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Le CycloDS Evolution pour les nuls - MAJ Firmware v1.21 (Stable)

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CycloDS Evolution - Firmware 1.2



La team Cyclo propose enfin la version stable du firmware 1.2, dont la beta était disponible depuis quelques semaines déjà. Parmi les changements majeurs, on notera la mise à jour de Moonshell, la connectivité Wii/DS pleinement fonctionnelle, le support du ram pack et du rumble pack, le support des cheats codes....Bref, une multitude d'améliorations pour un très bon linker.





CycloDS Evolution Firmware v1.2 has been released, along with the first release of our new "Evolution Tools" software package and an update to the Moonshell media player - all of which are available for download from the support page. There have been a large number of changes between firmware versions 1.13 and v1.2 so only the most important are listed here. For the full list of changes please see the readme file. Major changes for this release include:


* Custom cheat code support added

* Fixed Wii connectivity (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Pokemon Battle Revolution)

* Several game compatibility fixes

* Multiple skins are supported

* RAM pack for Opera (clean rom) supported via CycloDS Mini/Micro and EZ3in1

* Rumble for EZ3in1 supported

* All text is now completely translated, and additional translations have been included

* DSLinux is now supported

* Moonshell soft reset is now supported

* Added new GUI file view mode, "list view"


Evolution Tools is a PC-side software package for users of CycloDS Evolution. It currently includes the following components:


* Cheat code editor - a user friendly GUI application for manipulating CycloDS Evolution cheat code databases. The cheat code editor has some very unique and useful features such as the ability to automatically retrieve the most recent cheat codes directly from the internet and import them into your cheat database.

* Automatic ROM trimmer - can automatically trim your ROM files on the PC without any manual interaction required on your part.

* Enable ROM icons - display actual ROM icons when browsing files in Windows.


The new Moonshell release includes the following changes:


* Bookmarks are now working

* Audio file resume is now working (must be enabled in settings first)

* Fixed a problem where soft reset would not work after playing a DPG video



Téléchargement : CycloDS Evolution - Firmware 1.2 (stable)


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