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3.52 M33-3 est sorti


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IMPORTANT: agree with LICENSE.TXT conditions before installing the program.




- Added more speeds: 75 and 133.

- Added flash2 and flash3 usb to recovery

- Added a setting in recovery to change the usb device to which XMB will connect.

- Added "vshmenu", which is a menu that will appear when HOME is pressed in the XMB. It will interfere with existing

XMB plugins that use HOME, so it can be disabled in recovery.

- Added umd video iso support. The umd video isos are playes using vshmenu. Video isos go in

/ISO/VIDEO folder. They require an UMD inserted because NO-UMD does not work.


Changes in popsloader:


- Support for 3.30 firmware. Instructions are same as in previous release, except 3.30

firmware did not have libpspvmc.prx, so just ignore that file.

- Warning: There is an incompatibility between 3.30 savedata and later ones. If a savedata exists from 3.40+, the emulator will freeze.


Some notes about the usage of vshmenu, and umd video isos:


- vshmenu cannot be loaded when the browser is active. If you exit the browser, the firmware will

still keep it in memory until you enter other area of xmb, until you do so, you will not be able

to access vshmenu again either.

- video isos and the game isos show in xmb use the same core. Due to this, when you enter in game

menu and there is some iso, if a video iso was currently mounted, it will automatically be unmounted.


- cso format is not supported for video isos.


- UMD audio isos are theoretically supported, but not tested. They go to /ISO/VIDEO.



================================================== ==================================

A statement about the recent things on the PSP Scene.

================================================== ==================================


We give our support to Team Wilcard and condemn the actions of the leakers/thieves.


As facts are better than words, this program may refuse to work on your system if you:


- Downloaded it from ps3news.

- You are an active member of that forums's page.

- You visit frequently that page.


In last case, and only last case, the problem will be fixed if you delete browser cache of both,

psp and pc, and stop visiting that site.


Other cases of BAN are described in the LICENSE.TXT.

Not respecting the license will bring the PSP to BRICK, because the program will refuse to run.


lien retiré par un modérateur.


enjoy it

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Vous avez vu ce qu'il y a d'écrit quand on lance l'update,abusif :


-If you have downloaded this software on the page of the lammers of ps3news,this program may refuse to init on your system,leaving the system unusable.

In the same way,if you are an active forum member of that site,or you visit it regularly,same thing may happen.


In this last case,and only in this one,the problem may be fixed,if you delete browse cache of both,PSP and computer system,and you stop visiting the site.


For more details,refer to the ban section of the LICENSE.txt that you should have received with this program.


-If none of the ban sections points apply to you,the program will operate properly,with only the intrinsic risks that all cfw have.


C'est quoi leur délire,si on le dl de ps3 news,on brique sa bécane,truc de ouf :hein:

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Personnellement je trouve ca débile, ca oblige les gens a ne plus aller sur un site ... super la liberté, au contraire vaut mieux que leur "prog" soit mieux diffusé pour permettre a tout le monde d'y acceder ... enfin bon font ce qu"il veulent merci quand même pour leur taff.
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Personnellement je trouve ca débile, ca oblige les gens a ne plus aller sur un site ... super la liberté, au contraire vaut mieux que leur "prog" soit mieux diffusé pour permettre a tout le monde d'y acceder ... enfin bon font ce qu"il veulent merci quand même pour leur taff.


faut dire que les gérants de ce site sont loin d'être des enfants de coeurs avec les develloppeurs (le faux D_A ou le leak du 3.40 de la team wilcard par exemple)

à mon sens, la reaction de la team M33 est tout a fait compréhensible:jap:

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