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Clan COD4 - /!\__Ajoutez MTG pour le clan__/!\


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a aussi il y a eu du changement dans cod plu d'objectif en equipe on peut plu faire tourner


Ouais y'a eu du changement sur COD, en plus de nouveaux modes (donc suppression d'autres modes), y'a des maps en rotation ajoutées sur certains modes et d'autres items.

Voici la liste des changements par modes:



Multiplayer Playlist Changes:


The multiplayer playlists in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare are always evolving based on community feedback and stats we track behind the scenes. We're focused on constantly keeping the game fresh and tweaking it based on your feedback, so expect the following Playlist changes to be hitting soon:

Team Deathmatch


* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.


Mercenary Team Deathmatch


* Brand New Playlists: No Clans / Parties allowed.

* Players who don't want to be matchmade with clans (or people in parties) can team up with fellow lone wolves and play some TDM.




* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

* Score Limit Change: 100 Points




* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.


Ground War


* No changes.




* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.




* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.


Search and Destroy


* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.


Team Tactical


* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.


Hardcore Team Deathmatch


* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Team Deathmatch Only

* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Hardcore Search and Destroy


* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Search and Destroy Only

* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.


Old School


* Rule Set Change: Free-for-All Only w/ Old School Rules

* Increased Health (slightly)

* No Health Re-gen

* Score Limit Change: 100 points

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.


Cage Match


* Rule Set Change: No Longer Old School Mode

* 1 v 1: Normal Rules

* Map Added to Rotation: Countdown - now availalbe in map rotation

* Map Added to Rotation: District - now available in map rotation




* Playlist Removed


Team Objective


* Playlist Removed

* All gametypes included now available individually.


Source: forum Infinity Ward





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merci c'est cool kakashi maintenant je vais aller traduire :D

parce que moi et l'anglais pas terible :lol:

au faite les gars ca s'entraine dur sur WH ca rigole pas

aller bonne nuit a tous .

et au faite l'autre la escro y ce met en arret rien ke pour jouer normal qui ratrappe tous le monde :fuck: je rigole

c'est juste pour le titiller un peu bon aller les gars la j'y vais :hello:

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Moi j'ai quand meme de plus en plus de lag sur COD4 et c'est bien chiant pour arriver a viser un mec :grr:


Par contre hier midi en jouant je suis tombé sur une map que j'avais jamais faite c'est Bloc.


Vous la connaissez ??? c'etait la premiere fois que j'y jouais elle est assez joli je trouve :)

Pareil pipeline on y joue pas souvent je trouve.


Enfin bientot Lv55 ce fut long :lol:

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