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Ca bougera encore mieux sur PS3


La version PS3 sera identique à ce que les gens de PSM ont vu tourner sur le PC de test chez Epic Games (un système haut de gamme, avec un carte vidéo NVidia 7800GTX à plus de 500$), car la PS3 est impressionante (ce sont les mots du pdg Mark Rein). La version PS3 sera même plus fluide que sur PC, car la PS3 n'aura pas de système d'exploitation.


Tu ne t'ais pas trés bien renseigné, car même la version PC avec une grosse config, n'est pas aussi belle que les screens qu'on à pu voir. En éffet ils étaient retouché, donc pour la version ps3 ba elle sera pas non plus monstrueusement belle comme tu pense le croire, de plus le jeu fait un bide sur PC, comme Crysis.

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J'ai pas de bol, je voulait le jeux Fight Night Round 3 alors je galère pour le trouver à un prix raisonnable :

- je le trouve sur un site en neuf pour pas chère, je le prend un jour plus tard, les 2 jeux qu'ils avait en stock sont partis, commande annulée.

- je le trouve d'occasion pour a peux pret le meme prix, je le prend, un jour plus tard, le mec a vendu son jeux sur un autre site, commande annulée.

- je le trouve en neuf sur un site belge, meme prix, je le prend et aujourd'hui je vois qu'il en ont plus, commande annulée !!! :grr::grr::grr:


Et là un mec l'as mis sur un site de vente d'occaz pour sensiblement le meme prix, je l'ai prix, normalement c'est bon ! :fou:


Trop dur a trouver ce jeux ou alors les gens le vendent 50-60€ alors qu'il vaut 39€ neuf. :drink:



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Hey les fillles, des infos sur Resistance 2 ça vous tente?? :D


I just got my latest GameInformer and its cover feature is Resistance 2!!!!!!


Checking it out now... will update. (didn't see this on first two pages so assumed it hasn't been posted)


EDIT 1: HUGE cooperative game... EIGHT-PLAYER story-driven campaign along side single-player campaign. SIXTY-PLAYER Competitive modes... HUGE United States Landscapes as backdrops.


EDIT 2: "It is, in short, a tour de force for the untapped might of the PlayStation 3"


EDIT 3: Narrative stays with Hale the whole time... not Rachel. Hale shot down in Iceland, escapes to US and becomes part of program called Sentinels...


EDIT 4: Chameleon.. Stalker with total cloaking ability


EDIT 5: Overcoming stigma that boss encounters don't work in FPS games..


EDIT 6: Eight player coop over PSN, two player local


EDIT 7: CLASSES! Unique character with one of three basic templates... tank with heavy weaponry, special ops for distance (bullseye modified with zoom), medic






EDIT 8: Online matching... standard difficulty discarded for scaled challenges for team skill..


EDIT 9: Partially randomized geometry... levels are different with each playthrough


EDIT 10: again... 60 players online. want sense of epic b attle.. dont want fast-furious gameplay to be focus, more focused on squad v squad.


EDIT 11: will log into smaller four-to-eight man lobbies for each squad... encouraging communication and camaraderie, squad will be tasked witha particular objective. careful level design aims to deliver intense combat zones or small team conflicts that flow within arena of larger battle.


EDIT 12: Dedicated gaming community with stat servers for faster matchmaching than any console game of 2007. full-featured profile pages through will incorporate social networking concepts. open clan and party system to encourage player invites needed.


EDIT 13: Aiming to deliver mobile-phone-quality sound.


EDIT 13: Aiming to deliver mobile-phone-quality sound.


EDIT 14: Futher tapped power of PS3... more enemies onscreen, better AI, better lighting and shaders (SCREENSHOTS LOOK AMAZING!!!). More comples normal mapping and detail mapping combine to deliver textures that look amazing from afar and at extremely close distances.


EDIT 15: AI getting a lot more attention.. will scaled on-the-fly to players perspective and viewpoint... aka enemies cloesr to the player will actually have more spohisicated AI routines than those further away. assailants in your direct field of view received heightened intelligence. easily more cunning than before


sorry for typos... typing fast


EDIT 16: listened to complaints... working on solution to long checkpoints and health system. not positive what final solution will be.


EDIT 17: "Our time playing was a blast"... each character class contributes in a unique way and "we loved the strategy-laden medic"... unique sense of teamwork


EDIT 18: Mysterious "Cloven"


EDIT 19: "Resistance 2 will be too epic to dismiss as anything but one of the biggest, boldest, and most high-reaching titles of 2008. It's a game that won't be ignored." [END ARTICLE]







bonne lecture

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