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[Aide] Dévellopper des codes pour CW cheat


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Salut a tous !


Alors en fait je cherche a savoir comment creer des codes pour CWcheat.

Car j'ai une jeu en version EU et les seuls codes ( qui m'interressent) sont pour la version US ...

J'aimerai savoir comment on dévellope des cheat alors ^^ si quelqu'un pouvais m'expliquer ce serait simpa =)


Merci d'avance !


++ Azsde.

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Dumper la mémoire à un point, dumper la mémoire après avoir baisser ses HP par exemple et tu regarde les endroits différents :hein:


En gros, c'est ça maintenant je suis pas un pro donc si quelqu'un s'y connait plus , ça serait sympa de nous éclairer ^^

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Ils ont beau sortir des cheats et tous ne fonctionnent pas ou font planter la console.

Genre sur Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins en vf , une fois les cheats activés, on ne peut plus bouger le perso.


il faut activer les cheat avant des lancer la partie


sinon dans le jeux street fighters alpha 3 eur pas moyen de bloquer les hp avec le code cwcheat


D'acc je sais bien mais yen a qui marchent ... Donc comment on en developpe svp ?


alors il faut commencer par faire un dump de mémoire sur le jeux puis faire des comparaison avec les anciennes valeur et au bout d'un momment tu va trouver mais attention car si tu relance un nouveau dump il refaire un nouveau fichier. surveille bien ta ms.

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il faut activer les cheat avant des lancer la partie


sinon dans le jeux street fighters alpha 3 eur pas moyen de bloquer les hp avec le code cwcheat




alors il faut commencer par faire un dump de mémoire sur le jeux puis faire des comparaison avec les anciennes valeur et au bout d'un momment tu va trouver mais attention car si tu relance un nouveau dump il refaire un nouveau fichier. surveille bien ta ms.


n'y aurait il pas un tuto pas à pas? car là c'est un peu vague lol

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:D:D:Dje vous ferais peut être un tuto dans la journée:D:D:D


mais attention tu a des cheat simple a trouver mais il y en a peut


c'est un peut près le même principe que pour les trainer pc


pour ceux qu'il ne veulent pas attendre j'ai ça (c'est en english:D)un peut anglais ça ne fait pas de mal aller tous a vos dico:lol::lol:




1) DL the CW Cheat installer and put it in ms0/PSP/GAME folder

2) Run the installer in the PSP and choose install, then typical installation

3) choose the correct firmware u want to install it to(most of the time u'll be emulating the latest fw so choose that one)

4) wait - and done




1) Run the Game (In devhook, choose the fw where you installed the cheat device)

2) In-game... press and hold select for 3 seconds to go to the Cheat Menu. use the following settings:


enable cheats: y

select cheats: place a Y on the cheats you want to activate (if non appears, the you will have to search for cheats and enter it manuallyâ€

select Manually cheat apply – if you wan to apply cheats one-time –or--

set Cheat application delay to default at 3, CW Cheat will apply the cheat per frame


3) Return to Game and enjoy cheating!!!


Updating cheats database


1) GO here to download the most updated cheat database: ce lien ne vas pas il y en a un autre


2) Connect the PSP to PC

3) Go to the dh folder in ms0:/ and replace the file named cheats.db with the new one

4) If you are doing this in-game, then select “reload cheat database†in the cheat in-game menu, if not, just load the game as shown above.


Creating your own cheats


Although CW Cheat comes with it’s own cheat searcher, I DO NOT recommend using this… it’s really slow (no offense to the author), you’d be better off using a program for windows called ArtMoney. Download it here:


Now on to the procedure:


1) Run the game, and once it is running, press and hold select to launch the “cheat in-game menuâ€

2) On “Enable Dump Function†change it to Y

3) Return to game

4) Now take note of the value you want to cheat on (e.g. money, note down the specific amount)

5) It’s time to take a dump…. Erm, a memory dump! Press and hold the square button, release only when you see on-screen-message “dumpingâ€. This will take about an hour…. On the Cheat Searcher!!!! ArtMoneY does this in a minute! (make sure you have a lot of space on the memstick, dumps may use up more than 10MB!!!)

6) First dump has been created, now return to game and change something on the value you want to cheat (e.g. money – spend on something, gain more) and also take note of the value.

7) Again, take a dump! Press and hold the square button! You now have two dumps!

8) Repeat steps 6 and 7 to create a 3rd dump.

9) Connect PSP to PC. Run ArtMoney on PC

10) In the search menu ArtMoney, hit SEARCH>OBJECT> FILE(S)(when you run ArtMoney, it’s defaulted to search in a program running on the PC, we want it to run a search your dumps)

11) On the file field, browse through your memsrick and choose MEMDUMP0.DMP (this will be the first dump you created)

12) Search for the amount you noted in step 4. It will now return a series of hits that does not mean anything to you. (this will be on the left panel)

13) On the file box, browse through and go to MEMDUMP1.dmp, hit FILTER, then enter the value you noted on the second dump (value noted on step 6)

14) The series will now be lesser, do the same for the last dump (MEMDUMP2.dmp) and you will now see that the series is now down to one, take note of this number as you will need to enter this in the cheat database. (if after 3 dumps, your search is still not down to 1, keep on repeating steps 6 and 7 to create a 4th, 5th dump, etc… the more dumps, the more accurate your search)

15) Create the cheat, a cheat will be in this format:


0x00000000 0x0000000


- the first set of zeros will be the number you found in ArtMoney, just replace the last zeros with the number returned by ArtMoney (e.g. if number returned by artmoney is 45678, then it should be made to 0x00045678)


the first number after x should be:


0 = if the value you are changing is 8-bit (maximum 255) e.g. 0x00045678

1= if the value you are changing is 16-bit (maximum 65535) e.g. 0x010045678

2= if the value you are changing is 32-bit (maximum 429467295) e.g. 0x20045678

(thanks to Haruyuki for this info!)


*most stat values in RPGs is 8-bit, money values are most of the time 16-bit, if not 32-bit


- the second set of zeros will be the value you want to change it to:


-Open windows calculator, hit view>scientific

-type in the amount desired (e.g. 99)

- click on the HEX radio button, it now changes to the HEX value (e.g. 63)


If this is an 8-bit value, then your cheat will be 0x00045678 0x00000063


Here are the maximum values:

8-bit = 0x000000FF = 255

16-bit = 0x0000FFFF = 65535

32-bit = 0xFFFFFFFF = 429467295


- Just make sure that there are 8 digits after the “x†in both strings of numbers


16) Now on the PSP folder, open the DH folder, and open the file Cheats.db on a Unix compatible text editor. This is what I use to edit: You can use WordPad in Windows to edit

17) You will now enter the cheat, if its an existing game and you want to add a cheat, just add another line to the game listed in the database (make sure you got the correct serial) in this format


_C Cheat Name (for v0.1.2 the format is: _C# Cheat Name --> the # can either be 0 - disabled; 1 - enabled)

_L 0x00000000 0x00000000 (enter the cheat you made here)


18) If it’s a new game, then add this to the last line


_S ULUS-12245 (game serialnumber - shown on savegame title or in the cheat in-game menu)

_G Game Title

_C Cheat Name #1 (for v0.1.2 the format is: _C# Cheat Name --> the # can either be 0 - disabled; 1 - enabled)

_L 0x00000000 0x00000000 (cheat created in number 15)

_C Cheat name #2 (if any)

_L 0x00000000 0x00000000 (if any)


19) Warning: making changes to the cheat database may ruin it! But don’t worry, you can always download it!

20) Submit any working game cheat to

21) Enjoy your cheat!!!!!

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