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Ca y est la wii est hacké !! (Post Inutile)


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bonjour en me promenant sur un site de hack console,

je suis tombe sur cette article :





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We can't all be heroes because somebody

has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by



| |

| Game Title: The Legend of Zelta: Twilight Princess |

| Region: NTSC (usable on PAL with our tools) |

| Date: 6. Dec 2006 |

| Platform: Wii |

| Format: ISO |

| |



Please note, all the other -Wii and -XVZ releases are fake. We bring you

the real deal! It also isn't crappy clone, its cracked ISO which is fully

playable on both, yes BOTH NTSC and PAL systems.


All you need is a computer with a dvdr burner and dvdr disk.


How to burn working copy:

1) Unpack our release

2) Execute our tool and select if you want the image to work on NTSC

or PAL systems. Click "patch image". It also applies our crack to make

it bypass protection on Wii.

3) Burn the patched image with your dvdr burner.

4) Remove the case from your Wii console, otherwise dvdr wont fit in.

5> Insert the dvdr into your Wii and PLAY! Very Happy


HEROES maybe looking for

- Wii games suppliers from europe (no us or jap)

- 200mbit or faster sites with Wii section


If you want to contact us, you'll find a way.







J'ai lu les messages de ceux qui ont essayé et CA MARCHE !!!!! :love: :love:

J'ai envoyer des message au gars et ils m'ont confirmer que ca marche

certains par contre avec quelques probleme de son, sa saute

mais bon on y est arrivé c'est l'essentiel



la hack wii est en route cher amis:wahou:

j'attens ma wii vendredi et j'essaye ca

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:hein: déja??? :heu: des videos???? ptin, un peu deg comme meme !!! :snif: MAIS OU SONT LES LIENS !!! pff




shayan vbmenu_register("postmenu_849097", true);


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Date d'inscription: mai 2006

Messages: 1





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