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AceKard All-In-One (AK-AIO) v1.0 - Initial Public Release






By Normmatt ( )

By bliss ( The Bliss Story )

By Smiths of Emuholic (Emuholic & Emuboards - All the latest homebrew news for DS)

By Moogle

By gelu ( acekard-3in1 - Google Code )

By kzat3 ( æ°—ã®å‘ãã¾ã¾ã€é¢¨ã¾ã‹ã› )


What is This?


AKBBS has been usurped thanks to amazing efforts of Normmatt!

AK-AIO is custom system software for *BOTH* the AceKard RPG and AK2, using all the features from the latest release of AKBBS(1.99) as a base. One file, two cards.


Base features


For those unfamiliar with all the additions the AKBBS (now AIO) software has in comparison to the stock firmware, here's a sampling of the bigger changes:


* Cheat Improvements - R4/XML Cheat File processing

* Plug-ins for TXT/MP3/etc.

* Multiple Save Slots per title - with copying between slots

* Slot-2 Integration - EZ3in1 (w/GBA Patching) and older FlashAdvance carts

* Shortcut tweaks

* Multi-page Start Menu

* Filetype-based external icon support

* Per-Rom settings for soft-reset/download play/cheats

* Copying/Cutting/Deleting SAV files along with NDS files

* Several improvements to 2byte language support


Version History


AK-AIO 1.0

+ Runs on both AK2 and AKRPG

+ Uses gelu's latest AKRPG rom loader

+ Uses latest AK2 4.07a16 rom loader

+ Contains everything from AKBBS1.99

+ Future support for larger than 4mbit save types (only supports 64mbit at the moment)

+ Applied Bliss' AR Engine fixes to the AKRPG

+ Hopefully fixed most of the soft reset issues with the AKRPG


Special Notes


Seeing as this release has experimental support for saves ranging all then way up to 128mbit, please err on the side of caution and backup your saves before using this firmware.

The "__RPG" and "__AK2" directory is now simply called "__AIO"

Existing users should make sure to rename their system directory, and update globalsettings.ini to reflect the new hidden directory.


Known Bugs


Plugins have not been fully tested on both cards. Potentially could be broken.




* Add Slowmotion

* Add Acekard+ support

* Fix any bugs that crop up




Cheats included are from Rayder's awesome compilation at GBATemp, now maintained by Narin, and are current as of the date of this release.

For the most up-to-date files, check GBATemp's release site ( GBATemp Cheat Database )


apparemment deux autres programmeurs auraient décidé de reprendre le travail de bliss

et ce projet à pour but de fair un seul et même OS pour RPG et AK2 et peut-être AK+...


On verra bien ce que ça va donner! ;)

Modifié par bitonio6
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Invité bitonio6

ils ont de l'humour chez Acekard...


Une version beta est sortie, avec une toute nouvelle façon d'exploiter les cartes mémoire

et donc le débit de donnée, castelvania ne devrait plus poser de problème


Mais voici ce qui m'a fait rire...



A brand new engine of saving and reading card for Acekard2.


Faster and more stable.


Castlevania should be never lag on any TF cards.


How to use:

Download the attached file and extract it.

Replace the same file on your TF card.

Hold "A" when you start a game until the "loading" turns to red,

Which means using the new engine.

Otherwise it use 4.07a16, which will be released soon after some test,

engine instead.


Known Issues:

Zelda and 1981 will hang up when saving if you use new engine.



The new engine is a beta version to test.

It may be not stable.

So please backup all your save files first.



Comme on dit chez nous, faudrait savoir! :lol:

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J'ai le bliss , les mp3 se lancent parfaitement , le lecteur a l'interface d'un ipod j'avais vu un homebrew qui le faisait même pas besoin de le télécharger ^^

Par contre niveau avi marche pas , j'ai pris moonshell , puis de toute façon c'est mieux car en compressant les vidéos en dpg on gagne de la place ...


Par contre au niveau de la luminosité comme je l'ai cité plus haut sa ne marche pas du tout :/

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