5 [14:01:07] scan: id=24bd, lang=Arabic, 3cc=ara [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 6 [14:01:07] scan: id=25bd, lang=Espanol, 3cc=spa [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 7 [14:01:07] scan: id=26bd, lang=Deutsch, 3cc=deu [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 8 [14:01:07] scan: id=27bd, lang=Romanian, 3cc=ron [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 9 [14:01:07] scan: id=28bd, lang=Bulgarian, 3cc=bul [14:01:07] scan: checking subtitle 10 [14:01:07] scan: id=29bd, lang=English, 3cc=eng [14:01:07] scan: title 1 has 2 chapters [14:01:07] scan: chap 1 c=0->0, b=0->19832 (19833), 52970 ms [14:01:07] scan: chap 2 c=1->1, b=19833->58070 (38238), 85089 ms [14:01:07] scan: aspect = 16 [14:01:07] scan: decoding previews for title 1 [14:01:07] scan: preview 1 [14:01:07] scan: AC3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=384000 [14:01:07] scan: AC3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=384000 [14:01:07] scan: AC3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 [14:01:07] scan: preview 2 [14:01:07] scan: preview 3 [14:01:07] scan: preview 4 [14:01:07] scan: preview 5 [14:01:07] scan: preview 6 [14:01:07] scan: preview 7 [14:01:07] scan: preview 8 [14:01:07] scan: preview 9 [14:01:07] scan: preview 10 [14:01:07] scan: 720x576, 25.000 fps, autocrop = 70/70/0/0 [14:01:07] scan: title (0) job->width:720, job->height:304 [14:01:07] thread ed23e0 exited ("scan") [14:01:07] thread ed23e0 joined ("scan") [14:01:07] libhb: scan thread found 1 valid title(s) + title 1: + vts 1, ttn 1, cells 0->1 (58071 blocks) + duration: 00:02:18 + size: 720x576, aspect: 1.78, 25.000 fps + autocrop: 70/70/0/0 + chapters: + 1: cells 0->0, 19833 blocks, duration 00:00:53 + 2: cells 1->1, 38238 blocks, duration 00:01:25 + audio tracks: + 1, English (AC3) (5.1 ch), 48000Hz, 384000bps + 2, Francais (AC3) (5.1 ch), 48000Hz, 384000bps + 3, English (AC3) (Dolby Surround), 48000Hz, 192000bps + subtitle tracks: + 1, English (iso639-2: eng) + 2, Francais (iso639-2: fra) + 3, Italiano (iso639-2: ita) + 4, Nederlands (iso639-2: nld) + 5, Arabic (iso639-2: ara) + 6, Espanol (iso639-2: spa) + 7, Deutsch (iso639-2: deu) + 8, Romanian (iso639-2: ron) + 9, Bulgarian (iso639-2: bul) + 10, English (iso639-2: eng) Reading chapter markers from file C:\Documents and Settings\Tomas\Local Settings\Temp\chapters.csv [14:01:07] thread eed110 started ("work") [14:01:07] 2 job(s) to process [14:01:07] starting job [14:01:07] + device E:\VIDEO_TS [14:01:07] + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 2 [14:01:07] + 720x576 -> 720x436, crop 70/70/0/0 [14:01:07] + video frame rate: 25.000 fps [14:01:07] + video bitrate 1800 kbps, pass 1 [14:01:07] + PixelRatio: 1, width:720, height: 436 [14:01:07] + encoder XviD [14:01:07] + audio AC3 passthrough [14:01:07] thread eed508 started ("reader") [14:01:07] + output: C:\Traitement DVD\VIDEO_TS_T1_C1-2.avi [14:01:07] thread eed678 started ("muxer") [14:01:07] thread eed828 started ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [14:01:07] thread eeda88 started ("Renderer") [14:01:07] dvd: Beginning of Cell (0) at block 0 [14:01:07] thread 143ff58 started ("MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore)") [14:01:07] sync: expecting 3476 video frames [14:01:07] sync: first pts is 190730250 [14:01:07] encxvid: VOL size is 29 bytes [14:01:32] dvd: End of Cell (0) at block 19491 [14:01:33] dvd: Beginning of Cell (1) at block 19833 [14:01:33] dvd: Chapter Break Cell Found [14:01:36] MPEG2: Chapter Break Cell Found, searching