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Autoboot ps2??? Fargo....

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voila,jai trouvé un ptit programme ms-dos ki sappelle fargo et ki patch les .bin ps2 pour faire un autoboot. or jai pa de .bin ,donc je pe pa essayer. si kelkun ve essayer,kil vienne sur msn :


voici le readme :


This is FARGO, a universal patcher for Playstation2 CDRWin BIN images.


No fuss, no muss.


It will patch any BIN image so that it will swap with whatever original disc you like.


It works a treat on my Japanese PS2, and from the discussions on ISONEWS we think it will

work on US PS2 as well. Please try it and let us know.



You can either rip an original disc using CDRWin (2352 sector mode) or download something

off the net (even if it's already patched for the Jap Swap Trick), and re-patch it so it will

swap with whatever original you have lying around.


Help is available if you run it on the command line with no parameters.


I'd be interested to hear if this does indeed work on the US PS2 - We have every reason to

believe it will. We have used it to patch US originals SSX and NHL that now swap fine on our

Japanese import machine.


Bug reports/replies to, or post to



Joel and Ethan Cohen.


- This is WarezWare: If you like it, post some good PS2 stuff on usenet: -

- -



Merci de me repondre,ca serai cool!

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impossible de faire passer un jeux ps2 sans puce , ou sans slide card avec l'autoboot , car la ps2 utilise le fameux secteurs defectueux créé par sony , en clair les secteur defect ne sont pas reproduit lors de la gravure donc je dit " it's impossible"
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