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Emulateurs NDS M.A.J. 05/10/07

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No$gba 2.4f Update






Changelog no$gba_2.4f :


17 September 2007 - version 2.4f

- cheat: fixed conditional counter for cbds parameter lines (thanks Hiei Youkai)

- cheat: raised strnlen to 5kbytes for about 256 codes/line (thanks Hiei Youkai)

- nds/gba/help: added info on unknown add-ons (gba ir/wifi and nds memory exp)

- nds/help: added info on ds rumble option paks (thanks bottledlight ds wiki)

- gba/help: added some very basic info about the gameboy player (thanks flubba)

- gui: allows to resize debugmsg/cheat/fileslst windows (with anchored buttons)

- gba/help: added yoshi x/y-axis info (thanks flubba) (still incomplete though)

- gba/help: added warioware z-axis gyro info (thanks momo vampire for the cart)

- gba/help: added rumble and fram info (thanks momo vampire for warioware cart)

- gba/help: added notes on special meaning of 1st (and 4th) letter of gamecode

- nds/3d: emulates alpha blending master enable/test mode bit (disp3dcnt.bit3)

- gba/memfill: fixed memfill code (data step/repeat count) (thanks Hiei Youkai)

- nds/cheat: removed various ARDS checks (accepting addr with unknown offsets)

- gba/nds: corrected hblank durations (thanks sebastien), no-vblank in lastline

- gba/nds/help: notes on hblank=0 duration (1006/1606/1613 on gba/nds9/nds7)

- gba/nds/help: notes on no-vblank-flag in last line, and hblank in ALL lines

- nds/cheat: removed alignment check for [[X]+Z] (works with uninitialized [X])

- nds/cheat: changed ARDS enable-code detection (9 lines with specific 4th/9th)

- multi-cpu-timing: machine_switch_request processed AFTER all event_handlers

- nds/3d: emulates texture master enable bit in disp3dcnt (thanks peter schraut)

- nds/3d: emulates material-alpha (rather than only color-alpha) (thanks peter)

- nds: emulates hinge/unfold irq (additionally to hinge status) (thanks antonio)


Site officiel : no$gba - nocash gameboy advance / nintendo ds emulator


Téléchargement : no$gba - nocash gameboy advance / nintendo ds emulator

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No$GBA 2.5


No$gba se voit à nouveau amélioré et comme toujours, la changelog est énorme.

L'apport majeur de cette version 2.5 est sa vitesse, mais d'autres concernent l'aide, l'affichage 3d, la compatibilité et le mode de triche.



Téléchargement : No$GBA 2.5


Site officiel : no$gba - nocash gameboy advance emulator


Source : GX-Mod

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Bon je relance le sujet sur les émulateurs DS

Moi j'ai NOSGBA et je n'est pas vraiment de problème mais la j'ai envie de jouer à final fantasy tactics advance et lorsque je met en route la rom , l'émulateur me dit qu'il na pas pu la lire et qu'il faut reeteindre la console

si quelqu'un sait comment faire merci de me contacter

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