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Eu et quel est le nom du bios neogeo?


Faite quand même l'effort de regarder dans le sujet, la page précédente je filais carrément le bon bios neogeo à utiliser alors bon, il est la:

















Tout ces miroirs vous permettrons au moins 1an de téléchargement possible.


J'espère que c'est bon là ;)

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Cps1 emu mame mais sans avoir besoin de la mémoire cache -->repertoire cache



cps2 emu mame mais besoins d'un repertoire cache car la psp n'a pas asser de memoire


Mvs l'emu neogeo donc pour celui la on a besoins du bios de la neogeo.


En fait CPS1 c'est l'emulateur Capcom Play System 1. (la borne d'arcade qui fait tourner street fighter II)


CPS2 c'est l'emulateur Capcom Play System 2 (la borne d'arcade qui fait tourner Marvel VS Street Fighter)


MVS c'est Multi Video System c'est les bornes d'arcade Neogeo

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Faite quand même l'effort de regarder dans le sujet, la page précédente je filais carrément le bon bios neogeo à utiliser alors bon, il est la:

















Tout ces miroirs vous permettrons au moins 1an de téléchargement possible.


J'espère que c'est bon là ;)



Sauf que t'as pas le droit de diffuser le bios d'une machine,y a les mps pour ca. ;)

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Salut les fous :P

Bon j'ai une question, quand je change le mode de l'emu MVSPSP et que je le met en mode AES , au lancement de l'emu j'ai un joli WORK RAM TEST et l'ecran reste ainsi , je suis obligé de faire start+select et de revenir pour que la rom se lance , s'agit il d'un bug de l'emu ou autre ? Est ce que qqu'un a une idee Merci :)


Au fait thairacer l'emu MVSPSP s'est arrete au 1.51 y a pas de 1.61 :P


MVSPSP 1.51 (final release)

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Sauf que t'as pas le droit de diffuser le bios d'une machine,y a les mps pour ca. ;)


Et pourtant on a le droit de faire des packs avec eboot (qui sont des bios de la même facon) ? Etrange... :)


Je cherche toujours les fichiers Dats qui vont bien avec l'emulateur


parce que les fichier Dat dispo en premiere page sont assez bon

mais il y a des roms qui ne sont pas suporter par l'emulateur et d'autres qui n'ont pas les bon CRC


Quel dats en première page?


Celui que j'ai mis est 100% idéale avec les roms neogeo (il y a des jeux en plus, suffit de pas en tenir compte mais) tout les crc32 des autres jeux sont justes et conforme à mame 0.111, Nj se base sur 0.107, je me souvient pas de changement dans cette version de mame niveau neogeo mais si c'est le cas j'en referai un c'est pas un problème ;)



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Nouvelle update des sources "1.63.1" (ajout de Hyper Street Fighter 2, le dernier CPS2. utilisation de roms phoenix pour y jouer, autrement dit de patch de roms destinés à faire revivre les cartes de jeux mortes à cause de la batterie suicide intégrée).


Sinon les readme Jap ont été traduits en US par Gieese, C'est pas tjrs les dernières versions mais c'est pas loin et suffit largement:


Je copy/paste histoire qu'on est tout ici:




                     NEOGEO Emulator for PSP 1.0

                           NJ (


This will be the NEOGEO (MVS/AES) emulator for the PSP.  Since the PSP
not having much memory, Games in large size may not work well, but all
games should work.

Directory Settings

Directory will be created automatically at the first launch.

     +- MVSPSP/  (root directory)
        |  |
        |  +- EBOOT.PBP    NEOGEO Emulator binary
        |  +- mvspsp.ini   software config file (create by emulator)
        +- cache/    (directory for sprite cache file)
        |  |
        |  +-   (example: Metal Slug)
        +- config/   (directory for key config file)
        +- memcard/  (directory for memorycaard)
        +- music/    (directory for play list (sound test))
        +- nvram/    (directory for SRAM)
        +- snap/     (directory for screen shot)
        +- state/    (directory for save state)
        +- roms/ (put BIOS and rom files here. (zip compressed)
        |    |
        |    +-   (NEOGEO BIOS)
        |    +-   (example: Samrai Spirits)
        |    +- ...

