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pour yaplu-k le dieux de la XBOX

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ds E tu vire config xlm et evox ini et jté ds F que tu devé viré tt,a par si ta des jeux ds games ke tu ve garder ou un truc com ca mai bon

car apré tu tt mettre ds E pr ke l'evox.ini ke jté passé soi fonctionnelle


la jrésume tu doi avoir :


dans E:







dans F:rien du tt


et dans C ca va alor c bon


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voila j ai fait ce que tu m as dit

F: il n y a rien

dans E:








mais dans c est comment puis je savoir si tout est bien

je prend ta config XLM

Et celle d EVOX ini??????????????

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voila pr le config.xml de xbmp






















































<name>Network (XBMSP)</name>





<name>Network (XNS)</name>





<name>Network (SMB)</name>









<name>Internet Radio (SHOUTcast)</name>










<name>DVDROM (UDF)</name>




<name>DVDROM (ISO9660)</name>












<name>Network (XBMSP)</name>





<name>Network (XNS)</name>





<name>Network (SMB)</name>









<name>DVDROM (UDF)</name>




<name>DVDROM (ISO9660)</name>








<name>Network (XBMSP)</name>





<name>Network (XNS)</name>





<name>Network (SMB)</name>















<name>DVDROM (UDF)</name>





<name>DVDROM (ISO9660)</name>




































































































































et voila mon evox.ini




AutoLaunchGames = No

AutoLaunchDVD = Yes

DVDPlayer = "e:\applications\dvdx\default.xbe"

AutoLaunchAudio = Yes

AudioPlayer = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"

MSDashBoard = "c:\xboxdash_old.xbe"

UseFDrive = Yes

SkinName = lovehina

IGR = Yes

GameRegion = 0

Fahrenheit = No

UseGDrive = No

UseItems = Yes

ScreenSaver = 5

ShadeLevel = 90

TSR_Type = 1




SetupNetwork = Yes

StaticIP = Yes

Ip =

Subnetmask =

Defaultgateway =

DNS1 =

DNS2 =

SetupDelay = 0

SkipIfNoLink = No




JumpToMsDash = No

JumpIfNoLink = Yes

Use24 = Yes

SNTP_Server =

SwapDate = No




Enable = Yes

Password = xbox

IGR = Yes




Enable = Yes

Name = EVOX

IGR = Yes





ROM = "EvoX 2.0",0x76fd88337b8d8c1f116f85f3984b98b6

ROM = "EvoX 2.1",0x99487615bb30670cb65993388fcf2a63

ROM = "EvoX 2.2",0x220ade778785cfc3c98bb5ea8bbd8608

ROM = "EvoX 2.3",0xd79bc87c2caa1a50dcc7016adf2ccc0a

ROM = "EvoX 2.4",0xe3ce66b99957a92fdac40af951c3f1fd

ROM = "EvoX 2.6",0xdd3de3542bff7b36cdb0dbe078c27fbe

ROM = "EvoX 3.6",0xcb73b4914bb6c70b66e21377989726a0

ROM = "EvoX 3.6ef",0xf754767b388ce7a08bf57304e24c9ae9

ROM = "EvoX D.6",0xc349c2b047a3d6c2de2e1c10185ecf86

ROM = "EvoX D.6ef",0x74c6235497f474bf88b54b3fc52a20b2


Flash = 0x01d5,"AMD - Am29F080B",0x100000

Flash = 0x04d5,"FUJITSU - MBM29F080A",0x100000

Flash = 0xadd5,"Hynix - HY29F080",0x100000

Flash = 0x20f1,"ST - M29F080A",0x100000

Flash = 0xbf61,"SST - 49LF020",0x40000

#Flash = 0x378c,"AMIC - A29002",0x40000

Current = 0xf0980189407abca8d1f8d823621beaf0





# <Time> =

# <IP> =

# <Name>

# <Version>

# <CD>

# <BIOSVer>

# <KernelVer>

# <RDName>

# <SpaceC>

# <SpaceE>

# <SpaceF>

# <SpaceX>

# <SpaceY>

# <SpaceZ>


Text = 30,37,0.5,0x000000,0,"<Time>"

Text = 28,39,0.5,0x808080,0,"<Time>"

Text = 620,420,0.5,0x000000,1,"<Name> V<Version>"

Text = 618,422,0.5,0x808080,1,"<Name> V<Version>"

Text = 620,37,0.5,0x000000,1,"<CD>"

Text = 618,39,0.5,0x808080,1,"<CD>"

Text = 30,420,0.5,0x000000,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"

