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PS2 to PSP????

Tha P. Licker

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Salut a tous, ca fait un bout de temps que je ne suis plus l'actu psp, et pour cause je n'en ai plus, mais j'ai trouvé un fichier nommé PS2toPSP.rar sur les n-g, curieux je le prend meme si cela me semble etrange, et que ca sent le fake a plein nez mais bon on est curieux ou on ne l'ai pas.

Dedans il y a 2 logs (Magic ISO 5, PSPw0rm 2.0), un EBOOT (greeting:Thanks to Mr.Fucki for the apps), qui sont protegé par mot de pass (que je n'ai pas bien sur, et celui indiqué dans le .rar ne fonctionne pas, ce qui me fait encore plus pensé a un fake), ainsi qu'un .nfo/tuto, et un tuto (en allemand je crois) pour mettre GTA San Andreas PS2 sur PSP :reflexiomo6: qui eux peuvent etre decompressé.


Voila le nfo:


. . .



......................... M.............~D...........................................M......

......................... M.............~D...........................................M......










GTA San Andreas on PSP - Mr.Fucki's version




1) Load the GTA San Andreas PS2 Disc on your PC


2) Copy it all in to a folder on your PC


3) Open Magic ISO and then put all the GTA San Andreas files

in to a ISO-file and save it.


4) Call the ISO: gta_sa_YXLOAD.ISO


5) Rename .ISO to .UMD (gta_sa_YXLOAD.UMD)


6) gta_sa_YXLOAD.UMD size is 4.4 GB.Load it with PSPw0rm

and click "Stream N' Cut" wait 5-10 min. and now is the size 3.9 GB

and it is PSP-able


7) Connect your PSP to PC and copy YBox_359.9.EBOOT to

f:/PSP/GAMES/YBOX/ - restart your PSP


8) Connect your PSP to PC agein and copy gta_sa_YXLOAD.UMD

to the Memory Stick: f:/PSP/GAMES/YBOX/GTA_SA/gta_sa_YXLOAD.UMD


9) Unconnect the PSP, restart it and go to Game > Memory Stick™

click on YBox 359.9 and then load GTASA


10) Enjoy




You need:



PSPw0rm v2.0

Magic ISO (any version)

YBox 359.9





DATACABLE (pc to psp)

GTA San Andreas (PS2)

4 GB - Memory Stick Pro Duo





Firmware 2.5 and up works

Set PSP speed to 333 MHz

Remember to backup ALL your DATA before doing this






It takes 1-2 min. to save the game

The audio is bad

The Liberty City Mission is missing

and PS2 cheats dont work (use patch to make PS2 cheats to work)




You can do this with 98% of all PS2 and PS1 games!

Remember thiS is ilegal!




INFO about the APPs we use to do this:

Magic ISO can make files (."all") to iso.

PSPw0rm v2.0 can make .UMD PSP-able can resize it by deleteing all that the PSP cant read.

YBox_359.9 can do so your PSP can play formats like .UMD, .PSP and .UPD

Cheat_PATCHED_beta can make your PSP more like a PS2 by chaning the buttoms




TheBestWays and Mr.Fucki - GTA SA on PSP 2007



Donc voila, je suppose que c'est un fake mais je demande quand meme on sait jamais :D, quelqu'un connait ou a des infos?


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