EAll ROM image files needs to be in compressed zip files.
 This cannot handle folder files, but without this limit, this
 should be working same as MAME.  Also, Rom sets not supported
 by MAME will not be supported here as well.

EBIOS should be named as, and placed in the roms folder.

EEach game's zipped file name should be identicle with MAME 0.106's
 ROM set name.

EThe CRC needs to be identicle as MAME 0.106's CRC.  ROM file name can
 be any.

EAlthough it is supporting hacked BIOS such as uni-bios, they are not
 recommended.  There are possibilities for some games which may not
 work properly.

Creating the Cashe File

 When reading in the ROM, and having an error message as
 "ƒƒ‚ƒŠ‚ª‘«‚è‚È‚¢" (Meaning:  Memory is not enough), there is a necessity
 of creating a cashe file of the graphic data.  Using the disclosed romcnv.exe,
 pleale create one.  For the usage of romcnv.exe, please refer to the readme.txt.
 Also, not like the CPS2PSP, if the cashe file is used, all games will have to
 have it's individual file.


¦BIOS's setting screen can be found by pressing the "L trigger" during
 running of the file browser.  Please first set the settings here before,
 running the actual game.   

 ERROR: CRC32 not correct. "Europe MVS (Ver. 2)" 

 If the above error message is displayed, this means the setting is not done

EExcluding Game Playing, and main menu screen, all menu, Control Help 
 can be launched by the "R trigger". If there are anything unclear, 
 please refer to it.

EIf wanted to change the game settings, press "START + SELECT" during game play,
 then this can be done.

EButton config during game play.
 Button swapping is possible. Below will be the default settings.
 Button pattern will be as NEOGEO Pad.

   Up       - Up or Analog Up
   Down     - Down or Analog Down
   Left     - Left or Analog Left
   Right    - Right or Analog Right
   Start    - Start
   Coin     - Select
   Button A - Cross
   Button B - Circle
   Button C - Square
   Button D - Triangle

 Special Controls
   START + SELECT: Opens the menu
   L + R + SELECT: Service Switch  (Can be placed to other button)

Changing the BIOS's Region / Machine Mode

EHave made this possible on Game configuration menu, this doesn't mean
 it will work perfectly.  For some games from the later end, by changing
 the settings here, may trigger the protect and by this, this might not
 work.  Also, using AES BIOS to play MVS games, this could trigger the
 protection, and make the game not working.

EIf wanted to change for sure, please try uni-bios v1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/2.0.

Concerning Japanese Resource File

EUn-compressing the enclosed will change the screen into
 Japanese.  If wanted to output the screen in Japanese, please copy the
 uncompressed folder into ngepsp folder.

Song list for sound test

EFormat will be as following.
 If Japanese Resource File is used, song titles will be displayed in Japanese.

 $title     : This will show the game name on the title bar.
 $pre       : Bank Number, 2 digits of Hexadecimal befor playback command.
              For most games, adding "07" will do it's job.
 $stop      : Playback Stop Code entry in 2 digits of Hexadecimal.
              For most games "03" will be reset code, and "20" for Stop.
 $start     : Song/Music list beginning.
 $end       : Song/Music list endding.

 Song/Music list will be inbetween $start until $end.  Please do not
 insert blank lines or comments.  It will freeze.  For the format, please
 use 2 digit values of "Hexadecimal" code, and then a space, and then music 

   $title=Metal Slug
   02 Neo Geo Logo
   2b The Military System
   2c Nazca Logo

 Have used MAME E2J's Bridge M1 list as reference for this.  

ETC / Misc.

EMemory Card files are created for every game.
 Also, memory card will be identified all the time.