Text = 28,422,0.5,0x808080,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"

LogoType= 0




Section "Root"


Item "Launch DVD",@14

Item "Reboot",@5

Section "jeux"



AutoAddItem "e:\jeux\"



Section "Applications"



AutoAddItem "e:\applications\"



Section "Emulateurs"


# Item "xsnes9x","e:\emulateurs\xsnes9x\default.xbe"

Line "- Auto Items -",2


AutoAddItem "e:\emulateurs\"


# SortAll


Section "Outils Systeme"


Item "Parametres Evox",@9

Item "Skins",@13

Item "Eteindre la Xbox",@10

Item "MS Dashboard",@3

Item "Flash BIOS",@1

Item "Backup",@11

# Section "Install Menu"

# {

# Item "Install 4043",@210

# Item "Action 11",@211

# Item "Action 12",@212

# }






LogFile = "f:\test.log"

Info "Install 4034 Dashboard"

Warning "This will format all drives"

Warning "Install msdash 4034"

Warning "Flash BIOS to Evox 2.4"

Progress "Now Installing 4034 Dashboard"


# This will format alle drives ,copy the dashboard c:\ and flash the bios


ConfigSector "\dash\4034\config.bin"

Format c:

Format e:

#Format f:

Format x:

Format y:

Format z:

copy "\dash\4034\c\" "c:\"

# the flashbios will force a "power off" after the bios is flashed

flashbios "\bios\evox V2.4.bin"




LogFile = "f:\test.log"

Info "Formatage de F:"

Warning "Cela va effacer tout F:"

Warning "formatage F"

Progress "Formatage en cour"


# Preparation


ConfigSector "\hd.bin"

Format f:




LogFile = "g:\test.log"

Info "Formatage de G:"

Warning "Cela va effacer tout G:"

Warning "formatage G"

Progress "Formatage en cour"


# Preparation


ConfigSector "\hd.bin"

Format g:




LogFile = "f:\unlock.log"

Info "Ceci va Débloque votre disque dur"

Warning "Attention: apres ceci vous ne pourez pas démarrer sur un BIOS d'origine"

Warning "Il faudra rebloquer le disque avant"






LogFile = "e:\test.log"

Info "Installation EvolutionX sur E"

Warning "Attention: BIOS compatible requis"

Warning "Installation EvolutionX"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\evo\dash\" "e:\"

copy "\evo\evoe\" "e:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "f:\test.log"

Info "Installation EvolutionX sur F"

Warning "Attention: BIOS compatible requis"

Warning "Installation EvolutionX"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\evo\dash\" "f:\"

copy "\evo\evof\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "e:\test.log"

Info "Installation Avalaunch sur E"

Warning "Attention: BIOS compatible requis"

Warning "Installation Avalaunch"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\ava\dash\" "e:\"

copy "\ava\avae\" "e:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "e:\test.log"

Info "Installation UnleashX sur E"

Warning "Attention: BIOS compatible requis"

Warning "Installation UnleashX"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\unl\dash\" "e:\"

copy "\unl\unle\" "e:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "f:\test.log"

Info "Installation Avalaunch sur F"

Warning "Attention: BIOS compatible requis"

Warning "Installation Avalaunch"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\ava\dash\" "f:\"

copy "\ava\avaf\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "f:\test.log"

Info "Installation UnleashX sur F"

Warning "Attention: BIOS compatible requis"

Warning "Installation UnleashX"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\unl\dash\" "f:\"

copy "\unl\unlf\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "c:\test.log"

Info "Installation EvolutionX"

Warning "Ceci installera EvolutionX sur C"

Warning "Installation EvolutionX"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\evo\dash\" "c:\"

copy "\evo\evoc\" "c:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "c:\test.log"

Info "Installation Avalaunch sur C"

Warning "Ceci installera Avalaunch sur C"

Warning "Installation Avalaunch"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\ava\dash\" "c:\"

copy "\ava\avac\" "c:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"

copy "\rep\" "e:\"




LogFile = "c:\test.log"

Info "Installation UnleashX sur C"

Warning "Ceci installera UnleashX sur C"

Warning "Installation UnleashX"

Progress "Installation en cour"


# Preparation


copy "\unl\dash\" "c:\"

copy "\unl\unlc\" "c:\"

copy "\rep\" "f:\"




Enable = Yes





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je vais les remplacer mais apres je balance ou XBMP


je remplace le dossier ini par le tien dans C:


mais je balance XBMP dans C: aussi??? mais ou exactement??


Merci je sens que cela va bientot etre mon nirvana


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