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[NEWS] 3.80 M33 Bientôt ?


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Mathieulh, le complice de notre chère Dark_AleX, nous annonce qu’ils travail déjà sur le futur custom firmware 3.80 M33, ils ont trouvé quelque chose de VRAIMENT intéressant dans les données IPL’s de chargement, "/kd/pspbtcnf_03g.bin"


C’est bien beau, mais, qu’est-ce que c’est?


Depuis le firmware 2.71, spécialement le 2.80, vous pouvez voir quelques strings référant à pspbtcnf_02g qui suggèrent le support d’un nouveau hardware ou un nouveau mode d’opération. Plustard quand la Slim fût commercialisée, ils ont trouvé cette référence (a ce fameux _02g) à plusieurs reprise (probablement en attente d’une nouvelle technologie pour la seconde génération).


La 3e génération est certainement en préparation en ce qui concerne le hardware. Une nouvelle PSP plus légère (et anti-Pandora)? ou un nouveau téléphone PSP? Qui vivra verra!


En ce qui concerne le cf 3.80 M33, nous avons discuté avec Mathieulh et (quoi que rien d’étonnant), ce nouveau custom firmware M33 promet et fera des heureux!


Source : LAN.ST


MOBILES - LE site de hack pour vos consoles PSP et NDS - Articles

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More good news about the highly-anticipated Sony PlayStation Portable 3.80 M33 custom firmware, and this bit comes directly from none other than Mathieulh himself. It seems that as of this writing, the unreleased custom firmware is already in proper working order and boots perfectly. It runs all existing homebrew program in User Mode as well. This in itself should already be great news, as we're pretty much guaranteed a safe, non-bricking and still awesome CFW to play with. Why, then, isn't it released yet?


Mathieulh reports that there are still something that Dark AleX needs to iron out before declaring 3.80 M33 a finished product - namely, the NIDs Resolver that allows the launch of homebrew programs in Kernel mode. It will also help in making sure that all the plug-ins present will be usable without any extensive modifications. It's safe to say that while this doesn't sound like much, it's still a very important (and very time-exhaustive) thing to work on, so we'll just have to be patient until DAX ties up all the loose ends.


Cross your fingers and wish Dark_AleX good luck to releasing the new custom firmware soon. Could we expect a release this week, surely the PSP community will be giving him thanks anyways.



Those hoping to pick up the 3.80 M33 custom firmware may have to wait a few more days. It's come to our attention that Mathieulh has given a small update on the work for the CFW. According to him, work is currently being finished on the NIDs Resolver, and we may very well see a release within the next week or so.


A quick thanks to for the update.




En résumé DAX va nous sortir ce nouveau CF surement la semaine prochaine voila :)

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