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Tuto pour changer les ziks de naruto accel 2


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Audio is customizable in any game which features the ADX Logo before the introduction; you can also take the American audio from a game and replace it with the Japanese audio if its available. This guide will be using Narutimate Accel 2 from NamcoBandai as the example (though the images are left over from Narutimate Accel 1), but before I start, let me state that your Playstation2 must be able to read modified media in order for you to customize soundtracks; either through a Hard Drive Loader, Swap Magic or a Mod Chip. Our previous guide used less programs and was simpler, however newer versions of the ADX Sound Systems have become incompatible with that older methodology. Therefore this new guide is being written and should be able to handle any ADX game out today. My thanks goes out to Rockman, Schoe and Hipsu for their effort in writing previous guides.



Create a folder on your computer where you can sandbox all the editing you will be doing for this customization. All .WAV files you save should be saved into this folder. All .ADX files will be created in this folder. The ADX Encoder and the ADX Batch File must also be saved and ran in this folder.

You will need the following programs:


* AFS Explorer 3.4 (Download Here)

* ADX Audio Tool 4.7 (Download Here)

* CDGenPS2 3.0 (Download Here)

* DKZ Studio 0.91B (Download Here)

* Any Sound Editing Suite (IE: Audacity)

* Any DVD Writing Suite (IE: Alcohol 120%)


After installing DKZ Studio you will quickly become aware that the program is not in English, it is in Italian. In order to switch the program into English you must first go to the "Configurazione" (F5) menu, select the "Lingua" option and be sure to highlight the English option. Once you have done that, hit the "Salva" button at the bottom; upon clicking you will come up with a prompt that tells you in Italian that you must restart the program before changes come into effect; just click "OK" and move on. The next time you restart DKZ Studio it will be in almost completely English. Do not under any circumstances upgrade to the DKZ Studio 0.92; it is incompatible with the Narutimate Accel series.



Before you can start customizing music, you need to first find out what tracks you want to put in and which tracks you will be replacing. Every game is different: tracks are in different places and different types of music are more suited to specific games. Thankfully, for Narutimate Accel 2, the identification of track listing has already been done for us.


* modesel.adx - Character Selection Screen

* stage00.adx - 01/24 - Village of Leaf (inside) - Ichiraku Ramen Shop

* stage01.adx - 03/24 - Akatsuki's Hideout (outside) - Button Hook

* stage02.adx - 04/24 - Akatsuki's Hideout (inside) - Extraction Statue

* stage03.adx - 11/24 - Village of Leaf (outside) - Konoha City Gates

* stage04.adx - 19/24 - Orochimaru's Lair (outside) - Tunnel Entrance

* stage05.adx - 20/24 - Orochimaru's Lair (inside) - Endless Hallways

* stage06.adx - 21/24 - Orochimaru's Lair (throne) - Manda's Room

* stage07.adx - 22/24 - Heaven and Earth Bridge

* stage08.adx - 05/24 - Waterfall Lakes - Kisame's Endless Ocean

* stage09.adx - 06/24 - Shrine Cliffs - Itachi's Resting Point

* stage10.adx - 02/24 - Village of the Sand (inside) - Suna Rooftops

* stage11.adx - 12/24 - Village of the Sand (outside) - Suna City Gates

* stage12.adx - 17/24 - Grassland Outskirts

* stage13.adx - 18/24 - Desert Outskirts

* stage14.adx - 07/24 - Training Area #44 - Three Fucking Logs

* stage15.adx - 10/24 - Valley of the End - Grand Waterfall Bridge

* stage16.adx - 23/24 - Kuchiyose Rooftops - Manda vs. Gamabunta

* stage17.adx - 24/24 - Tanzaku Gai Casinos - Tsunade's Vice

* stage18.adx - 08/24 - Forest of Death (inside) - Forest Treetops

* stage19.adx - 09/24 - Forest of Death (outside) - Forest Stream

* stage20.adx - 13/24 - Great Naruto Bridge - Zabusa's Last Stand

* stage21.adx - 14/24 - Chuunin Exam Arena

* stage22.adx - 15/24 - Outer Tanzaku Gai - Manda Tar Pits

* stage23.adx - 16/24 - Moonlit Plains - Kimimaro Battle Area

* stage_win.adx - Victory Condition Music



After you have found the tracks that you want into your game, you need to edit those tracks so that they are in the proper format for the ADX Sound System. There are many programs you can use to edit music: such as Audacity which is free. I personally use Cool Edit 2000 (now known as Adobe Audition) so that is what I will be using as an example. Using your preferred sound editor, you need to make sure your music fits well into a video game and loops seemlessly. In most games, when a song ends, it simply restarts without a missing beat back at the beginning; so you need to make sure your songs loop well without a hiccup.

After you have edited your music, you need to save it as a 16-BIT .WAV file with a Frequency of 48000HZ in 2 Channel Stereo. It is extremely important that your audio is 16bit/48000hz/2ch! All music CDs have a frequency of 44100hz, so you need to be checking up on this. If the parameters to your .WAV file are incorrect, then when your game tries to play the music it will conk-out and there will be no more music on your game until you reset your PS2. Be sure to save your files in the following formats: "stage01.wav, stage02.wav, etc", depending on which track in the music you plan on replacing.