EAlthough the following games works on MAME, on this emulator, it is not
 supported.  Also, no ETA on supporting them in the future.

 svcpcb    SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom (JAMMA PCB)
 kof97pls  The King of Fighters '97 Plus (bootleg)
 zintrckb  Zintrick (hack / bootleg)
 mslug3b6  Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 bootleg)
 cthd2003  Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)
 ct2k3sp   Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)
 kf2k2pls  The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (set 1, bootleg)
 kf2k2pla  The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (set 2, bootleg)
 kf2k2mp   The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus (bootleg)
 kf2k2mp2  The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II (bootleg)
 kof10th   The King Of Fighters 10th Anniversary (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
 kf2k5uni  The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
 kf10thep  The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
 kof2k4se  The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
 ms5plus   Metal Slug 5 Plus (bootleg)
 kf2k3bl   The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg, set 1)
 kf2k3bla  The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg, set 2)
 kf2k3pl   The King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)
 kf2k3upl  The King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)
 svcboot   SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom (MVS) (bootleg)
 svcplus   SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom Plus (set 1, bootleg)
 svcplusa  SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom Plus (set 2, bootleg)
 svcsplus  SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom Super Plus (bootleg)
 samsho5b  Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (bootleg)
 lans2004  Lansquenet 2004 (Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad bootleg)
 ms4plus   Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg)



EMerged CPS1PSP/CPS2PSP's source.
EChanged the rominfo format.
ELost 0.2.2 source, so created from 0.1.3
 Don't think the speed has changed.




                CAPCOM CPS2 Emulator for PSP 1.60

                           NJ (


 CAPCOM CPS2 (Capcom Play System II) emulator for the PSP.

Concerning the supported ROM sets

 Since this is following MAME 0.107, zip file name needs to be the same
 as what MAME 0.107 is asking.

 All ROM image file needs to be compressed as zip file.  Cannot handle
 files which are openned to a folder (uncompressed), so basically it 
 would be the same usage way as MAME.  Also, Romsets not supported by
 MAME, is not supported here as well.

 White displayed names on the file browser will all work.
 If it doesn't, that means what the ROM set asked is not the ROM set
 you have.  Using ClrMame Pro, or RomCenter kind of tools, please
 make your romsets same as MAME 0.107.

 But if you still need your romsets to be old, or use under a different
 emulator, edit the rominfo.dat using a notepad, but this is not 
 recommended.  If you don't understand the rominfo.dat, please do not
 edit it.

 Gray displayed names under the file browser, are games which hasn't
 de-crypted. (or not having the XOR table), and this will not be able
 to be launched.  Renaming will not work.  (Since the file isn't there).
 Please wait until MAME supports this.  CPS2 still have some waiting for
 decryption games, if MAME supports them, would like to support it here
 as well.

Directory Settings

Directories will be created automatically during first launch.

     +- CPS2PSP/  (root directory)
        |  |
        |  +- EBOOT.PBP    CPS2 Emulator binary
        |  +- cps1psp.ini  software config file (create by emulator)
        +- cache/    (directory for sprite cache file)
        +- config/   (directory for key config file)
        +- nvram/    (directory for SRAM)
        +- snap/     (directory for screen shot)
        +- state/    (directory for state data)
        +- roms/ (put BIOS and rom files here. (zip compressed)
        |    |
        |    +-   (example: 19xx)
        |    +-   (example: Super Street Fighter II (parent))
        |    +-  (example: Super Street Fighter II (clone: Japanese version))
        |    +- ...

Creating the Cashe File

 It is necessary to create a cashe file for all games.
 To create the cashe file, please use the attached romcnv_cps2.exe.
 The usage of this is written on the readme_cps2.txt of romcnv_cps2.exe.

 But compared with NEOGEO, any language version, the graphic rom is the
 same.  So, only the parent set creation would be alright.  Although,
 you can create them individually.

 ssf2t, and other languaged version are a special case, so please be
 cautioned.  This game, is like an addon of new characters, and background
 data to ssf2.  Due to this, the parent rom set will be ssf2, but the cache
 needs to be ssf2t, else, it will be created as necessary files not included
 cashe file.  When creation, place and in the same folder
 and select, and create one.


EExcluding the screen during game running and main menu, all menu can
 display the control help using "R Trigger".  If anything unknown, please
 try pressing the "R Trigger".  Looking at it, probably it is easy to
 understand, so, will not do it here.

ETo change the settings within each game, during game running, please press

EControls within game play.
 Button configuration is edit able.  Below will be the default settings.

