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[Homebrew] Snake for the Wii


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With the sort of classic game ports popping up lately, it's pretty safe to say that the Nintendo Wii's homebrew scene is taking its first baby steps quite well.


Now, if you're looking to complement your growing collection of homebrew titles with another favorite, you'll want to take a look at Uschghost's initial release of Snake.


As its name implies, this is a Wii port of the Snake game, where your goal is to control a snake as it gets longer from continuously eating apples. The game is loaded via the normal homebrew loading methods, and is controlled by the GameCube controller's D-Pad.


Given that this is a first release, Uschghost notes that there are still some bugs. The dev plans to add these updates for the future builds:

  • Fix bugs.
  • Make apples appear at random places.
  • Allow the use of the c-pad/d-pad as input.
  • Ignore pressing the button to in reverse.
  • Clean up code.
  • Release source.
  • Not returning to the loader.
  • Adjustable snake speed.

Other details regarding Snake for the Wii are available in the file bundle's readme. Now, if you're up for a challenge, Uschghost notes that the best score for this game so far is 53, by SoraK05. Think you can top that? Enjoy the download!

Download: Snake for the Wii



Source : et WiiBrew

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