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sinon, "bonne nouvelle" pour GT5


Tiré de Famitsu. En gros Polyphony n'avait rien préparé pour l'E3 et 3 semaines avant l'E3. Cela confirme que la démo de GT HD a été crée en 2/3 semaines. Et qu'il n'y a rien de GT 5 dedans. On verra GT 5 au TGS, voire au PS Meeting si il y en a un cette année.


Usually I don't check magazines like Weekly Famitsu the Japanese gaming magazine which are oriented to a somewhat juvenile audience but today I browsed it at a stand since I had some time to spend there and it was the 20th anniversary issue with a glossy cover IIRC. In the contents I found a column series by Kazunori Yamauchi (President, Polyphony Digital) himself where he writes what he wants to write to fill a small space in a page and the one on this Famitsu issue was an amusing anecdote about GT:HD at E3.

Basically Yamauchi and Polyphony Digital had no plan to show any Gran Turismo materials at E3 2006. The notice that they wouldn't show anything was already circulated to all related divisions within Sony, or so PD had thought.

But 3 weeks before E3, he got the news that Ken Kutaragi, alone without henchmen, would visit him in his PD office. Yamauchi got depressed since he knew when Kutaragi visits PD alone it's always of bad omen. As soon as Kutaragi arrived PD, he told Yamauchi, "Can you exhibit GT at E3? No, just bring it to E3 already!"

Yamauchi sighed, but it's not that he had no plan at all. Fortunately GT4 has hi-res car model data, which are a bit over-spec for PS2, for the photo mode that renders a car in 2x2 resolution. So using them in HD, it's possible to make a playable demo in 3 weeks, he thought.

Yamauchi said yes to Kutaragi and the PD crew began to make GT:HD for E3 which was looming 3 weeks later.

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 je parle pas de cette secte la mais de l'autre labas...tu sais la ou y a des plombiers..


Non, faut etre vraiment etre d'une mauvaise foi ultime pour ne pas etre impressionné graphiquement ! C'est Ubisoft Montreal je suppose ( vraiment doués ceux là )



et puis c'est marqué exclu ps3...


Comme Splinter Cell 1 ?

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