 Belowed situation, if the screen rotates or swith R/L, the buttons will
 automatically be change accordingly.  So not that needed to be changed.
 EIf enabled the Flip Screen under Service Menu.
 EIf YES on Rotate Screen for Verticle Games.

   Up    - Up or Analog Up
   Down  - Down or Analog Down
   Left  - Left or Analog Left
   Right - Right or Analog Right
   Start - Start
   Coin  - Select

 2 Button Games
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Triangle

 3 Button Games
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Triangle
   Button 3 - Cross

 6 Button Games
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Triangle
   Button 3 - L trigger
   Button 4 - Cross
   Button 5 - Circle
   Button 6 - R trigger

   For Quiz games (Quiz Nanairo Dreams) (no pointer used)
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Cross
   Button 3 - Triangle
   Button 4 - Circle
   Player toggle - L trigger - L trigger

 Special Controls

 START + SELECT: Opens the menu
 L + R + SELECT: Service Switch (Can assign to other buttons)
 L + R + START:  1P & 2P START (Used under Service Menu)

Concerning Raster Effects

EIn the game settings menu, there is a topic called "Raster Effects".
 Under this, Line Scroll Effects, used on Stret Fighter II and such,
 can be enabled/disabled.
 This effect is pressure creating among emulation (since need to draw
 sprites for 1 line at a time, and the drawing amount increases 
 enormously) normally it is on "Off".  If you care about the glitches
 in the background, although the speed will decrease, try using "On".

 Also, when turned "Off", the glitchs created on the background is
 the right way, and not a bug.  Other than turning "On" Raster Effects,
 there isn't a way to have it correctly displayed.

Concerning Auto FrameSkip

 If disabled, the game speed will decrease, but if you want to play
 it stablly, disabling would be better.

 ¦ from 1.0, the default value is "off".


EUn-Compressed Cashe File's format have been changed again.
 This doesn't have compatibility with romcnv_cps2.exe, so, if using
 an un-compressed cashe file, please re-build it again.
ELine Scroll drawing proceedure's code has been simplified, and
 also optimized.


done in older ReadMeE trans.  Please see older ones.




                CAPCOM CPS1 Emulator for PSP 1.01

                           NJ (


 This will be a CPS1 (Capcom Play System) Emulator for PSP.

Concerning the supporting ROM sets

 Since this will be following MAME 0.106, zip file names must be
 the same with what MAME 0.106 is requiring.

 All ROM image file has to be in compressed zip file.  It cannot
 handle foldered files, so leaving that out, basically it will be
 the same as handling like MAME.  Also, games not supported on
 MAME will not be supported here as well.

 Game which are shown in white are the games which will work.  If it
 is not indicated in white, this means the required romset information
 differs.  By using CLRMAMEPRO or ROMCENTER like tools, please optimize
 your romsets to MAME 0.106.

 If using them on older emulator, or older MAME's romset is necessary,
 edit the rominfo.dat using a notepad and edit them, but this is not
 recommended.  Also, if you don't understand whats written on rominfo.dat
 don't bother trying further on.  

Directory Settings

Directory will be created automatically upon first launch.

     +- CPS1PSP/  (root directory)
        |  |
        |  +- EBOOT.PBP    CPS1 Emulator binary
        |  +- cps1psp.ini  software config file (create by emulator)
        +- config/   (directory for key config file)
        +- nvram/    (directory for SRAM)
        +- snap/     (directory for screen shot)
        +- state/    (directory for state data)
        +- roms/ (put BIOS and rom files here. (zip compressed)
        |    |
        |    +-   (example: 1941)
        |    +-    (example: Street Fighter II (parent))
        |    +-   (example: Street Fighter II (clone: Japanese version))
        |    +- ...


EExcluding Game Playing, and main menu screen, all menu, Control Help can be 
 launched by the "R trigger".  If there are anything unclear, please refer to it.

EIf wanted to change the game settings, press "START + SELECT" during game play,
 then this can be done.

EButton config during game play.
 Button swapping is possible.  Below will be the default settings.

