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God of War 2 [Topic gravure/ripkits/hdloader...]


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j'ai acheter god of war et j'arive pas a le lire :fuck: surement du au faite qu'il soit sur double couche

donc j'ai decider de le telecharger et le graver sur dvd simple

mais le probleme c'est que ya 2 version

une est plus lourde que un dvd et lautre plus legere

bien sur je me suis renseigner mais des les information sont diferente

certain disent qu'il ont enlever des video por le rendre plus leger ( et j'esper qu'il en ont pas enlever de l'histoire mais plutot des bonus )

et dautre disent que c'est que la moitier du jeu ( et donc comment avoir l'autre moitier :heu: )

merci d'avoir pris un moment pour me lire et j'espere me repondre :)


ps: je peux pas faire la version sur 2 dvd car je suis pas un super as en informatique meme si je me debrouille bien mais l'anglais c'est pas mon fort non plus :D


vous pouriez me repondre svp sa serai gentil:D

car je perd la tête :fonsde:

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@vegetossj4 dans les pages précédente (22 ou 23) il y a un petit tuto pour avoir gow sur un dvd5.


et sur le net tu peux trouver un pack gow tool il y a tous les outils pour réaliser le tuto.


Il y a eu pas mal de GOW2 en us dvd5 mais il n'y avais que la première couche et donc tu finira pas le jeu. il faut prendre une version avec les vidéo compressé



@qazaqs moi non plus à moins que mon windows bloque les fichiers que l'on rajoute manuellement pourtant je suis "administrateur".

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je vous met le tuto pour ceux qui ne sont pas inscrit sur le site:D



voila le tuto de gnie


how to rip this game God Of War 2 Pal Multi6 French DVD9 rip -> DVD5

all the pss downsample 50%(good quality), 12 .psw relinked to same .pss file and relink some of the dupe files only,so it iis full game

hdd working space 30 to 40 gb

tool needed

-Apache3 or 2

-xpert2 (need to install recommanded on drive c: or need the hdd drive c for that xpert2 tool) =>

-PS2_GOW2_pak_Multi6_pal_toc.epi plugin

-sonix pssdownsample ver 1.01

-cdvd_iml2iso gui ver 5.2 for those dont have zlib1.dll and extract to windows\system32 or windows\system folder

-easy sfv creater need to install

-*GOW2PAL-FRE*.rar archive
















1. create a folder name as GOW2PAL (any drive Z:\GOW2PAL)

2. use Apache3 open you gow iso file, right click the playstation logo, select extract all and brwose to Z:\GOW2PAL folder you created

3. wait til all the file extracted

4. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, copy this join-part1-part2-file.bat app,

goto Z:\GOW2PAL paste inside the folder, then double click on the join-part1-part2-file.bat file and wait unitl done [NEW-PART1.PAK].

5. after done NEW-PART1.PAK, RUN xpert2 tool

6. clcik the plugin dropdown list and select PS2 God Of War 2 [Multi6] PAL*.PAK |*.TOC, sound option dropdown list select @No Sound Selected

7. click the B button, Browse to Z:\GOW2PAL folder, Select NEW-PART1.PAK, Click the T button, Browse to Z:\GOW2PAL folder,Select GODOFWAR.TOC

8. Click the 1. Extract LBA, done click Ok

9. Clcik the 2. Extract File, just wait til all the file extracted,all the data file will extract to Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAK folder, and dont close the xpert2 tool

10. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, to the DUMMY folder and copy all of the files and paste all files into Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAK folder, Confirm File Replace , click "Yes to All"

10a. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, to the PSS folder and copy with the pss folder and paste into Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAK folder

i.e. Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAK \pss folder

10b. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, copy the move.bat app,paste inside the @NEW-PART1.PAK folder,double click on the move.bat file.













11. now run pssdownsample ver 1.01 , and goto Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAK\pss folder slelect all the 12 pss files,

drag and drop into the pssdownsample tool.enter Downsample Rate: 50%, Use Stream: Primary, Force ADPCM uncheck

12. click GO, wait til all the pss downsampled, you should get 215 MB (225,804,336 bytes) (all the 12 pss files) and click the Clear button

13. goto Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAK folder slelect all the 31 pss files,

drag and drop into the pssdownsample tool. enter Downsample Rate: 50%, Use Stream: ALT-1, Force ADPCM uncheck

13a. click GO, wait til all the pss downsampled, you should get 1.12 GB (1,209,237,628 bytes)(all the 31 pss files) and exit the tool

13b. goto Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAK\pss folder,select all the 12 pss file and move into Z:\GOW2PAL\@NEW-PART1.PAk folder

-easy sfv creater need to install

note :Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, copy this file NEW-PART1.PAK.sfv paste inside the @NEW-PART1.PAK folder and run NEW-PART1.PAK.sfv to check any file corrupted , if all perfect goto next step

14. now goto xpert2 tool, click 3.rebuild File, afte done you should get NEW-NEW-PART1.PAK 4.29 GB (4,611,221,504 bytes)

15. click 4. Rebuild LBA, you should get NEW-GODOFWAR.TOC. NOW close the xpert2 tool


17. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, copy this included FRE-GODOFWAR.TOC , paste into Z:\GOW2PAL folder


19. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, copy this included splitter.exe,split.bat, paste into Z:\GOW2PAL folder

20. double click on the split.bat file and wait unitl done.

21. it will splitted 5 parts

PARK1.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK2.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK3.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK4.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK5.PAK size 301 MB (316,262,400 bytes)

22. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive, copy this 2 files FCMD5-sums.MD5, filecheckmd5.exe ,paste into Z:\GOW2PAL folder and run filecheckmd5.exe, it may take sometime to check and done you will get this text Operation complete. 5 files tested.EVERY FILE APPEARS OK!

23. Go to the *GOW2PAL-FRE.rar* archive,copy this 3 files gow2palfre.iml , gow2palfre.ims and cdvd_iml2iso.exe paste into Z:\GOW2PAL folder

24. run cdvd_iml2iso.exe and browse the gow2palfre.iml,click Open button , click the Full Path button,browse to your Z:\GOW2PAL folder, click the Select button,and click iml2iso button.

25. after done,final gowdvd5fre.iso file size 4.29 GB (4,614,651,904 bytes)

26. now you can burn gowdvd5fre.iso image


PARK1.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK2.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK3.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK4.PAK size 0.99 GB (1,073,739,776 bytes)

PARK5.PAK size 3.01 MB (316,262,400 bytes)


gowdvd5fre.iso size 4.29 GB (4,614,651,904 bytes)



tous les outil pour riper le jeux ce trouve ici

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