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Regarder l'heure sur les screens ca vous parait pas bizzard ?


Ouep fake ou pas ?

Mais de toute façon Attention : il faut modifier le vshmain.prx et si celui-ci est foiré c'est tout simplement un réel brik.

Trop dangereux pour moi, je passe mon chemin !


Et si on remet celui d'origine ca d'ebrick la psp ?

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un gars a pris le mauvais fichier du mauvais dossier et voilà le résultat :


guys, it's really a full brick the only things i did were replacing the encrypted pspbtcnf.txt with the decrypted and modified one, and rename the original vshmain.prx to vsh.prx replacing it with the modified version, and it full-bricked. these are EXACTLY the steps i took, and now i can't even access the recovery console

of course i accept full responsibility for what happened, but i'd like to set an example for further reference, if anything. now I'm about to purchase an undiluted platinum and unbrick it from there... i never planned to chip my PSP, but it's much better than losing it


[EDIT] alright, I'm a f****** moron... i modified the pspbtcnf.txt from KD, not KN if you will excuse me, I'll be off to commit ritual suicide for being a dumbass :/ (kidding. I'm just off to see if a local bozo has an UP at hand.)



sa à l'air quand même assez risqué ...

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