 Under the belowed circumstances, the button settings will be changed syncroing
 with the screen, so not much fiddling around would be needed.

 ESetting the Dip Switch on Cabinet, 2Player control on Cooktail.
 EWhen Flip Screen is on "On" at the Dip Switch.
 EFor games with Virtical Screens, when setting the Rotate Screen on "YES".

   Up    - Up or Analog Up
   Down  - Down or Analog Down
   Left  - Left or Analog Left
   Right - Right or Analog Right
   Start - Start
   Coin  - Select

 2 button games
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Triangle

 3 button games
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Triangle
   Button 3 - Cross

 Quiz Game (no use of the direction keys)
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Triangle
   Button 3 - Cross
   Button 4 - Circle

 Street Fighter II Series games (Street Fighter Zero CPS Changer ver. included)
   Button 1 - Square
   Button 2 - Triangle
   Button 3 - L trigger
   Button 4 - Cross
   Button 5 - Circle
   Button 6 - R trigger

 Forgotton World / Lost World
   (Can't have a loop lever, so uses L/R trigger instead)
   Button 1 - Square
   Dial(rotate left) - L trigger
   Dial(rotate right) - R trigger

 For verticle games, it rotates the screen 90 degree to the right.
   Up       - Right
   Down     - Left
   Left     - Up
   Right    - Dwon
   Button 1 - Triangle
   Button 2 - Circle

Special Controls
   START + SELECT:  open the menu
   L + R + SELECT:  Service Switch  (Can insert private button settings)
   L + R + START:   1P & 2P START (used in Service Menu)

Concerning Raster Effects

EOn Game setting menu, "Raster Effects" will be placed.
 Here, Line Scroll (used in games like Street Fighter II), enable/disable
 can be setted.  Usually this setting will be "on", but this feature
 produces alot of pressure during emulation.  If you're not looking for
 screen quality, selecting this to "Off" probably would be better.

 Also, it is not a bug for the background being slightly off when the
 setting is on "OFF".  There is no other way than turning "ON" Raster
 Effects to prevent this problem.  

 On Street Fighter II, if setted to disable, the screen will collapse,
 but, on Street Fighter Zero, not much difference will be there, so,
 disabling might be better.

Concerning "Auto Frameskip"

 If disabled, the total speed of the game will decrease, but if you
 wanted to play stably, disabling will do the job.

 From 1.0, the default value is "OFF".

Concerning "Video Sync"

 Made it work better from 1.0.
 When enabled, some sound will be sacrifised, but screen noise should be
 better.  Games like King of Dragons, Character blinking per 1frame, type
 of games should be having this setting enabled.  Basically for games which
 is slow, then disable it.

 Recommended Video Sync Yes settings will be as following.

 Raster Effects      Off
 60fps Speed Limit   Off
 Sample Rate         11025Hz (22050Hz or above would be hard)

Concerning bootleg game support

 Although it has been supporting from beta3, from 1.0, it has been deleted.
 Basically with my emulators, only if the official version doesn't work due
 to encriptions, then supports, but else, don't support bootleg versions.
 The reasons for this is just because I don't like bootleg versions.
 Later on, will open the source out to public, so if felt necessary, please
 refer to MAME and create an addition.



EState Save not working properly on Pang!3 fixed.
EEmerged the source code of CPS2PSP/MVSPSP.
EMade the resource file's (such as rominfo.dat) extentions to .cps1


EChanged the C68K core the same to CPS2PSP.
EChanged Z80 Core to CZ80.
EModified some bugs of CZ80.
EBasical process is updated equally to CPS2PSP.
EDeleted Bootleg version games.
ERe-written the drawing process, now seems a bit faster.
EModified the Layer's pallet seperation process.
EAdded Save/Load state feature.
EImproved the process when VSYNC enabled.
EResearched and Modified the dipswitch values, for a better movement.
EChanged the DipSwitch's default value to "Yes" on Demo Sound and Allow Continue.
EAutoFire feature not working on Rotate Screen Yes, fixed.
EScreen Shot picture format changed to PNG.
EAdded Kernel Mode version.
EAnd other misc changes.


