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[Thème] Original White Crystal+ By YoReZ


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Attention les icônes, XMB etc.... ne sont pas de moi j'ai juste composé un thème avec tout ce qui traîne dans la customisation !


Original White Crystal+


Démarrage :




Menu :


Version 1 (Seulement le fond change ^^') :



Version 2 :



Version 3 :




Icônes de chargement Jeu et photo modifiées :



Gameboot :



Voilà c'est tout ! Le thème Black arrive bientôt...


J'ai failli oublié un truc ! Le lien !


Original White Crystal+ - 1.18MB

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Invité CorB3n

J'ai envie de casser le truc




I spent a long time messing with this theme, and I finally came to a point to

where I liked it, so I released it due to popular request. It's simple to install,

unless you're new. If you don't know how.... then....


Turn on recovery menu, go to Advanced, then click "Toggle usb Flash0"

Now copy the 2 folders "FONT" and "VSH" to the root of the drive and

overwrite all the files. Hooray!


Credits go to all the people at Maxconsole for helping me with stuff, and thats

where I got some of the specific graphics. I can't remember where I got what, so

let me know if I used something of yours and I didn't credit you. Thanks!


Thanks Evolve for the icons!



Note: all images shown below look clearer on the PSP.. you know what SVC

Capture does to our images!

Lets turn on our PSP!




Turn up that speaker!


The slick optionmenu


The glowing effect!


This is a really awesome theme that needs your PSP!!:D



Pour le télécharger => MaxConsole Forums - [Release!] Aurora

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