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Clan resistance - prochainement tournoi CDD


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guilouz t'es le vrai de vrai ou c'est un usurpateur (si c'est toi respect) essaie de te procurer une oreillette qui va avec ton portable c'est mieux. pour ma part j'ai une samsung wep200 elle ma couté 49euros mais un compere d'ici la trouvé a 30 sur le net en neuf (j'aime pas acheter par internet).donc bon dit toi que quand tu joera ça sera super utile moi jeregrette pas perso pourtant je ne m'en sert presque jamais avec mon portable
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mauvaise nouvelle les gars :(


Hi everyone,


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have an statement from Greg Phillips regarding the Global Servers.


Also, to be clear, the Map Pack depends on the patch, the patch depends on global servers. Therefore we cannot release anything until we have the global servers in place.






This feels like déjà vu… A really bad case of déjà vu


Last week, I had the pleasure of unveiling our planned release date of June 7th for the Resistance: Fall of Man map packs and content update. That was on May 31st, the last day of May and the date we (SCEA and Insomniac) had promised when we unveiled this waive of DL content.


On that June 7th release date, I have some unfortunate news to share. During our final testing of the global server, which removes regional play restrictions for those who want some international flair in the multiplayer experience, a few last minute issues have come up. Despite some extremely long hours by all those involved, the unfortunate fact remains that we cannot resolve these issues prior to our announced launch date. And, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, neither SCEA nor Insomniac wants to release something to our ever-growing community which will impede the experience.


Hence the déjà vu feeling mentioned above.


The one bit of good news is these issues are NOT related to the content update or map packs themselves, and both have cleared format QA groups worldwide. In other words, everything is ready to go from the game side; we just have some kinks to iron out to complete the integration of our global community. Rather than announce a new date at this time, I want to see these issues resolved first to prevent any more cases of déjà vu on this topic.


What I can promise are two things: first, this last delay won’t be too long. Second, once it is out and you have a chance to play the new maps or your buddies from across the world, you’ll be happy we took the time to get this right.


Right, back to work.



GP aka Greg Phillips,

Line Producer, SCEA

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