Converter cache:

Sprite Rom Conversion Tool ver.9 (for CPS2PSP)

Although a bit corner cutting, this is the conversion tool.

Collecting all un-compressed cashe and create

1. Double Click cps2conv_all.bat and launch.

2. Folder select dialog will appear, select the ROM folder.

3. Start the conversion.
  If the file cannot be found, it will skip.  Please wait until finished.

4. Within the Cache Folder, "GameName".cache file will be created.
  Copy this into the /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/cache directory.
  Copy the original ROM file into /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/roms

5. By Running the game, probably it'll work.

Collecting all zip compressed cache and create

1. Double Click cps2conv_all_zip.bat and launch.

2. Folder select dialog will appear, select the ROM folder.

3. Start the conversion.
  If the file cannot be found, it will skip.  Please wait until finished.

4. Within the Cache Folder, "GameName" file will be created.
  Copy this into the /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/cache directory.
  Copy the original ROM file into /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/roms

5. By Running the game, probably it'll work.

Selecting a game using un-compressed cache and create

1. Double Click cps2conv.bat and launch.

2. File select dialog will appearAselect the game's zip file which you want
  to convert.

3. Start the conversion.
  Please note:  If this is a clone set, Parent ROM Set must be within the same

4. Within the Cache Folder, "GameNAME" file will be created.
  Copy this into the /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/cache directory.
  Copy the original ROM file into /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/roms

5. By Running the game, probably it'll work.

Selecting a game using a zip compressed cache and create

1. Double Click cps2conv_zip.bat and launch.

2. File select dialog will appear, select the game's zip file which you want
  to convert.

3. Start the conversion.B
  Please note:  If this is a clone set, Parent ROM Set must be within the same

4. Within the Cache Folder, "GameNAME" file will be created.
  Copy this into the /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/cache directory.
  Copy the original ROM file into /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/roms

5. By Running the game, probably it'll work.

If the above doesn't work properly

1. Drag&Drop the game you want to convert to cps2conv.bat or cps2conv_zip.bat.

2. Start the conversion.
  Please note:  If this is a clone set, Parent ROM Set must be within the same

3. Within the cache folder, "GameName".cache (if used cps2conv.bat) or
  "GameName" (if used cps2conv_zip.bat) will be created.
  Copy this into the /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/cache directory.
  Copy the original ROM file into /PSP/GAMES/cps2psp/roms

4. By Running the game, probably it'll work.

romcnv_cps2.exe's command line parameter would be

EParameter order wouldn't be asked.
EIf giving a pass, will need it to be a full pass.  Using a double quotation
 before and after would be better.

-all: After launched, Dialog selected folder's file, supporting game will all
     be converted.  Selected pass would be ignored.

-zip: Creates zip compressed cache.

-batch: Batch Process option.  
       Won't make it pause after conversion.

Examples) avsp and qndream are zip compressed, mvsc and vsav are un-compressed.
         until vsav is finished it will not pause.

romcnv_cps2.exe "D:\roms\" -zip -batch
romcnv_cps2.exe "D:\roms\" -zip -batch
romcnv_cps2.exe "D:\roms\" -batch
romcnv_cps2.exe "D:\roms\"

Update History

- For CPS2PSP ver.9 -
 File's internal data will have a 64KB boarderline and be placed.
 ver8's uncompressed cache cannot be used.  Please re-create.


ChangeLogs (sources):



EWhen the floor was destroyed, and then fallen, the screen couldn't be shown properly in X-Men vs StreetFighter. This bug has been fixed.
Also, from his site, ( it had another sentence below the above,
·Probably there isn't anymore fatal bugs, so, binary updates seems to be ending. If this cannot support new games, then the possibilities for this project to end would be bigger.

ECPS2PSP's un-compressed cashe file format changed.
 Updated romcnv_cps2.exe to ver.8
EMVSPSP's, mslug4 should now work properly.
 Last fix.

EOn MVSPSP, memcard folder was created automatically, fixed.
EOn MVSPSP, using DEBUG BIOS, the screen was bugged, fixed.

EForgot to re-set state load's FIX bank on MVSPSP, so fixed.

