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Question Hokuto No Ken Fighting Modif de texte(pour ceux qui connaissent bien le jeu)


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je me lance dans la modif du jeu HNK fighting, tout du moins j'essaie ^^.

Je tente de traduire les textes anglais en français. Je sens que je vais cramer du DVD à foison ;)


Pour le moment, je suis dans la phase d'observation de mon .iso tiré de mon jeu officiel.




J'aurais une petite questions :

quelqu'un saurait-il quand/où dans le jeu voit-on écrit ces textes ci-dessous?

...etc ...

(on croirait que ce sont les paroles écrites des différentes persos)



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Voilà l'intégrale des textes que je ne trouve pas en jouant :

Even heck's too good for a beast like you!......I can see your every move.......This is it!.....HOKUTO SHINKEN is invincible!...Don't worry, I didn't hit a vital point.........I said, I am hardly! Going to rule the world!...Nobody tells me what to do ! Not you! Not even the gods!........I never back off. Striking out and scoring victories are all I value!!..........What you saw was my will to fight - my aura.....Ha ha ha... Nobody can stop Kenoh's army!.......May you die in peace, without pain or suffering.................Both of you know that neither of you have the strength to go on.................The same blood that flows through Raoh flows through my veins, giving me this power.............Blood on your tears of remorse!..I chose to walk this path, and nothing can hold me back!........Hey, You! Say my name!..........What's that looking for ?.......Fool! As long as yow win, it don't matter how you do it.........Good is dead ! Evil rules !.....How does it feel? It must hurt!.You will never be able to come up here..........Power is the only truth. It's turned into a great era...........You're no match for me!.........There is a vast difference between you and me. That is desire ... ruthlessness!!................You will never be able to see my moves !!.......My movements cannot be seen by human eye........It ends here!...What a stupid trick! Do you honestly think that is going to work?...............The last thing you will see is your own blood !.Yeah, I'm the most powerful man in the world...and the most refined!............This is no betrayal. This is all part of the plan!..............Die like the worm that you are!.Ha ha ha! That's it, get mad...get real mad.....Ha ha ha...this age... This age has made the Yousei Bewitching star shine brightly!.............Up against me, you move so slow it looks like you've stopped moving at all!.....With the emperor's blood that flows through my veins, I've defeated you!........Love is the reason for suffering! Love is the reason for misery!................Take your foolish obsession with love to the grave!.............I...I never runaway! I never praise, I never look back. The emperor will never retreat!.........(yawn) You scumbags.............Ha,Ha,Ha!! Fools!! Have you forgotten that my body is the destroyer of the way of the fist !?...Sigh... I did it again... I told them I hate blood..............I have killed every martial arts attack with this body, for years.......Oink, Oink .............What do you want ? Get out of here! I'll call for help!.We will win !...........Don't underestimate women!......Well I'm not going down without a fight!........My arms have become so muscular...just like a man's

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J'ai également le jeu et je ne manquerais pas de te tenir au courant si je vois ces textes.


Par contre, j'ai plutot l'impression que ce sont les paroles des joueurs lorsqu'ils gagnent. Ex : Qd Ken gagne il dit parfois "Hokuto Shinken is invincible" et qd c la gonzesse je l'ai deja entendu dire "Don't underestimate women!" il me semble de mémoire.


Je n'y ai pas joué bcp encore mais je suis à peu près sur que c ça. En +, le style de phrase ressemble grandement à des répliques de gagnant.


C très louable de ta part de t'occuper de la trad, perso l'anglais ne me dérange pas du tout mais pr d'autres cela peut etre tres utile, bravo.


Bon courage.

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