for GOP [14:01:36] MPEG2: Group of pictures found, searching for I-Frame [14:01:36] MPEG2: I-Frame Found [14:01:36] MPEG2: Chapter Break Inserted [14:01:38] work Renderer: Copying Chapter Break @ 4773600 [14:01:39] work MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore): Copying Chapter Break @ 4773600 [14:02:34] dvd: End of Cell (1) at block 57725 [14:02:35] reader: done [14:02:35] thread eed508 exited ("reader") [14:02:40] sync: got 3466 frames, 3476 expected [14:02:42] thread eeda88 exited ("Renderer") [14:02:42] thread 143ff58 exited ("MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore)") [14:02:42] thread eed828 exited ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [14:02:42] thread eed828 joined ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [14:02:42] thread eeda88 joined ("Renderer") [14:02:42] render: lost time: 0 (0 frames) [14:02:42] render: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for) [14:02:42] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:02:42] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:02:42] thread 143ff58 joined ("MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore)") [14:02:42] encxvid: closing libxvidcore [14:02:42] thread eed508 joined ("reader") [14:02:42] thread eed678 exited ("muxer") [14:02:42] thread eed678 joined ("muxer") [14:02:42] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:02:42] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:02:42] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:02:42] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:02:42] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:02:42] Freed 2 buffers of size 512 [14:02:42] Freed 4 buffers of size 1024 [14:02:42] Freed 2048 buffers of size 2048 [14:02:42] Freed 0 buffers of size 4096 [14:02:42] Freed 0 buffers of size 8192 [14:02:42] Freed 0 buffers of size 16384 [14:02:42] Freed 0 buffers of size 32768 [14:02:42] Freed 102 buffers of size 622080 [14:02:42] Allocated 67651584 bytes of buffers on this pass and Freed 67651584 bytes, 0 bytes leaked [14:02:42] starting job [14:02:42] + device E:\VIDEO_TS [14:02:42] + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 2 [14:02:42] + 720x576 -> 720x436, crop 70/70/0/0 [14:02:42] + video frame rate: 25.000 fps [14:02:42] + video bitrate 1800 kbps, pass 2 [14:02:42] + PixelRatio: 1, width:720, height: 436 [14:02:42] + encoder XviD [14:02:42] + audio AC3 passthrough [14:02:42] + 80bd, English (AC3) (5.1 ch) [14:02:42] + Requested mixdown: Dolby Pro Logic II (HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBYPLII) [14:02:42] + Actual mixdown: Dolby Pro Logic II (HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBYPLII) [14:02:42] thread eede38 started ("reader") [14:02:42] + output: C:\Traitement DVD\VIDEO_TS_T1_C1-2.avi [14:02:42] thread eedf48 started ("muxer") [14:02:42] thread eeb7c8 started ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [14:02:42] thread eeba78 started ("Renderer") [14:02:42] dvd: Beginning of Cell (0) at block 0 [14:02:42] thread 1b80700 started ("MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore)") No accelerated IMDCT transform found [14:02:42] thread 1b91260 started ("AC3 decoder") [14:02:42] a52_syncinfo failed [14:02:42] sync: expecting 3476 video frames [14:02:42] a52_syncinfo ok [14:02:42] sync: first pts is 190730250 [14:02:42] encxvid: VOL size is 29 bytes [14:02:42] Sync: Audio PTS (190719456) < Video PTS (190730250) by greater than 100ms, trashing audio to reconverge [14:02:42] Sync: Audio back in Sync at PTS 190722336 [14:02:42] muxavi: opening C:\Traitement DVD\VIDEO_TS_T1_C1-2.avi [14:03:12] dvd: End of Cell (0) at block 19491 [14:03:12] dvd: Beginning of Cell (1) at block 19833 [14:03:12] dvd: Chapter Break Cell Found [14:03:17] MPEG2: Chapter Break Cell Found, searching for GOP [14:03:17] MPEG2: Group of pictures found, searching for I-Frame [14:03:17] MPEG2: I-Frame Found [14:03:17] MPEG2: Chapter Break Inserted [14:03:19] work Renderer: Copying Chapter Break @ 4773600 [14:03:20] work MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore): Copying Chapter Break @ 4773600 [14:04:41] dvd: End of Cell (1) at block 57725 [14:04:42] reader: done [14:04:42] thread eede38 exited ("reader") [14:04:51] sync: got 3466 frames, 3476 expected [14:04:54] thread 1b91260 exited ("AC3 decoder") [14:04:54] thread 1b80700 exited ("MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore)") [14:04:54] thread eeba78 exited ("Renderer") [14:04:54] muxavi: writing index [14:04:54] thread eeb7c8 exited ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [14:04:54] thread eeb7c8 joined ("MPEG-2 decoder (libmpeg2)") [14:04:54] thread eeba78 joined ("Renderer") [14:04:54] render: lost time: 0 (0 frames) [14:04:54] render: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for) [14:04:54] muxavi: closing C:\Traitement DVD\VIDEO_TS_T1_C1-2.avi [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] thread 1b80700 joined ("MPEG-4 encoder (libxvidcore)") [14:04:54] encxvid: closing libxvidcore [14:04:54] mux: file size, 37637288 bytes [14:04:54] mux: track 0, 30792412 bytes, 1776.83 kbps [14:04:54] mux: video bitrate error, -401588 bytes [14:04:54] mux: track 1, 6653952 bytes, 383.96 kbps [14:04:54] mux: overhead, 24.48 bytes per frame [14:04:54] thread eedf48 exited ("muxer") [14:04:54] thread 1b91260 joined ("AC3 decoder") [14:04:54] thread eede38 joined ("reader") [14:04:54] thread eedf48 joined ("muxer") [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 0 buffer(s) [14:04:54] fifo_close: trashing 4 buffer(s) [14:04:54] Freed 2 buffers of size 512 [14:04:54] Freed 4 buffers of size 1024 [14:04:54] Freed 2048 buffers of size 2048 [14:04:54] Freed 0 buffers of size 4096 [14:04:54] Freed 0 buffers of size 8192 [14:04:54] Freed 0 buffers of size 16384 [14:04:54] Freed 0 buffers of size 32768 [14:04:54] Freed 102 buffers of size 622080 [14:04:54] Freed 1 buffers of size 1048576 [14:04:54] Allocated 68700160 bytes of buffers on this pass and Freed 68700160 bytes, 0 bytes leaked [14:04:55] thread eed110 exited ("work") [14:04:55] thread eed110 joined ("work") [14:04:55] libhb: work result = 0 Rip done! [14:04:55] thread ed2198 exited ("libhb") [14:04:55] thread ed2198 joined ("libhb") HandBrake has exited. Screenshot: Temps écoulé: 3min28sec Taille: 36756ko --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarques: Avec le codec Xvid, j'ai noté quelques "floutations" sur la vidéo, plus visible avec l'utilisation de Handbrake que AutoGK. Avec VLC je sais pas comment aller a une frame spécifique, et avec WMP Classic, j'arrive pas à prendre des screenshot, ça me met une erreur. Conclusion: HANDBRAKE avec le preset FILM, c'est le plus rapide...(150fps chez moi), et c'est la meilleure qualitée, juste au niveau de la taille, elle fait ~1mo de plus que la meme config, le meme programme, et le codec XVID. J'ai fait un petit truc excel pour voir à peu près combien de place le film en entier prendrait: Google Text & Tabellen - taillefinalehandbrakefilm Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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