EMVSPSP's final modification.
 Don't feel touching the MVSPSP anymore, if there's bugs, please modify yourself.

EMVSPSP's sound modify.

EMVSPSP's sprite drawing bug modified.
ESound test deleted from public binary.
EJapanese Font read process has been changed a bit.

EMVSPSP has been updated.  Changed the format of the cashe file.
 Now supports PCM cashe, so all game sound should be supported.
ENo changes on CPS1PSP/CPS2PSP.

EFolder openned un-compressed cashe file support.

EBrought back the Street Fighter ZERO3 masking proccess to the elder version.
 Haven't checked everything.

EHave re-written the sprite management process, and then it gave big improvements
 so, have updated this.  Under 3-S2, Street Fighter IIX's T.Hawk stage haven't
 reached 60fps, but now, it will work on 60fps.  (Although to achieve this,
 will need to use 333MHz, Vsync Off/Raster Effects Off).  Concerning Street Fighter
 Zero, probably it is playable with Raster Effects On.  MVS, due to memory shortage,
 haven't done anything.

ESome games on CPS2 couldn't turn in the coins, bug is fixed.
 (This seemed to occur since ver.1.02)

EHave added version check on State Data.  (During source merge, this was temporaly
 deleted, and was deleted all the way.)

EVRAM register process of Textures have been changed.

ECPS2's drawing process changed to use DepthBuffer from GU.
 Games which uses full screen masking process, such as, gigawingAprogearAdimahoo,
 some speed may have increased.
EUnder some games on CPS2, the masking drawing wasn't done properly.  Have updated
 the Cache File Masking Flags.
ESimplified the CPS2 timer process.
ECoin Counter will now be effecting the State Data for CPS1/CPS2.
EMemory Keep was done twice at sfix on MVS.  There was a bug occuring
 memory leak, and this has been fixed.
EChanged the texture to swizzle texture.
EUpdated C68KACZ80
EPSP's video process function has been modified.  Process itself as well.
EDeleted un-used tables, and made the memory a big larger.
EFixed the menu syntax errors.
EThere were some codes used for debugging, have deleted them.
ESome function names were changed.  (process as is)

EAs official, this would be the last release.
 From here on, would only use (mostly on CPS2), for current PSP feature experiments.


--- Older version

CPS2 Beta:

Concerning the Cache File (modified a bit on 1.30)
Normally, to save space, it was using zip compressed cache file, but from 1.30, have changed this to read un-compressed cache files from a folder (cache/gamename_cache)
Create a folder in the Cache Folder, called gamename_cache (ex: ssf2_cache), and place all the files created from romcnv.exe. Although the space on the memorystick will decrease, even MVC's can be played without any lags.
Have forgotten to write on the readme.txt (Gieese: will try later on), openned cache file will have the reading priority higher.
Since the playability is very different, have updated the binary as well. Please try games with open cache files if the cache files are big.
CPS1PSP only updated the version, no updates from 1.20.
Since there was a bug in CPS1PSP, have exchanged the source code and binary. To people who have downloaded, please do so again.

·Sorry for the wait. Bug Fixes has been finished.

Although thre are alot of changes, not much effect can be seen. Making the speed faster seems like impossible, so have gave up. As a result, the process of 70% is on video emulation. On CPS2, normal game would need around 1000-1500 sprites, and this seems to make things harder. Looking at it in numbers, it is about x2 of NEOGEO. Also, have used ME and done the sound mixing, but couldn't increase the speed. (seems as the speed went down due to syncronize process, and the sound became unstable) If you turn off the sound, this can be seen easily, you won't see much pressure. (Probably there will be a speed increase, for about 1fps or so.) Also, compiling on kernel mode, there are people thinking the speed increases, but it doesn't. What is does is, features like network, which requires the kernel mode, for processing, and memory availability only increases for about 300-400KB.

So, will stop CPS2 here for a while, and work back with the CPS1.