Originally, this was the hardest part of editing ADX Sound Systems. Fortunately, with the new version of the ADX Audio Decompression Tool, version 4.7, this process has become much easier and I have streamlined this process with the inclusion of a .BAT file with the encoding program. In the Media section of this website, you can find a copy of both the ADX Audio Decompression Tool and my customized .BAT file; filenames: adxencd.exe and adxencd.bat. Opening the .BAT file in notepad, you will see the following text:

You will notice that every line in this file correlates to running "adxencd" on each stage .WAV file with the parameter of "-lpa". This simply means it is going to convert each .WAV file and loop all the music contained there-in. If you are changing some other tracks than the standard 21 included in the batch file (or less), then you will have to add new lines defining those tracks (or remove lines if doing less). Once this batch file is configured correctly for your setup, save it and double click on the file. BAT files are inherintly configured to run in the command line interface and this .BAT file will automatically configure and convert your .WAV music into .ADX for you. Both adxencd.exe and adxencd.bat must be in the same folder as all of your .WAV files; new .ADX files will be created within this same folder.



This is actually the part which has changed since older versions of this process. Now you will want to load your original copy of Narutimate Accel into your DVD drive. Browsing to your DVD drive, you will see various folders and files on your Narutimate Hero 3 DVD. Inside of the "DATA" directory you will find a file called "SOUND.AFS". This is the file in which all of the music within this particular game is stored. Thefore, all changes being made to your copy of Narutimate Accel will be on this file.

Now you will run a program called AFS Explorer, which is also available in the Media section of this website. Once you are running this program, you will want to select "File > Import AFS File"; browse to your DVD drive and import the previously identified SOUND.AFS. Once the file is loaded, you will need to extract all the AFS files within to your computer. Create a new directory in the your sandbox directory created in STEP 0 called "sound". Right click each of the thirteen tracks listed within the AFS file and select "Export file"; export each of these tracks to the new directory you just created called "sound".

Now we are done with AFS Explorer, that's all we needed it for. Now we move to the newer program called DKZ Studio. In DKZ Studio select "File > Open File" and open up one of the files just extracted into the "sound" folder called "BGM.AFS". Once the file is loaded, you will see a selection of .ADX files including the .ADX files previously mentioned in STEP 1. Right click each track you wish to change and select "Import file"; browse to the sandbox folder created in STEP 0 and import the .ADX file of the same name. Do this for each file you have edited.

Before moving on, it is important to take note of several corrupted files within this AFS archive. Most games will not have these corrupt files, but since Narutimate Accel 1 and 2 have them, they must be dealt with. DKZ Studio will have automatically named these files in the following format: unknow_#####.unk. In order to deal with these files, you MUST import a working ADX file into them. I recommend creating a blank ADX file with no sound in it and just replace them as you see fit. If you do not do this, the game will not work. Once you have completed all the required steps, just save your BGM.AFS to your sandbox directory.



Now, still inside DKZ Studio, create a new AFS file by selecting "File > New File". In this new file you will want to start creating a new SOUND.AFS file. First add the new BGM.AFS you just finished creating at the end of STEP 4. Then continue by adding the other twelve files extracted at the begin of


STEP 4. It is extremely important that you add these files in their original order. When you extracted the AFS files from SOUND.AFS in STEP 4, they were in a specific order; this order must be maintained. The ADX sound system doesn't actually work on file names, it works on file orders; so as long as the order is maintained, all sounds will be called up correctly within the game. In case you forgot for Narutimate Accel, the correct order to insert the files is listed below. Once you have added all thirteen AFS files to the new file, save the file as your new SOUND.AFS.



This is also a new step since the previous versions of this guide. In the older versions, you could simply just rebuild your game with the new SOUND.AFS. However, because of the extra steps needed to create this new SOUND.AFS, a different method must be taken to rebuild the ISO to your game. With your original Narutimate Accel game still in your DVD drive, run the program called CDGenPS2. When you run this program, it will automatically create a new CD compilation session. Within this CD session drag the contents of your original Narutimate Accel DVD to the content layout within CDGenPS2. What you have in your current compilation track is pretty much an exact duplicate of the layout of your original Narutimate Accel. But since you want to put your own SOUND.AFS file in with your own customized soundtrack, it would be pointless to leave it as it is. The first thing you must do is browse to the "DATA" directory within the compilation and delete the SOUND.AFS file from the file list. Then browse to your sandbox directory created in STEP 0 and copy your new customized SOUND.AFS file into the "DATA" directory within the compilation. Then click the "VOL" button on the left and chance the disc name to "NARUTOACCEL2".

Once all is done, select "Advanced > Export to IML" and save the IML to your sandbox directory created in STEP 0. Now head back into DKZ Studio. Once inside DKZ Studio we are going to use their built in ISO Maker. So select "Tools > ISO Maker" and load that up. Where it says source, select the magnifying glass icon and select the IML file we just created. As for the destination, select the magnifying glass icon and chose a location and name to save your ISO as. Click "Start" and we are on our way. Once that is done, burn the ISO you just created with your favorite DVD Writing Suite. Conversely, if you use HDLoader, add the new ISO to your PS2 Hard Drive.



Load your new ISO on your PS2 and enjoy your new soundtrack!

Remember that only modified Playstation2's can play edited games.


source - Custom Soundtracks

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