Had some bug reports on ssf2t screen... Although have been saying this is not a bug. It's only because the Cache file isn't created properly. Please re-create it using the romcnv.exe which is attached with the beta.
1. place it within the same folder as and
2. launch romcnv.exe, and assign it as
3. wait a while, in cache folder, will be created.
4. In the PSP's cps2psp cache folder, copy the created

Normally it will be the Left Picture, if creation was wrong, it will be the Right picture.
(Gieese: Don't know how to add pictures here. Plz refer to the above URL, the first 6 pictures there)

Changes (beta : bug fixed version)
·Updated romcnv.exe. For the following drawing fixed games, please re-create the cashe files.
·Fixed the picture process of the following games.
Street Fighter ZERO 2: Ranking win mark. (fixed)
Vampire Savor: Openning Demo, some priority was weird.
Mighty Pan(?)'s ranking up/down score's mask process isn't done.
D&D SOM, etherhorden battle, demo before wasn't shown properly.
Busloop2, some sprites weren't shown properly.

·Optimized the texture size of each game. Although have optimized so that it won't have any problems, so the speed won't change.

·If Sound was disabled, it will not read the PCM data.

·Now supports the paddle input of Busloop2. (same method as CPS1PSP's forgottn.)

·Changed the calculation method of the pallet. Fade Out seems to be better.

·Re-Written the C68K. (Crated a new M68000 core, but the bug fix didn't catch up, now using C68K. Since the speed doesn't differ, will be continuing using this, probably.)

·Changed to a customized CZ80 from Z80 core. Although CZ80 lacks some accuracy, but since it's not a sound driver like NEOGEO, probably there won't be much problem. Also there was a bug, so, have fixed that.

·Due to the above changed, state date compatibility is gone. Also, there won't be compatibility with the final version.

·Although this isn't a bug, Raster Effect Off created glitches in fighting games are gone now. But, since some drawing process are added, about 1-2fps speed drop is there.
There were some speed increase during the work, but due to this, it's like plus/minus zero.

·And other small changes were made.
*** End ***

*** Additionals Sept 11th ***
·Some games had screen drawing problems under the pallet process. Have fixed this and updated as beta2.

Also, forgot to write into the readme_cps2.txt, if using the TIFF loader, please insert the next. If using GTA loader, please DO NOT add since the use-able memory will decrease. From test5/beta, if this is already added, just change the first line as [CPS2PSP_3ccaece6] For this value, this can be found by using EBOOT_signature.exe.

#************************ ************************* ************************#
#* CAPCOM CPS2 Emulator for PSP beta 2 *#
#* LOADER: 0.98 *#
#* TIFF: 2.0 - YES : Only the small size games can be played. *#
#* GTA: 2.0 - YES *#
#* GTA: 2.01 - YES *#
#* GTA: 2.5 - YES *#
#* GTA: 2.6 - YES *#
#************************ ************************* ************************#
ebootname=CPS2PSP beta 2

Changes beta2
·Some games having problems with the pallet process. A fix for that. Other than the pallet, no other changes have been made. State data still has compatiblity with Beta version.


Les sources de NJ compilés ici (faut s'enregistrer) et en miroir la: (1.63.1).

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Et pourtant on a le droit de faire des packs avec eboot (qui sont des bios de la même facon) ? Etrange... :)




Quel dats en première page?


Celui que j'ai mis est 100% idéale avec les roms neogeo (il y a des jeux en plus, suffit de pas en tenir compte mais) tout les crc32 des autres jeux sont justes et conforme à mame 0.111, Nj se base sur 0.107, je me souvient pas de changement dans cette version de mame niveau neogeo mais si c'est le cas j'en referai un c'est pas un problème ;)



j'ai tester avec les jeu CPS1

il y a des jeux en trop et j'ai un CRC mauvais sur un street fighter.


En fait l'ideal serait d'avoir le fichier DAT qui va bien (avec que les roms suporter par l'emulateur)


Je sais que je suis super reloux, c'est plus pour faire style que par reel necessité

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bon alors moi je comprend rien je suit sou xp pro jai la roms marvel supert heroes vs street figther( euro970625) zip je la converti avec romcnv_mvs.exe puit je la met dans roms je lance l emu puit jessaye de lancer le jeux mai c en rouge et sa lance pas , pas de message derreur rien .,?
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